

A Study on the View of Engineering Ethics of the Engineering Undergraduates

【作者】 铁怀江

【导师】 肖平;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 工程活动在提高人类生产生活水平的同时,往往也给人类安全健康福祉带来伤害或威胁。诸多令人震惊的工程事故的原因,既有认识的局限,也有工程从业者的价值取向问题。以工程活动为重要发展动力的当代社会,特别需要工程行为主体在复杂的利益关系中始终将“造福人类”观念摆在首要位置,自觉以正确行为履行职业责任。我国正处在工程大国向工程强国迈进、为全面建成小康社会而努力奋斗的关键阶段。我国工程职业化水平偏低、工程师声誉不高的客观形势,已经给我国工程界、工程教育界与社会各界提出了深刻理解工程职业责任内涵、全方位培育工程职业责任意识、各方面践行工程职业责任的重大现实课题。然而,作为职业责任意识培育起始阶段的工程本科教育,在很大程度上忽视了工科大学生职业道德教育;作为职业责任践行重要推动者的我国工程专业组织,在很大程度上忙于应付国内经济粗放型发展,致使工程自治水平偏低。中共中央国务院《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》(中发[2004]16号)明确提出职业道德教育是思想政治教育的重要内容之一。长期以来工科大学生的职业道德教育处于边缘化境地,职业道德教育内容针对性不强;工程职业道德研究还处于发萌阶段,工程职业道德教育尚未形成自己的理论体系。本文在深入调查和大量研读国外原文文献的基础上,在阐释工程伦理观定义、主要内容与逻辑层次的基础上,着力提出面向我国工科大学生职业道德教育的工程价值观即工程伦理观。论文第3—7章以社会主义核心价值观为基础,以辩证唯物主义为思想方法,阐述了工程伦理观的核心内容。第3章以人为本的工程造福人类观念,提出了以人为本、可持续发展的职业价值理想与追求。这一观念是工程伦理观首要的、基本的观点,它体现了社会主义核心价值观国家富强、社会和谐、生态文明的重要内容,统摄其余三个观念。第4章以诚信正直为魂的工程声誉观念,提出了职业判断客观科学独立的价值取向,以及诚信正直的价值手段与尺度,对工程人员提出了职业行为的基本道德要求。第5章以公平对待甲方为重点的工程忠诚观念,提出了公平维护甲方利益、统筹兼顾各方利益以及谨慎举报等行为方式。第6章以平等对待同事同行为关键的工程合作观念,提出了平等互惠、共享共进、尊重知识产权、开展团队合作等方面的行为规范。第7章工程自治与工程伦理观的践行,提出工程自治是工程职业道德的保障,工程职业道德教育是工程自治的前提。这一章探讨的是,工程伦理观实现的途径。论文的主要创新点如下研究视角方面,针对我国工科学生思想政治教育的薄弱环节即职业道德教育环节,以新兴交叉学科工程伦理学为切入点,结合工程职业的特点、工程实践中的伦理问题,从价值观理论视角与责任视角,为工程职业道德教育立论。二、理论方面,比较全面深入地阐释了工程伦理观概念,阐明了工程造福人类、工程声誉、工程忠诚、工程合作与工程自治五大范畴。三、实践方面提出,工程自治是工程职业道德的保障,工程职业道德教育是工程自治的前提的观点。因为,只有道德自觉,才能做到道德自律,从而达到自治。

【Abstract】 Engineering activities can improve human being’s level of productivity and standard of living, but they can also do harm to or even threaten human being’s safety, health and well-being. A number of shocking accidents related to engineering occur not only because of the limitation of cognition, but also because of the internal value orientation of the engineering professionals. In our modern society, with engineering activities as important driving force, it is especially needed that the subject of the engineering behaviors always put the "people oriented" idea at the initial position and therefore fulfill their professional duties without misconducts.China has stepped onto the crucial stage of transforming from a big engineering country to a real engineering power, and striving for building a well-off society in an all-round way. But the fact can not be neglected that the level of engineering professionalization is still very low, and the engineers are still not well-reputed. This is a major practical issue which calls for the fields of engineering, engineering education and even all walks of life to deeply understand the implication of engineering as profession, to cultivate the sense of engineering professional duties and to put into practive the responsibilities of engineering profession. However, the undergraduate education, which is the initial period of cultivating occupation consciousness, has, to a large extent, neglected the education of professional ethics, and as the important promoter in carrying out professional duties, the engineering professional organizations are busying handling the extensive growth of the economy and therefore leads to the underdevelopment of self-government in engineering.The documents of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have clearly stated that professional ethics education is an important part of the undergraduates’ideological and political education. However, for a long time, engineering undergraduates’professional ethics education has been marginalized, the contents of the education of professional ethics for the engineering undergraduates are not to the point, the research on engineering ethics has just started, and the theoretic framework of engineering ethics education has not taken shape. Basing on profound investigations and first-hand foreign resources, this dissertation puts forward the basic theory of engineering ethics, including the definition of engineering ethics, the major contents and their inner logic. Special emphasis is on the view of engineering ethics of the Chinese engineering undergraduates oriented professional ethics education.Chapters3-7illustrate the core contents of engineering ethics, which complies with the socialist core values, from a dialectical materialist perspective.In Chapter Three, the author puts forward the idea that engineering benefits human being, which is people-oriented and sustainable professional ideal and pursuit, and is the primary and elementary idea of engineering ethics. It governs the other three and embodies such important contents of socialist core values as the prosperity of the country, harmony of the society, and eco-civilization.Chapter Four is on the idea of engineering reputation with integrity as its soul. In this chapter, the author puts forward the value orientation that professional judgement should be objective, scientific and indenpent, and the value measurement of integrity. This is the basic requirement of professional ethics for those people in the field of engineering.Chapter Five is on the idea of loyalty to Party A."the master". In this chapter, the author puts forward the way of conducts that both the interests of Party A and other parties should be fairly considered, and accusation should be prudent.Chapter Six is on the idea of cooperation, the key to which is treating coworkers as equals. In this chapter, the author puts forward such rules of conduct as equality and mutual benefit, sharing, respecting intellectual property rights, and team work, etc. Chapter Seven is on the idea of self-government, with the engineering undergraduates’ education of professional ethics as the source power. In this part, the author puts forward that professional ethics safeguards self-government in engineering, of which education of engineering professional ethics is the premise.The innovative points of the dissertation are as follows:Ⅰ. The innovation of research perspective:In view of the weak point in the engineering undergraduates’ideological and political education, i.e. professional ethics education, this dissertation starts from the rising interdisciplinary field-engineering ethics, combines the characteristics of engineering and the ethics problems in engineering practice, and clinches its arguments on engineering professional ethics education from the pespective of value theory and that of responsibility.Ⅱ. The innovation of theory:It is for the first time that the author clearly puts forward the concept "engineering ethics" and has elaborated the five categories:engineering benefits human being, engineering reputation, loyalty, cooperation, and self-government in engineering.Ⅲ. Significance in practice:In practice, it has been put forward in this dissertation that professional ethics safeguards self-government in engineering, of which education of engineering professional ethics is the premise, in that only when one achieves self-consciousness in ethics can they achieve self-discipline, and then self-government.
