

The Research of China Financial Communications in Post-Financial-Crisis ERA

【作者】 戴硕

【导师】 罗以澄;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 金融传播是金融市场的相关信息借助媒体传导到受众(主要是金融投资者和消费者)的过程。在经济学和金融学的范畴里,信息被视作一种生产要素,是有成本的。西方对信息的考察,是从经济学开始的,斯蒂格利茨的信息经济学是其重要的理论依据。在媒体传播上,信息的功能和作用起着重要的影响,尤其是对于受众来说,媒体传播是其消除信息不对称的主要渠道。2007年国际金融危机的爆发,对世界范围内的金融市场产生了巨大的冲击,也促使危机后对金融市场发展和改革的反思。在反思过程中,众多学者普遍认为是金融衍生品结构的过度复杂化导致信息严重不透明,以致投资者无法获取有效信息并据此作出决策。因此,危机过后美国出台的改革蓝图,把增加透明度和放在了重要地位。在考察金融传播的过程中,如何加强信息传导的有效性是重点。实践证明,传统的财经媒体并不是金融传播的有效媒介,投资者和消费者通过网络和行情系统获取金融信息的比例也高于传统的财经媒体。尽管西方发达国家的金融传播已经有了百年历史,但是也没有解决媒体金融传播中的低效率情况。因此,危机后的金融传播的一个重要议题就是要对金融传播的信息层次和受众层次进行划分,根据传播对象和传播内容的不同,对传播手段和传播形态都要做重新的考量。这种以相同信息需求和相近信息接受度的人群划分,势必会为传统的金融传播带来困难。传统意义上的金融传播是单向的,聚合式的传播方式,没有办法对内容和受众群在同一媒体上划分清楚;更关键的是,由于受众金融素养的不足,无法对接受的信息产生有效的反馈。危机后,互联网媒介的发展迅速,社交媒体在全世界范围内迅速发展,群体性、近似性、信息共享、互动交流和群体智慧成为这个新媒介的重要特征。而这种特征很大程度上切合了金融传播的要求。同时,随着数码一代年轻人的成长,社交媒体逐渐成为主流的传播手段。在西方发达国家,交互式传播成为金融传播的主要发展方向。中国的金融传播当前还处在发展的初期阶段,可以利用新媒体发展的契机,积极推进、实施交互式传播,以实现跨越式的发展。

【Abstract】 Financial Communications is a process in which related financial market information is transmitted to the audience that primarily includes financial investors and consumers.In the world of Economics and Finance, information works as a factor of production, that is to say, information is regarded as cost. The West started to observe information beginning in Economics. Stiglitz’s Information Economics lays an important basis in information theory. Sometimes it is used in the research in Media industry; however, it is hard to affect media communication itself. After all, the origin of asymmetric information does not lay with the media. However, for the audience, the Media and Communication is one of the factors of information asymmetric. In addition to the deficiency of information and the audience’s processing inability, information delaying and distortion in communication would lead to information asymmetric.The outbreak of the international financial crisis in2007has had a great impact on the financial markets throughout the world, and has contributed to the reflection on the development and reform on financial markets in the post-crisis era. In the reflection process, it is believed that the excess complexity of the structure of financial derivatives leads to terrible information opacity, and as a result, it is hard for the investors to obtain effective information and make decisions accordingly. Therefore, in the unveiled reform blueprint after the crisis, the USA put increasing transparency and information disclosure in an important position.Therefore, how to enhance the effectiveness of information communication is a key point in observing financial communicating process. Experience has proved that the traditional media is not an effective media for financial communication, and it is found that more investors and consumers obtain financial information through the network instead of the traditional media. Even though the history of financial communication in developed Western countries is already a century old, the low efficiency in media financial communication is still a problem. Therefore, one of the important issues in post-crisis financial communications is to classify the information and audience, and consider new communication means and forms according to different audience and the content of the information.The classification of the audience according to the need for the same information and the acceptance of similar information causes some difficulties for the traditional financial communications, because traditionally financial communication is a one-way and aggregate method, and there is no way to classify the content and the audience in the same media clearly. More importantly, due to their deficiency in financial literacy, the audiences are not able to give effective feedbacks to the information they have received. In the post-crisis era, both Internet media and social media are developing rapidly worldwide. Collectiveness, similarity, information sharing, interaction and collective intelligence have become distinct characteristics of this new media. These characteristics meet the needs of financial communication largely. Meanwhile, with the growth of the new generation, social media is becoming a mainstream means of communication. In developed Western countries, the interactive dissemination has become the main development trend of financial communications.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 10期
  • 【分类号】G206;F832;F831.59
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】288
  • 攻读期成果