

The Study on Recycling Network Planning of Industrial Solid Waste

【作者】 李佳书

【导师】 范厚明;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 目前,我国工业固体废弃物回收处理面临着环境污染大和资源浪费多的两大困境。自1995年实施《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》以来,工业固体废物污染防治工作已取得初步成效,但总体上看,由于历史欠账较多,基础设施薄弱,经济发展方式粗放,工业固体废弃物的回收利用问题并没有得到有效的解决,面临回收企业规模化程度低,回收体系不完善;监督惩罚力度不够,经济引导不完善;回收主体间组织协调力度不够等问题,研究领域及各地实际应用也没有成型的研究结果。为此,建立一个完善的、系统的、科学有效的工业固体废弃物回收网络并提出保障该回收网络有效运营的合作管理手段是势在必行的。本文首先结合我国目前的工业废弃物产生量的相关统计数据指标,包括工业增加值、工业固体废弃物产生量、工业固体废弃物综合利用量、工业固体废弃物处置量、工业固体废弃物贮存量、工业固体废弃物排放量、工业固体废弃物累积贮存量、工业固体废弃物综合利用产值、工业固体废弃物处置成本等,指出未来工业固体废弃物回收处理形势是十分严峻的。再对比分析国内外工业固体废弃物回收现状和现有文献综述,提出现有研究中废弃物回收网络规划研究中存在的不足及有待进一步完善之处,提出研究的主要内容、关键问题、难点和技术路线,并在后续章节提出本文研究的六个基础理论,为后续的研究奠定基础。在工业固体废弃物回收网络规划中,首先,通过确定设施选址的关键影响因素和选址的对象、维数、数量、特征等相关问题,采用数学模型和综合评价法相结合的方法对工业固体废弃物回收网络设施进行选址,建立数学模型对其处理设施进行初选,采用遗传算法求解出初选结果;再把每一个初选点扩大到一定范围,选定几个候选点,利用AHP/Fuzzy法,结合环境因素精选得到最终选址结果。在以辽宁省为例的实例验证中,验证了所提出选址方法的合理有效性。其次,基于工业区废弃物的种类和特点,提出我国工业固体废弃物回收车辆调度是满载和非满载相结合的调度问题,建立了相应的调度模型,并采用蚁群算法求解。在实例验证中,以大连市为例对选址结果及所覆盖的工业废弃物产生点网络运营为例,构建了大连市工业固体废弃物回收网络车辆调度体系,验证了所提出方法和算法的有效性。选址和车辆调度模型的建立和算法设计为解决同类问题的设施优化选址问题提供了参考和借鉴。在工业固体废弃物回收网络的合作管理保障中,首先提炼出工业固体废弃物回收网络中的合作主体构成,分析各主体间的合作动力因素,并在此基础上构建合作主体之间的协调机制。基于博弈法对和主体间的利益分配,提出相应的激励措施,以实现工业固体废弃物回收网络合作主体间的紧密合作。继而构建一个政府监管、生产企业参与、处理企业运作的的一体化的管理体系。在政府监管层面,首先分析了政府管理手段对工业废弃物产生和回收处理的影响,并提出相应的法律法规、政策措施、监管措施、奖惩措施等;对工业企业和处理设施企业则提出了相应的管理模式,包括生产企业的预防模式、管制模式,资源化企业的运行模式和信息管理。该研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Serious environmental pollution and excessive resources waste are the two major dilemmas that China’s industrial solid waste recycling is bogged down with. Since the implementation of the "Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste" in1995, preliminary achievements have been made with regards to prevention of pollution caused by industrial solid waste. However, on the whole, the issue of recycling and utilization of industrial solid waste have not been effectively solved, owing to many long-standing issues left over by history, weak infrastructure and extensive economic development. Consequently, problems crop up with recycling enterprises with low degree of scale and deficient recovery system, inadequate supervision and control, unperfected economy guiding and insufficient organizational coordination between recycling bodies. China’s practical application and research fields fail to yield any research fruits as well. Therefore, it is imperative to establish a perfect, systematic, and scientifically effective industrial solid waste recycling networking as well as put forward effectively operated cooperation and management measures.We analyse relevant statistical datas index based on the current industrial waste output in China, including industrial solid wastes (ISW) Generated, ISW Utilized, Stock of ISW, ISW Disposed, ISW Discharged, Cumulative Stock of ISW, ISW Utilized, Output ISW Disposed Cost, and points out that the situation of industrial solid waste recycling is very serious in the future. Then comparative analysis of domestic solid waste recycling in the industry and the existing literature are presented, and some shortcomings and furtherperfect points in these present study are put forward. The main research contents, key problems, difficulties and technical route are designed in this paper. The six basic theorys for this paper are put forward, which are presented in the following chapter. The above lay the foundation for this study.According to the dissertation’s planning of industrial solid waste recycling networking, the method combining mathematical model and comprehensive evaluation will be adopted to select location for industrial solid waste recycling facilities upon the confirmation of key factors of facility location selection and related issues of location including object, dimension, quantity and characteristics. Preliminary location selection for treatment facilities will be conducted in line with the mathematical model to be built. Afterwards, genetic algorithm is to be applied to seek its preliminary results. The final location will be reached by using AHP or Fuzzy method while integrating environmental factors after the preliminarily selected location is expanded to a certain range. Taking the case of experimental research held in Liaoning Province, the above location method is proven to be reasonable and efficient. Secondly, based on the types and the characteristics of industrial waste, the dissertation suggests that the scheduling issue of vehicles for industrial solid waste recycling lies in the coordination between full loaded and non-full loaded vehicles. It establishes a corresponding scheduling model and solves the problem using ant colony optimization. Taking the location selection and the networking operation of industrial waste that the location covers in Dalian City for example, it constructed the vehicles scheduling system for industrial solid waste recycling in Dalian City, and verified the efficiency of the methods and the algorithm being put forward. The location selection and the establishment of vehicles scheduling models as well as algorithm designs offer great references to similar problems concerning optimized location selection for facilities.According to the dissertation’s cooperative management and safeguarding of the industrial solid waste recycling network, the extraction of the cooperative partners of industrial solid waste recycling network is to be made first, followed by an analysis of the factors of the cooperative motivation of each partner, and based upon which, the coordination mechanism between the cooperative partners is established. The corresponding incentive measures aiming at realizing closed partnerships between main partners of industrial sold waste recycling are put forward based on game theory and profit distribution. All these contribute to the establishment of an integrated management system under government surveillance and management participated by waste-producing enterprises and operated by waste disposal enterprises. In terms of government surveillance and management, the impact of government management on output and recycling treatment of industrial wastes are analyzed before the corresponding laws and regulations, policy measures, supervision measures, rewards and punishments are put forward. Besides, a series of management modes, including the prevention model and regulating methods of waste-producing enterprises, as well as the operating mode and information management methods of resource-based enterprises, are put forward for industrial enterprises and enterprises with recycling facilities.The study is of great theoretical and practical significance.
