

Study on Design and Experiment of ITER Cryostat Feed-through Considering Electromagnetic and Thermal Coupling

【作者】 葛剑

【导师】 赵韩;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 国际热核聚变实验堆(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,简称ITER)的目标是通过国际合作,研制一个可自持燃烧的托卡马克可控聚变试验堆装置,为和平、安全利用聚变能进行科学探索和研究。ITER过渡馈线(CryostatFeed-Through,简称CFT)作为馈线系统的一个重要组成部分,是核聚变装置的关键部件之一。因此,对过渡馈线及其关键部件的设计进行研究是十分必要的。本文对过渡馈线和国内外主要托卡马克装置冷屏的研究现状进行了广泛的调研,参照ITER总体设计的相关文档,制定了过渡馈线的设计准则、材料选择原则等。针对CFT冷屏结构复杂和有多场作用的特点,对其进行了热、电磁以及耦合分析和实验研究。完成的主要研究工作和成果如下:(1)针对CFT冷屏的设计,综合运用电磁学理论、热力学理论、耦合分析理论、有限元理论、计算机辅助工程、机械设计等学科知识,建立了考虑多场耦合分析、加工制造和实验的冷屏设计方法。通过热学实验,对冷屏的热分析进行了验证。(2)综合运用公式计算和有限元仿真对CFT冷屏各个参数作了详细的设计与分析,通过对比分析各个设计方案,最终确立了CFT冷屏的各个设计参数。对冷屏的焊接方式进行了筛选,通过焊接实验,确定了冷屏冷却管的焊接方案。(3)对于CFT冷屏的电磁分析,提出了解析法与有限元法相结合的分析方法。分别通过这两种方法计算得到了冷屏上磁场分布、涡流分布等一系列的电磁分析数据,对比了两种方法的计算结果,较为接近的计算结果验证了计算方法的可行性和计算结果的正确性。(4)针对CFT冷屏的热分析,详细阐述了CFT冷屏的热源以及传热方式,理论计算出了辐射热流密度和对流换热系数等参数。将电磁分析中得到的焦耳热作为热源计入热分析中,完成了CFT冷屏的电磁—热局部耦合分析。(5)将多场耦合的分析理论引入到CFT冷屏的分析中,制定了CFT冷屏的多场耦合分析方法。在电磁和电磁—热局部耦合分析的基础上,将电磁力和温度载荷代入结构分析中,完成了CFT冷屏的电磁—热—结构全局耦合分析。(6)深入研究了CFT冷屏的多层绝热,分析和计算了多层绝热中的热辐射、热对流和热传导的热量损失。对冷屏的表面镀银工艺以及镀银后在低温下的发射率进行了对比实验,为以后聚变装置馈线冷屏的表面处理提供了详尽可靠的实验数据与可借鉴方案。

【Abstract】 The goal of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor(ITER)is to developa controllable Tokamak device, which is self-sustaining combustion, for scientificexploring and studying fusion energy peacefully and safely through internationalcooperation. As an important part of ITER Feeder System, Cryostat Feed-Through(CFT)is one of the key parts of fusion device. So, it is necessary to study CFT and itskey parts.In this paper, the research status of CFT and major domestic and foreign tokamakthermal shields is extensively investigated. Design criteria and material selectionprinciples for CFT are established referring to the overall design of ITER-relateddocuments. According to CFT thermal shield characteristics of complex structure andmulti-field effect, thermal, electromagnetic and coupling analysis and experimentalresearches are carried out. The main research work and achievements accomplished areas follows:(1)Regarding to the design of CFT thermal shield, a design method consideringmulti-field coupling analysis, manufacturing and experiment is established bycomprehensively using of electromagnetic theory, thermodynamics, coupled analysistheory, finite element theory, computer-aided engineering, mechanical design and otherdisciplines of knowledge. Furthermore, the thermal analysis of Thermal shield isverified through thermal experiment.(2)The parameters of CFT thermal shield are designed and analyzed in detail bycomprehensively using of formula calculation and finite element simulation, andestablished ultimately through comparative analysis of each design scheme. In addtion,welding types are filtered and the welding program of cooling pipes is determined bywelding experiments.(3)For the electromagnetic analysis of CFT thermal shield, a combined analysismethod of analytical method and FEM is proposed and the electromagnetic analysisdata of magnetic field and eddy current distribution are obtained. The feasibility ofcalculation method and the correctness of calculated results are validated by comparingthe calculated results of two methods.(4)With regard to the thermal analysis of CFT thermal shield, heat source and heattransfer mode of CFT thermal shield are expounded in detail. Then, heat flux density of radiation and heat transfer coefficient of convection are calculated. Finally, theelectromagnetic-thermal partial coupling analysis of CFT thermal shield is finished bycrediting the joule heat from electromagnetic analysis as heat source in thermal analysis.(5)By introducing multi-field coupling analysis theory into the analysis of CFTthermal shield, a multi-field coupling analysis method for CFT thermal shield isdeveloped. On the basis of electromagnetic and electromagnetic partial couplinganalysis, the analysis of electromagnetic-thermal-structural global coupling for CFTthermal shield is completed by putting electromagnetic force and temperature loads intostructural analysis.(6)The multi-layer insulation of thermal shield has been studied deeply and the heatloss of heat radiant, heat conduction and heat convection is analyzed and calculated.Detailed comparative experiments of thermal shield for sliver plating process andsilvered surface emissivity at low temperature are conducted, which can providedetailed and reliable experimental data and referential program for thermal shieldsurface treatment of future tokamak device.
