

Study on the Speciation Distribution of Organochlorine Pesticides in Different Types of Soils

【作者】 徐鹏

【导师】 陈鸿汉; 刘菲;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当前,有机氯农药的污染问题已成为全球面临的重大环境和公共健康问题,其对土壤的污染问题尤为严重。本研究以近年来国内外有机氯农药的研究现状为依据,选取砂土土壤和粘土土壤中有机氯农药为研究对象,通过不同溶剂组合逐级连续提取的方法,采用气相色谱-三重四级杆串联质谱定性定量探讨有机氯农药在土壤中的形态分布及其影响因素。主要结论如下:(1)本研究建立了气相色谱-三重四级杆串联质谱测定土壤中有机氯农药的方法,经验证,该方法检出限低,线性关系良好,灵敏度高,定性和定量精确可靠,测试结果能够满足实际土壤样品中有机氯农药残留分析检测的需要;(2)本研究建立了土壤中有机氯农药样品采集、制备、混匀和保存的一整套方法,并对两种土壤样品的机械组成进行分析,得出两种土壤样品分别为砂土类土壤和粘土类土壤;(3)本研究对砂土土壤中有机氯农药的残留分布状况和形态分布规律进行探讨。研究表明,HCHs类和DDTs类农药在砂土土壤中主要以吸附态和残留态的形式存在,溶解态和结合态所占比例较小,并对砂土土壤中HCHs类和DDTs类农药的形态分布与其辛醇-水分配系数和溶解度的相关性进行探讨;(4)本研究对粘土土土壤中有机氯农药的残留分布状况和形态分布规律进行探讨。研究表明,HCHs类和DDTs类农药在粘土土壤中主要以吸附态的形式存在,溶解态、结合态和残留态所占比例较小,并对粘土土壤中HCHs类和DDTs类农药的形态分布与其辛醇-水分配系数和溶解度的相关性进行探讨;(5)本研究对不同类型土壤中的有机质、矿物质、含水率、阳离子交换量和酸碱度进行测定,探讨不同类型土壤对有机氯农药形态分布的影响。研究表明,土壤有机质和粒径大小对吸附态有机氯农药的含量有较大影响;土壤矿物质对结合态有机氯农药的含量有较大影响;土壤含水率对溶解态有机氯农药的形态分布有一定影响;土壤酸碱度和阳离子交换量对有机氯农药的形态分布影响不大。

【Abstract】 Organochlorine pesticides pollution is considered as an urgent risk toenvironment and public health on a globle scale, and its contamination in soils is evenserious. In light of the present research method, two types of soils were sampled,respectively from the sandy soil and the clayey soil, to study their organochlorinepesticides contamination. Various combinations of solvents were adopted forsequential extraction of organochlorine pesticides, and GC-QQQ-MS/MS wasemployed for the quantitative determination. The speciation distribution and itsinfluencing factors were discussed, and the main conclusions were drawn as follows.(1)A novel analysis method of organochlorine employing GC-QQQ-MS/MSwas established. It has the superiority of low detection limit, high sensitivity, goodlinear correlation, and acute qualitative and quantitative determination. And the resultsmet the standard of analysis of organochlorine pesticides in soil samples.(2)The soil sampling, preparation, mixing and storing was established. Themechanical compositions of the two soil samples were analyzed, and one soil is sandy,and the other is clayey.(3)The study on the speciation distribution of organochlorine pesticides in thesandy soil indicated that, HCHs and DDTs were primarily in the absorbed andresidual fraction rather than dissolvable and combined fraction. The speciationdistribution of HCHs and DDTs as well as the correlation between octanol-waterpartition coefficient and solubility were also discussed.(4)The study on the speciation distribution of organochlorine pesticides in theclayey soil indicated that, HCHs and DDTs were primarily in the absorbed fractionrather than dissolvable, residual and combined fraction. The species distribution ofHCHs and DDTs as well as the correlation between octanol-water partition coefficientand solubility were also discussed.(5)Various factors including organics, minerals, moisture content, cationexchange capacity, and acidity, were measured to study their influences on thespeciation distribution of organochlorine pesticides in different types of soils. The study shows that the absorbed fraction of organochlorine pesticides is highlycorrelated with the organic content and particle size; The combined fraction oforganochlorine pesticides is highly correlated with the mineral content; certaincorrelation was obtained between dissolvable fraction and the moisture content; noprominent effect was obtained about the acidity and cation exchange capacity on thefraction pattern.
