

A Study on the Legal Protection of Athletes’Eligibility

【作者】 乔一涓

【导师】 肖永平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 体育法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 对运动员参赛资格的法律保护几乎是我国法学界尚未关注的问题,参赛资格不仅影响到体育组织的自治管理,还与运动员参赛权以及相关权利紧密相联,更关乎个人的基本权利。通过对运动员参赛资格的立法规制和纠纷解决的多种途径消除参赛资格制度中不合理限制,既是保障运动员权利的需要,也是完善体育行业自治的需要。本文通过研究运动员参赛资格的一般问题,考察参赛资格制度的影响因素及现有保障措施,提出完善国际体育领域运动员参赛资格制度的建议和对我国运动员参赛资格法律保护的启示。全文包括前言、正文和结语3个部分。前言是对研究主题的概述、选题的背景与意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法和本文总体结构进行说明。正文共分为4章,分别是:第一章论述运动员参赛资格的理论基础,通过总结参赛资格概念的历史渊源,探究参赛资格的权利属性,分析参赛资格纠纷的种类和参赛资格制度,说明了参赛资格纠纷的主体和特点、参赛资格制度的制定主体,以及其他基础性问题。第二章探讨参赛资格规则对运动员权利的限制问题。它主要以《奥林匹克宪章》、《世界反兴奋剂条例》等其他体育自治规则或政策中的参赛资格规定为基本依据,通过对运动员自身限制、选拔机制、处罚机制和非体育因素的限制的考察分析,论证参赛资格规则存在合理的限制要求或条件,也有不合理的限制。这种状况不但对运动员参赛权造成消极影响,还损害其基本权益。从而引起,体育自治与外部法制之间的冲突与矛盾。第三章分析对运动员参赛资格法律保护的现状和困境。它首先概括参赛资格法律保护的发展历史,然后从立法规制或纠纷解决两个方面,分别考察在性别、国籍、选拔机制和处罚机制等方面现有的法律保护方式和存在的缺陷,最后,总结目前体育自治和外部法制对运动员参赛资格法律保护的不足,如自治规则的适用标准模糊、规则缺失、规定不明、程序规定不统一、缺乏有力的监督或执行机制;外部法制以程序为主,保护力度不够、保护范围较小、结果不稳定且不具有可预测性。与此同时,体育自治与外部法制之间的紧张关系也对运动员的权益造成损害。第四章提出完善对运动员参赛资格法律保护的建议及其对我国的启示。它将明确运动员参赛资格权利既受到参赛资格制度的不合理限制,又被内部体育自治和外部法律规制之间的紧张关系所牵制,并指出参赛资格制度的合理限制,是对运动员参赛资格实施法律保护的要义。然后提出通过法治的自治途径几个方面完善对运动员参赛资格的法律保护。再结合我国体育管理体制和体育发展的现状,探讨对我国运动员参赛资格保护的困境。通过吸收借鉴国际或其他体育强国的宝贵经验,不但促进我国体育法制的建设与完善,还推动我国权利保障体系的发展,彰显出我国法治化进程、提升我国大国形象、更为我国运动员实践“走出去”战略保驾护航。结语部分是对全文主要观点的总结,指出运动员参赛资格法律保护现状中的不足及发展趋势。

【Abstract】 The legal protection of athletes’eligibility has been hardly concerned by legal researchers in our country. Eligibility is not only important to the self-government of sport associations but also strongly connected to the rights of athletes, especially to their fundamental rights. The paper focuses on eliminating unreasonable restrictions in athletes’eligibility according to various ways of legislative regulations and disputes resolutions, which is the need of protecting rights of athlete and the necessary to perfecting sports autonomy. What’s more, the author studies on general issues of eligibility and surveys factors that influence athletes to participate in competitions, and recent measures to these factors, then propose suggestions to the legal protection of athletes’eligibility in international sports level and specifically to Chinese athletes in our special sporting regulation. The paper contains Forward, Content and Conclusion. The forward is the general introduction of the issue, purpose, research background, methodology, and review of literatures at home and abroad. The content is divided into four parts as followed:Chapter I of this thesis, I will demonstrate that some legal theoretical foundation of athletes’eligibility, and I will identify the idea or concept of eligibility and the legal attribute of eligibility, analyze categories of eligibility disputes and eligibility regulation. I will also examine parties and characters of eligibility disputes, and rule-makers of eligibility regulation or other general related problems of the issue.Chapter II entails the examination of limitations of rights of athletes in eligibility rules. It is mainly to analyze sports autonomous rules or policies on the basis of Olympic Charter and World Anti-Doping Code. The thesis then discusses some reasonable or unreasonable requirements or qualifications within eligibility rules from aspects of self-restraints, selection, discipline or non-sports factors. This situation will not only have a negative impact on eligibility right of athletes, but also damage their basic right, which causes conflicts and contradictions between sports autonomy and external legal regulation.Chapter III involves the legal protection of the athlete’s eligibility status and difficulties. It first outlines the histories or sources of legal protection for athletes’ eligibility, and then find faults or drawbacks on the requirements of gender, nationality, selection and discipline from the both side of legislative regulations or dispute settlements, such as vague standards of autonomous rules, ambiguous or inconsistent of regulations and lack of supervision or enforcement; as to the external legal regulation, the legal protection under it is prefer to procedural way but always not enough, the smaller scope of protection, the unpredictable result. Meanwhile, the tension between sports autonomy and external legal regulation has damaged legal interests of athletes themselves.Chapter IV presents recommendations to improve legal protection for athletes’ eligibility and its implications for China. It defines the eligibility right of athletes as unreasonably restricted by eligibility-rules system, and distracts by the tension between sports autonomy and external legal regulation as well. The author points out that the essential of legal protection for athletes’eligibility is to set out reasonable limitations in the eligibility regulation, and then suggests ways on rule of law during the process of self-regulating to promote the protection of athletes’eligibility. Combining with current situation of Chinese sports development and sports management regulation, the thesis displays plights of our athletes’eligibility and its protection. By absorbing valuable learning experience from other international sports association, it is not only to facilitate construction or improvement of the sport legal system in our country, but also promote the development of the right guarantee system, highlighting the process of Chinese rule of law, enhancing the image of our great country, even helping our athletes to be better for’going global’.The conclusion is a summary of thesis from main ideas in the previous chapters, addressing resent deficiencies and future trends of legal protection for athletes’ eligibility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期