

Taoist Philosophy and Landscape Art

【作者】 蒋伟

【导师】 徐仪明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 道家哲学和山水艺术是中国传统文化中的两大重要成就,在世界文化史上都具有独特的地位和深远的影响。而且二者之间还有着密切的关联。道家哲学本非专注于艺术,却成为中国艺术精神的灵魂,尤其对中国的山水艺术产生了全面而深刻的影响。山水艺术在发展演进、哲学精神、艺术旨趣上,与道家哲学始终贯通一致。本文通过发掘道家哲学与山水艺术之间的“山水之缘”,系统研寻二者之间的哲学关联,结合儒释对山水艺术的影响进行深入比较,探究道家哲学是山水艺术的灵魂。这对弘扬中国优秀文化,重建其现代价值是极有意义的。山水是联结道家哲学与山水艺术的一个关键机缘。“山水,在古代,作为自然的代称,具有自然的总体特征,代表着天地万物的根本品性。”从老子的“道法自然”、“上善若水”中山水的出场,到山水成为庄子实现“逍遥游”的媒介,再到魏晋道家“性好山水,,促进了山水审美的独立。山水,始终是道家摒弃“言语”之后对道的最诗意的表达。所以,道家的山水思想,是道家从自然山水中寻求生命意义与宇宙精神的本质观念的统称,体现了山水情怀与道为一的哲学精神。从更广阔的意义上来说,山水,这对立于天地之间的阴阳范畴,已经成为道家哲学的一个重要象征。本文在道家哲学的基础上建构了山水思想的三个基本范畴“道”、“气”、“象”,这是道家哲学与山水艺术内在关联的精神内核。同时,山水思想的彰显也引发了山水艺术与道家哲学的自觉结合。通过山水艺术“寄情山水”的发生机制,“天人合一”的审美指向,以及“乐生达生,,的精神追求三个方面,来阐发山水艺术与道家哲学之缘。山水艺术与道家哲学具有深刻的内在关联,道家哲学精神在山水艺术中得以全面呈现。道家哲学精神也通过山水思想的“道’“气”、“象,,的哲学范畴衍发至山水艺术之中,从山水艺术表现出来的“以形媚道”的实践主旨、“气韵生动”的生命主题、“大象无形,,的总体范式中,可以见出山水艺术中的道家哲学主题。接着从山水艺术表现出来的崇尚自然、虚以致静、身与物化、得意忘言、素朴玄淡的艺术特征,以及创作主体所具有的道家品格中,道家的哲学精神在山水艺术中得以全面的确立。并通过道家哲学对山水诗、山水画,山水园林这三种山水艺术的具体影响,进一步说明道家哲学与山水艺术存在着内在的一致性。道家哲学在山水艺术中具有主导性地位。这是本文提出并要论证的一个重要观点。在中国哲学体系中,儒、禅也有较为丰富的山水思想,对山水艺术的发展也起了一定的作用。儒家的山水比德,禅宗的山水参禅,投射在山水艺术中呈现出相应的艺术意趣,对山水艺术的哲学内涵与艺术价值起了一定的补充作用。通过道家与儒家、道家与禅宗和山水艺术之间关系的比较,我们可以更深入地了解到道家对山水艺术影响的深刻性和广泛性。一方面,儒家“山水比德,,的观念,投射在山水艺术中,刻下了一道伦理的印痕。从艺术性上来看,这种根深蒂固的伦理规定反而局限了它对山水艺术的主导作用。相比之下,道家的山水思想始终洋溢着生命与自由的诗意,赋予了山水艺术以永恒的生命力和艺术价值。另一方面,廓清道、禅与山水艺术的关系,对明确山水艺术的核心精神,十分关键。禅宗作为道家化的佛教,受道家的影响很深,从禅宗效法道家以山水悟佛理,到禅宗投射在山水艺术中的艺术意蕴,都是对道家思想的一种融汇。因此,在山水艺术这个领域里仍是体现了道家哲学的主干地位。道家山水艺术具有独特的现代价值。道家哲学与山水艺术是传统文化向现代文明转型的积极参与者。在这个工业文明特别发达的时代,人与自然的对立日益激化,已经成为全世界面临的重要问题。所以,本论文的意义与价值在于进一步彰显道家的山水情怀和艺术精神,引导人类从思想上意识到人与自然和谐相处的重要性,这对人类重建与自然的亲和关系,从而走出生态困境,开辟了一个新的研究视域。

【Abstract】 Taoist philosophy and landscape art are the two most important achievements in Chinese traditional culture, have a unique position and far-reaching impact in the history of world culture. And there is a close correlation between the two. Taoist philosophy no focuses on the art Originaly, but has become the spiritual soul of Chinese art, and especially produced the profound influence for Chinese landscape art. In the development of landscape art, philosophy spiritual, artistic purport, and Taoist philosophy always is same. In this paper, through exploring "origin of Shanshui" between Taoist philosophy and landscape art, Systematic research to find philosophical relevance between the two,combined with depth comparison about influence of Confucianism,Buddhism and landscape art,explore that Taoist philosophy is the soul of landscape art. This is very meaningful for the promotion of Chinese culture and rebuilding its modern value.Shanshui is a key relevance about Taoist philosophy and landscape art."Shanshui, in ancient times, as an antonomasia of nature, has the general characteristics of natural, represents the fundamental character of all things." From the emergence of Shanshui in Lao Zi’s "Way models itself on nature ","Flexibility as a sublime virtue", to that the Shanshui becomes the media of Zhuang zi’s " Happy Excursion ", to the Wei and Jin dynasty, Taoist "love Shanshui" promotes the independence of landscape aesthetic. Shanshui, always is the most poetic expression of the Taoism after Taoist abandon the "language". Therefore Taoist shanshui thought, is a general term that Taoist seeks the meaning of life and the concept of the universe spirit from the natural landscape, embodies the philosophical spirit of landscape feelings and Taoism. From a broader sense, this category of yin and yang standing between heaven and earth, has become a symbol of Taoist philosophy. And then on the basis of Taoist philosophy to construct three core Category of "Tao","Qi","image". These are the spiritual core of inherent relationship of Taoist philosophy and landscape art. Meanwhile, the highlighting of landscape thought has also triggered a conscious combination of landscape art and Taoist philosophy. By landscape art’s the Zenism of "Loving Natural Landscape", the aesthetic guidance of "unity of man with Heaven", as well as spiritual pursuit of "Le sheng Dasheng" to elucidate the relation of landscape art and Taoist philosophy.Landscape art is associated with Taoist philosophy profoundly, Taoist philosophy unfold entiretily in landscape art, and had a profound impact about landscape art. Taoist philosophy spirit reach to landscape art through the philosophical category of shanshui ideas "Tao","Qi","image". We can see Taoist philosophy topics of the landscape art, from the practice gist of "show Tao with shape", life themes of "vivid charm", and the general mode of "image without shape". Taoist philosophy spirit has been fully established in the landscape art from the artistic features of Nature worship, Void-quietness, Transformation of things, Catching meaning while forgetting words, Simplicity and Elegant in landscape art, and Taoist personality of the creative subject. Through the specific impact of Taoist philosophy on the landscape poetry, landscape painting, landscape garden landscape art, further interpret that Taoist philosophy and the landscape arts have an inherent consistency. Taoist philosophy has a dominant position in the landscape art. This is an important point of this paper to demonstrate. Confucianism, Zen also has abundant ShanShui thoughts in the system of Chinese Philosophy system, and has played a certain role to the development of landscape arts. Confucianism’s figural virtue with shanshui, Zen’s Sit in deep meditation with shanshui, shows the corresponding artistic charm in the landscape arts, and plays a supplementary role on the philosophy connotation and art value of landscape arts. This is undeniable. We can more deeply understand the profound and extensive influence of Taoist on landscape art by comparing the relationship between Taoism and Confucianism, Taoism and Zen with the art of landscape. On the one hand, Confucian " figural virtue with shanshui " concept, carved a Ethics in the landscape arts. But this ingrained Ethical rules limitate its leading role in landscape art from artistic quality. In contrast, the Taoist shanshui thought has always been filled with a life and liberty poetic, and given the landscape arts with eternal vitality and artistic value. On the other hand, Clarifing the relationship between Taoism, Zen with landscape arts that makes clear the core spirit of the landscape art, is the key. Zen is influenced by Taoism. From Zen’s imitating Taoist’s understanding Buddhism with shanshui, and Zen’s projecting art meaning to landscape arts, all is a blend of Taoism. Therefore, the main position of Taoist philosophy still embodies in the field of landscape art. Taoist landscape arts have unique modern value. Taoist philosophy and landscape art is an active participant in the transformation from traditional culture to modern civilization. In the industrial civilization especially developed era, the confrontation between man and nature is increasingly intensified, has become an important problem facing the world. So, the meaning and value of the paper lies in further highlight the landscape feeling and artistic spirit of Taoism, guides the human consciousness importance to harmony between man and nature from the spiritual, the human and the natural affinity of reconstruction, and out of the ecological crisis, has opened up a new research perspective.
