

The Study of Comprehensive Exploration Methods for the Prediction of Concealed Fluorite Deposit in East China

【作者】 方乙

【导师】 张寿庭;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 萤石矿是我国重要的非金属矿产资源。随着萤石矿露头矿的发现殆尽,覆盖区找矿将是未来萤石矿接替资源的主要找矿方向。本文以中国内蒙古东部地区和浙江地区中—低温热液裂隙充填型萤石矿为例,通过多光谱遥感技术、多种轻便物化探仪器方法的有效性试验与推广实践,总结萤石矿隐伏矿体定位预测的有效技术方法组合,建立地物化遥综合找矿模型及勘查模式,为大面积第四系浅覆盖区萤石矿体定位预测提供理论指导与技术方法支撑。研究取得如下主要成果:1、开展地-物-化-遥联合攻关,首次有针对性地采用多种轻便、快捷的物化探技术方法进行萤石矿隐伏矿体定位预测的有效性试验及其配套方案的系统研究,包括高分辨率多光谱遥感技术(WorldView-2)、甚低频电磁法(VLF-EM)、便携式X射线荧光分析、地面伽玛能谱测量、高精度磁法以及偏提取地球化学等。系统阐述了每种方法的应用原理、影响因素、技术方案,并在有效性实例剖析的基础上,总结了各自的应用效果和不足之处。2、依托地-物-化-遥综合研究和技术方法有效性试验,系统建立了隐伏萤石矿体定位预测的综合找矿模型,总结了包括地质、地貌、遥感影像、甚低频电磁法、便携式X射线荧光分析、地面伽玛能谱测量、高精度磁法测量、偏提取地球化学测量等8个方面的找矿标志和异常特征。3、根据隐伏矿床地质特征,探讨并总结了分带型和掩埋型两类隐伏萤石矿找矿预测的优化技术方法组合,在此基础上,进一步研究总结了找矿勘查模式:①地质研究与高分辨率多光谱遥感技术相结合——缩小找矿靶区;②靶区内甚低频电磁法快速扫面——了解异常展布;③异常带内便携式X射线荧光分析和偏提取地球化学测量——判析异常含矿性。4、开展了隐伏萤石矿找矿预测技术方法的推广应用,并在找矿实践中取得较显著的成效,分别在内蒙古林西俄力木台、敖汉小四家两个找矿靶区圈定3条具有良好找矿潜力的萤石矿化异常带。

【Abstract】 Fluorite is an important nonmetallic mineral resource. As the decreasing of oreoutcrops, the exploration of fluorite will transfer to the coverage area. Using theeffective test and promotion-practice of multispectral remote sensing technology andvarious geophysical-geochemical exploration instruments, this paper, taking themeso-epithermal fracture filling type fluorite deposit in the eastern Inner Mongoliaand Zhejiang Province in China as an example, summarized effectivetechnology-method portfolio of the forecasting of concealed ore-body of fluoritedeposit and built comprehensive exploration model based ongeology-geophysics-geochemistry and remote sensing. This will offer theoreticalguidance and technology-method support for the forecasting of fluorite deposit inlarge shallow Quaternary covering areas. The main results include:1. It is the first time that multiple methods of geophysics-geochemical-remotesensing is introduced systematically to the prediction of concealed fluorite. Themethods of effective test included high resolution multispectral remote sensingtechnology, Very low Frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM), Portable X-RayFluorescence (PXRF), ground gamma-ray spectrometry, high precision magnetometry,geochemistry of partial extraction and so on. This paper discussed the applicationprinciple, influence factors, technology solutions and so on, and summarized theirapplication effect and defects on the basis of effective test cases of every method.2. On the basis of comprehensive study of geology, geophysics, geochemistryand remote sensing, the study systematically built the comprehensive model for theprediction of concealed fluorite deposit. It included eight indicators of deposit ofgeology, geomorphology, remote-sensing image, VLF-EM, PXRF, ground gamma-rayspectrometry, high-precision magnetometry and partial extraction of geochemistry.3. According to the ore deposit geological characteristics, this study discussedand summarized optimized comprehensive method respectively for two kindsconcealed fluorite deposit: zoned concealed fluorite deposit and covered concealedfluorite deposit. Based on this classification, an exploration mode was summarized. Firstly, combining geology study and high resolution multispectral remote sensing tonarrow the prospecting area; Secondly, using VLF-EM sweep measurement toidentify the distribution of anomaly and thirdly, using PXRF and geochemical soilpartial extraction to distinguish mineralized anomaly.4. Comprehensive methods for prediction of concealed deposit was applied inmore covered area and yielded significant results. Three mineralized zones with hugeresource potentiality was predicted of two target areas in Linxi Elimutai and AohanXiaosija in Mogolia.
