

Research and Application of Anti-Misoperation in Integrated Dispatching and Control System Based on Extension Reasoning Method

【作者】 李功新

【导师】 周文俊;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 电力建设与运营管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着智能电网技术发展,国家电网“大运行”、“大检修”模式下电网调控一体化模式的变革,给现代电网一体化智能调控技术发展带来了新的挑战,调控一体化模式下智能防误操作技术支持系统的研究与应用,集中体现了调控中心调度与监控大电网能力的提升,保障电网安全、优质、经济运行与大范围资源优化配置。本文分析了目前调控系统和子站监控防误系统的现状,对电网调控一体化系统的业务集成进行了研究。基于D5000平台,研究一体化图库模的维护机制,将工作流的设计思想与调控远方操作过程相结合,构建远方操作的工作流模型,实现了上下级调控防误应用的一体化和信息共享。本文的主要研究内容包含以下几个方面:(1)对电网调控一体化系统的业务集成进行了研究,首次实现了调控操作、防误校核流程化全过程实时在线管控。提出电网调控一体化系统的调度/监控、指令票、操作票、防误校核等业务集成思路,基于D5000平台,研究一体化图库模的维护机制,将工作流的设计思想与调控远方操作过程相结合,通过对远方操作的工作流建模,首次实现了调度/监控、指令票、操作票、防误校核等应用的全过程统一管理及流程化实时在线管控,压缩远方操作管理层级,提高生产效率,提升安全管控水平。(2)基于可拓理论,首次建立了电力调控领域操作规则以及防误规则知识库,提出了基于菱形思维模型的智能操作票推演以及基于人工智能推理的防误校核技术。研究了调控操作票的智能成票技术,对传统的基于专家库的知识表示和推理机制的特点进行分析,对可拓理论进行研究,将基于IEC61970标准的电网模型作为实体对象,建立了基于可拓原理的电力调控领域操作规则以及防误规则知识库,计及电网调控原理、操作规程、使用习惯等知识的可拓展性,利用逻辑基元,按照菱形思维模型进行推理建模,设计了可反馈型推理机来驱动推理模型,解决了调度指令票/监控操作票的规则推理中固有的复杂问题和矛盾问题,系统具有较高智能化水平、极高的适应能力和可扩展能力。(3)研究电力术语的智能语义解析方法,首次实现了人、机、票三者之间的智能交互。利用明显特征术语优先切分算法,将调控操作指令切分成各类词元集合,形成指令各词元所代表的实体对象。利用语义模型,进行精确匹配,实现精确解析。(4)研究了拓扑防误分析理论,构建了防误规则专家知识库,实现智能推演式的网络拓扑防误。阐述了智能拓扑防误的理论基础,建立电力系统防误模型,实现了电网接线模式和设备运行状态的智能识别,提供了基于人工智能的防误规则推理实现方法并应用于调控指令防误校验和遥控操作过程。分析电网设备动静态拓扑关系特征,采用原理化的防误分析算法和站间防误逻辑的自动生成技术,实现智能推演式的网络拓扑防误分析功能。(5)结合调控防误业务特点,扩展IEC60870-5-104规约,首次规范了防误主子站系统之间的通信标准。通过扩展IEC60870-5-104规约,实现遥控防误的信息和逻辑规则交互机制。研发及应用了防误主子站标准通信规范,建立了调控防误主子站间信息校验标准机制,实现了调控防误主子站系统模型、唯一操作权和逻辑规则的信息交互。(6)实现了主子站防误逻辑的“源端维护”。研究了调控防误主子站系统图模数据的差异性,提出了基于模型驱动的解析技术和可配置的语义转换方法,实现了防误逻辑公式和防误参数的主动召唤和同步更新,自动生成防误主站逻辑规则库,减少了维护工作量,杜绝了由于防误逻辑不一致带来的安全隐患。(7)首次提出了用于调控远方操作管理系统的广域文件传输机制,构建一体化数据传输框架,实现“纵向到底,横向到边”的数据交互。广域文件传输以文件方式进行数据传输,提供了同步文件数据和关系库数据的标准接口,以多种方式灵活满足不同应用的交互需求;横向跨越安全隔离装置实现了EMS系统与OMS系统的信息共享,纵向实现了省调与地调的信息共享。有力地支撑系统运行,大大提高调度生产管理的自动化水平。本文所提出的基于智能推演方法的调控一体化防误操作系统,实现了一、二次设备远方操作一体化、调度指令票与监控操作票一体化、远方操作与防误校核一体化、电网安全校核与设备安全校核一体化,以及调控操作流程化全过程在线闭环管理。通过现场实际应用表明,该系统有效地解决了传统操作及管理手段不足的问题,使远方操作模式下调度、监控、变电三方的协同配合更安全有序,达到远方操作严密、可靠、高效的目的,产生显著的经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 With the development of the technology of Smart Grid, it brings new challenges to the modern power grid about integrated dispatch and control technology by the State Grid’s reformation under the model of "Big Run" and "Overhaul". The research and application on the smart support system to prevent misoperation and epitomize the ability of control center which can schedule and monitor large grids, and guarantee the security, quality, economical operation and optimal allocation of resources in a wide range.This paper analyzes the current status of regulatory system and sub-station monitoring system. It also studies the business integration of the control center for the integrated system of scheduling and monitoring. Based on D5000platform, this paper studies the maintenance mechanisms about the integrated system of graphics, databases and models, and combines the desigh ideas and remote operation, then builds a workflow model of the remote operation so that the integration and information sharing can be applied in regulation and error prevention of superior and subordinate. This paper includes the following aspects:(1) The research has been studied on the business integration of scheduling and monitoring of power grid, for the first time achieved the objective of real-time online control through the entire process in the operation of regulation, error prevention and verification.The business integration idea has been proposed about the integrated system of scheduling/monitoring, instruction tickets, operation tickets, error prevention and verification. Based on D5000platform, this paper studies the maintenance mechanisms about the integrated system of graphics, databases and models, and combines the design ideas and remote operations, then builds a workflow model of the remote operations, and for the first time achieved the objective of unified management of the entire process and real-time online control of process management of a series of applications. Having the purpose of compressing management levels of remote operations, the production efficiency and the level of security controls is increased.(2) Based on the extension theory, the knowledge base of operational rules and error protection rules are developed in this paper. The technology of intelligent switching deduction which is based on the model of rhombus-thinking, error protection, and AI reasoning is also presented.This paper studies the smart technology of operation tickets and analysises the characteristics of traditional knowledge representation and reasoning mechanism based on the expert database. Through the study of extension theory, the model of power grid which is based on the standard IEC61970as a physical object, a knowledge base which includes knowledge scalability of regulation principles, operation rules and habits is developed. It can use the logical primitives for reasoning and modeling according to rhombus-thinking. The base also designs a feedback inference engine to drive the reasoning model. Thus, the complex problems and contradictions which inherently exist in the rule reasoning of scheduling instruction tickets and monitoring operation tickets are solved. Compared with the conventional methods which use program code to achieve the technology of operation tickets, the extension deduction techniques can solve the problem of diversity and unevenness in different areas and applications.(3) For the first time realized the intelligent interaction among human, machines and tickets.By using the obvious feature terms to segmentate algorithm preferentially, it has to segmenttate the operating instructions of regulatory into a collection of all kinds of words, and then forms the entity object. By using semantic model to match exactly the parsing can be made more accurate.(4)Study on the theory of analysis of error protection, build up expert knowledge base of error protection rules and realize intelligence derived type network error protection topology.This paper expounds the theoretical basis of intelligent topology error prevention, set up the model of power system error prevention and implements the grid connection mode and the intelligent recognition of equipment running status. It also provides an error protected rule inference implementation method based on artificial intelligence and applied it to the control instruction error calibration and remote control operation. By means of analyzing the characteristic of the grid equipment dynamic and static topology relationship and adopting the principle of error analysis algorithm and automatic generation technology of standing between the false logic, an intelligence derived type network topology error analysis function is realised. (5) Combining with service characteristics of control error protected and the IEC60870-5-104specifications, the communication standard of error protection between the master station systems is standardiged for the first time.By means of extending IEC60870-5-104specifications, the remote control error protected information and logical rules interaction mechanism is realiged. Through research and application of error protected master station standard specifications of communication, is established. The information check standard mechanism between error protected master station. Realize the information interaction between error protected master station system models, the only operating right and logical rules are realised.(6) Realize the "source side maintenance" of error protected master station logicThe difference of figure modulus according to regulate error protected master station system is studied. Based on model-driven parsing techniques and configurable semantic conversion method, realize the active call and update of logic formula and parameters of error protection are realised. The logic rule base of error protected master station, reduce the maintenance work, eliminate the safety hidden trouble due to the logic inconsistency of error protection are automatically generated.(7)It is the first time to put forward wide-area file transfer mechanism used for remote control operation management system. The integration framework for data transmission, realize data interaction of "Longitudinal, transverse to the edge" is also built up.The wide-area file transfer is in the file way for data transmission which provides standard interface for the synchronization library data and relationships in a flexible way. It meets the interaction of different application requirements. It can implements information sharing of the EMS system and OMS system across the security isolation devices; It also implements the province and the information sharing. This support system operation strongly improves the automation level of production scheduling management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期