

Research of Optimizing Built Up City Area Landscape System Based on the Sustainable Stormwater Management

【作者】 杨青娟

【导师】 曹亮功;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 景观工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在我国水问题日益严峻的当下,构建兼顾减少雨洪灾害、资源化利用雨水、减少地表径流污染、保护水生物种栖息地等多个目标的城市可持续雨洪管理系统势在必行。城市绿地系统是其中必不可少的组成部分。本论文立足我国现实情况,探索在城市建成区通过绿地系统优化实现可持续雨洪管理的策略和途径。论文从梳理国内外历史经验开始,探索了可持续雨洪的发展过程,为我国的进一步发展厘清思路。通过定性和定量的多种研究方法,论文详细分析了我国建成区及其绿地系统的特点,分析了雨洪优化处理措施的适宜情况,并对优化目标设定、优化设计程序和软件模拟方法进行了研究。同时对雨洪管理景观相关的美学和安全问题也进行了研究。论文得出以下研究成果:(1)尽管城市建成区现状复杂,优化难度大,但可持续雨洪管理的建设必须覆盖已建城区,否则管理效果很难保证。建成区的优化常见三种基本模式,构建合理的制度框架,通过不同的模式,可以在城市发展过程中逐渐优化己建城区绿地;(2)己建城区建筑密度大、绿地破碎,传统的“分散、靠近源头”的处理准则并不完全能保证优化效果。成都案例研究提出“源头优化、远端补偿”的策略,在挖掘小尺度场地优化的前提下,补充城市下游、边缘的区域级优化措施,保证整体优化效果。(3)基于可持续雨洪管理的绿地系统优化首先应基于现状分析提出优化目标,采用科学的研究设计程序合理的分析绿地优化的可能性和途径。目前城市绿地系统的各种绿地类型有其适宜的措施,应该通过雨水管网和渗透传输等方法可以建立与更大区域,特别是雨水管网覆盖区域的联系,从而对更大范围的城市区域雨水径流进行优化。(4)通过SBE和统计分析方法提取了公众比较关注的视觉感知要素。并进一步提出随着社会对可持续雨洪管理和水资源保护途径的了解更加普及,人们的关注点有所拓展。通过公众教育比较,提出水体与措施工程相关的要素将会更明显的影响人们对可持续雨洪绿地的视觉感知。相应的设计措施和要点应贯彻到规划设计过程中。(5)提出了针对成都的优化目标设定和多级优化措施的方案分析,提出了通过场地、排水区域和周边绿地规划补偿等提高整体雨洪管理效率的策略。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, with the water resource problems of China becoming more and more serious, the sustainable stormwater management with target of realizing flood detention locally, reducing rain flood disasters, controlling nonpoint source pollution, utilizing rain water resourcefully, are very important for the city.The urbanization rate of China is over50%, and a large quantity of urban regions has been built.The research focuses on exploring the strategy and method of optimazing green system in the built up area to realize sustainable stormwater management.This paper study the history experience at home and abroad,exlopre the development of sustainable stormwater management. With the qualitative and quantitative research method,the paper analyses the characteristic of the built up city area and its greenland system,as well as the main landscape factors and treatment train with its optimizing feasibility. The research includs setting optimizing target,optimizing design process and simulation method with software,which leads to he following conclusion:(1) Although the built up area of city are complex and difficult to be optimized, the construction of sustainable stormwater management must cover the built up area, otherwise the effect of management system is very difficult to guarantee. There are three basic patterns of optimization.With the reasonable framework of managerial system,the green system can be optimazing gradually through different pattern.(2) The building density is very high in build up area which greenland scatter,the traditional principle of "Close to the source"is not sufficient for the sake of optimization effect. Case study of Chengdu proposes strategy of " optimization close to source with distal compensation" with the small scale optimization measure on the site combining with regional level optimization measures in the city’s edge,downstream to ensuring the overall optimization effect.(3) Greenland optimization should first address the optimizing target with present situation analysis through scientific and reasonable analysis of the possibility and measure of green space optimization.The experience of treatment measure are collected and explored. Diverse types of greenland of built up area are analyzed according to the treatment measures.The green land should built up connection with larger city area by the conventional rainwater system and ecological convey methods, thus a wider range of city regional stormwater runoff optimization can be realized.(4) Through the SBE and statistical analysis,the important visual elements of public are extracted.And with the development of sustainable stormwater system,the sociaty will have better understanding of this system which will influence the public awareness and perception. The visual perception will change,details about water element and construction will get more attention which sustainable stormwater management system greenland design should deal carefully with.(5) Research sets the Chengdu’s optimization goal and exlpored multilevel optimization measures.Based on the case study,the paper put forward the design strategy of site,local region,regional scale of Chengdu.It can be illustration for the other city’s sustainable stormwater system.
