

Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions in Hailiutu River, Ordos Plateau

【作者】 杨智

【导师】 万力; 周仰效;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地下水科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 地下水和地表水交互作用关系是水文研究的热点领域,本论文在鄂尔多斯高原选择海流兔河开展地下水和地表水交互作用研究。首先运用Pettitt、CUSUM和RSI等统计检验方法对海流兔河水文情势变化和主要气象要素如降水、蒸发、气温以及耕地面积进行了分析。海流兔河流量可以分为1957-1967,1968-1985,1986-1991,1992-2000,和2001-2007五个阶段,从年均流量、最大流量、最小流量、流量变化幅度、周期性和流量历时曲线等方面对各个阶段进行了详细的分析,第一个阶段为近似自然状态,第二个阶段到第四个阶段由于受到水利工程建设和用水的影响,流量逐步下降,直到第五个阶段由于土地开发利用政策的变化河道流量部分恢复。经进一步分析,海流兔河水文情势变化的主要原因不是气候变化,而是受土地开发政策影响。在海流兔河支流补浪河上建立一系列地下水水位观测孔,测量河水流量的测流堰、自动雨量计、在河床中不同深度埋设温度自计仪等设备进行了一年的水位、温度、降水和流量观测。采用水力学法、温度研究法定性分析了补浪河子流域地下水和地表水交互作用关系;采用水化学和同位素法对降水时地下水和地表水相互作用进行研究,降水时河水中74.8%来自于地下水的排泄,只有25.4%的河水流量是由降水径流产生的,观测期一年的补浪河水中有96.5%来自于地下水的排泄;提出了一种利用电导率沿程变化的结合质量平衡估算地下水沿河道渗流量的新方法,经研究分析,虽然河水流量是从均一的砂层含水层渗流而出,地下水沿程渗流量仍然表现出空间分布的差异。补浪河子流域的地下水沿河道渗流量约为10.84m3/m/d,该方法适用于半干旱区以地下水排泄为主的河流,具有简便易行,受测量误差影响较小的特点。

【Abstract】 Identification and quantification of groundwater and surface-water interactions have beenmore important in the field of hydrology. This paper examines the flow regime shifts, changes inthe climatic variables such as precipitation, evaporation, temperature, and crop area in the semi-arid Hailiutu catchment in the middle section of the Yellow River by performing severalstatistical analyses. The Pettitt test, cumulative sum charts (CUSUM), regime shift index (RSI)method, and harmonic analysis were carried out on annual, monthly, and daily discharges.Characteristics of the flow regime were analyzed in the five periods:1957-1967,1968-1985,1986-1991,1992-2000, and2001-2007. From1957to1967, the flow regime reflects quasinatural conditions of the high variability and larger amplitude of6months periodic fluctuations.The river peak flow was reduced by the construction of two reservoirs in the period1968-1985.In the period of1986-1991, the river discharge further decreased due to the combined influenceof river diversions and increase of groundwater extractions for irrigation. In the fourth period of1992-2000, the river discharge reached lowest flow and variation in corresponding to a largeincrease in crop area. The flow regime recovered, but not yet to natural status in the fifth periodof2001-2007. Climatic factors are found not likely responsible for the changes in the flowregime, but the changes in the flow regime are corresponding well to historical land use policychanges.Multiple field measurements were taken in the semi-arid Bulang sub-catchment, part ofthe Hailiutu River basin, to identify and quantify groundwater and surface-water interactions. Aset of instruments such as divers in monitoring wells, temperature sensors at different depths inriverbed, raingage, river stage recorder in front of one weir were installed. The hydraulicsmethod and temperature method were employed for indentifying the interactions betweengroundwater and surfacewater. Hydrochemial and isotopic method was used for quantifying theinteractions during rainfall event. Measurements of groundwater levels at several monitoringwells and stream stages in the bulanghe river for a one-year investigation period indicatecontinuous groundwater discharge to the river. Temperature measurements of stream water,streambed deposits at different depths, and groundwater confirm the upward flow ofgroundwater to the stream during all seasons. Results of a tracer-based hydrograph separationexercise reveal that, even during heavy rainfall events, groundwater contributes much more tothe increased stream discharge than direct surface runoff. The groundwater discharge occupied74.8%of total discharge while the runoff took25.2%, respectively. The baseflow index is0.965,which means almost96.5%of the river water came from the groundwater discharge. Spatially-distributed groundwater seepage along the stream was estimated using mass balance equationswith electrical conductivity measurements during a constant salt injection experiment. Calculatedgroundwater seepage rates showed surprisingly large spatial variations for a relativelyhomogeneous sandy aquifer. The estimated average groundwater seepage is10.84m3/m/d. Thecombined method for estimating groundwater seepage has comparably less uncertainty and cost,which is suitable for the gaining reach in semi aird region.
