

Research on Cultural Inheritance and Innovation of Women’s Textbook in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China

【作者】 刘景超

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 清末至民国初期是社会动荡战乱频繁的时代,内忧频现、外患不断,中华民族危机日趋严重,救亡图存、富国强兵成为时代主题。在此背景下,伴随着西方“男女平等”、“女性教育”等文明观念的传入,近代意义上的女子教育,在清末的中华大地上缓慢萌芽,中国人自办的女子学堂在民间逐渐兴办起来。于是,一系列专门为女子学堂打造的新式女子教科书应运诞生。腐朽没落的清政府虽一再抵制新式女子教育,但迫于舆论压力不得不在1907年颁布了《女子小学堂章程》和《女子师范学堂章程》,正式将女子教育纳入官方的学制系统。为了掌控新式女子教科书市场,清政府成立了学部编译局自编女子教科书,并对民间出版的各类教科书实行严格的审定。民国成立后,女子教育进一步发展和完善,形成了一定的规模和体系,女子教科书的编写也因此走向规范、成熟与繁荣。随着五四运动对“男女平等”的倡导,以及男女合校运动的展开,女子教科书逐渐淡出历史舞台,1922年,中华民国政府确立了不分性别、男女同校的单轨学制,女子教科书完成其历史使命,消失在历史洪流之中。近代的中国被描述为一个“被全球化”的时代,资本主义扩张、帝国主义入侵,以及知识和实践的全球流通,中国被“抛入”世界之中并与异质文化频繁接触、对抗和互动。此时国家、民族、个人身份都处在一个根本性的“再构”之中,女子教科书作为一种文化产品既是这种“再构”直接和有效的工具,又是其有机组成部分之一,它与近代中国社会文化变迁水乳交融,积极参与了历史文化塑造。基于这样的认识,本研究主要采用文本分析的方法,检阅清末民初二十几年间的女子教科书,考察其间的文化传承与创新,全文分为五个部分:绪论部分进行论文的基础性工作,涉及到研究的缘起、意义,与论文相关的关键概念的界定,对相关研究文献的梳理评述,在此基础上理出本文的研究思路,研究内容,选择恰当的研究方法。第二部分是论文的第二章,对清末民初女子教科书产生的时代背景以及发展历程进行历史性梳理,认为女子教科书的产生与发展经历了四个时期:1895-1906年是女子教科书的初创期,1907-1911年是女子教科书逐步规范期,1912-1919年是女子教科书的成熟期,1919-1922是女子教科书的衰落期。全景式阐述了女子教科书的概貌。第三部分是论文的第三章,作为文章的理论性章节,搭建起女子教科书与文化之间的桥梁。首先阐释教科书的文化本质和功能,认为教科书既是人类文化的载体,也是作为一种对象化的文化存在,它具有文化选择、文化传承与文化创新的功能。其次,清末民初女子教科书的文化特征体现在文化对象的针对性、文化的时代转型性和文化的中西冲突性三个方面。第四部分是论文的主体部分,包括第四、五两章。通过对清末民初二十几年间各类女子教科书的文本阅读,考察这些文本所进行的文化传承与创新。笔者认为,女子教科书的文化传承体现在以下四个方面:(1)坚持传统的“道德教化优先于才学培养”观念。尽管清末民初女子教科书在才、德观念上有了一些变化,但在处理二者关系时,却仍然沿用了传统文化的惯习——将女子道德发展置于比才学更重要的地位;(3)女子教科书无论是在内容选择还是在编写形式上处处体现出“家为国本”这一传统理念;(4)女子教科书体现出尊孔崇儒与孝道仁义思想的传承;(2)在女性性别理想上,仍然带有传统的“男外女内”的影子。女子教科书的文化创新也主要体现在四个方面:(1)女性身体观念发生了由“家”到“国”的转变;(2)引入“国家”、“社会”观念,塑造现代“女国民”形象;(3)倡导“科学”、“民主”的教育观;(4)提倡自由、平等、自立、自强。第五部分是论文的第六章,反思清末民初女子教科书的文化传承与创新,总结提炼其对当下教科书更好地发挥传承创新功能的启示。笔者认为清末民初女子教科书的文化传承与创新的积极作用表现在:促进了女子教育的变革;促进了女性的解放;促进了中国传统社会的现代化转型。历史局限性主要表现在:第一,女子教科书的传承与创新出发点并不是真正的妇女解放,在促进妇女自我觉醒的程度上还是很有限的。第二,之所以出现了以女性为中心的各类教科书,是出于女子学堂教学的需要,而非要男性占据主导地位的教科书文化。第三,道德成为女子教科书文化选择的要旨。女子教科书的文化传承与创新首要考虑的是女性的德性发展,而不是女性的个性发展。第四,女子教科书出于强国保种的文化要求,在进行文化传承与创新的过程中,强化女性的传统特质,这就限制了女学生的自我认知。第二方面,运用归纳的方法,从特殊上升到一般,从女子教科书到现代一般教科书,认为在发挥教科书的文化传承与创新功能时,首先要考虑教科书的文化传承与创新必须结合实际,包括结合社会历史发展的实际和学生的实际;其次保持文化的开放性,在传承与创新中广泛吸纳古今中外各种文化之长;再次,紧跟时代步伐,充分展现女性新形象,体现女性个性。结语部分对全文进行了总结,归纳了清末民初女子教科书对女性形象建构的基本模式及其深层的思想文化内涵,并对今后的研究进行了展望。同时,提出教科书的编写要以包容和开放的胸怀,兼取传统文化和新文化的精华,这有助于中国文化的发展脚步始终稳健前行。

【Abstract】 The period of late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China is the era with social unrest frequent wars,frequently internal problems and continuously foreign aggressions which lead to the worsening of our Chinese crisis.Then,fighting for the survival and salvation of nation and making our country rich and building up our military power become the theme of this times.At the same time,with incoming of the Western concept of civilization of "gender equality","female education"and so on,women’s education with modern meaning in China slowly germinated in this period.The women’s school run by China itself gradually set up together in the folk.Thus,a series of teaching textbooks specifically for women’s school to shape the new woman are born.Although the decadent and declining Qing government has resisted the new women’s education again and again,the government had issued the "Women’s Preliminary School Chart"and the"Women’s Normal School Charf"in1907under the pressure of public opinion,which put the women’s education into the official schooling system.In order to control the teaching textbooks which used for girls’school, the Qing government established the Faculty Compilation and Translation Bureau to compile teaching textbooks for girls and to strictly validate all kinds of the textbooks published by folk organizations.After the founding of the Republic,women’s education further developed,improved and formed a certain size and system.Meanwhile,the compilation of woman’s textbooks to be standard, mature and prosperous.With the May Fourth Movement to advocate "gender equality" as well as expansion of coeducational movement,textbooks for girls gradually fade out the stage of history.In1922,the ROC government established monorail system with coeducational schooling disregard of gender discrimination.Therefore, textbooks for girls finished its historic mission,and disappeared in the history of upheaval.Modern China has been described as a "globalized" era. with the expansion of capitalism, invasion of imperialism,and the global circulation of knowledge and practice,China has been "thrown" into the world to frequently contact with,fight against and interact with different cultures. At this situation, the country,the nation,and the personal identity are being at a fundamental"re-structure".Textbooks for girls,as a production of culture,are direct "re-structure"and a effective tool to "re-structure" as well as an integral part of it, change with the harmony of modern Chinese society and culture, and actively participate in shaping the history and culture. Based on this understanding, this study mainly uses a method of textual analysis to review the twenty years textbooks for girls in the period of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China.Then study the cultural heritage and innovation among the textbooks. This paper is divided into five parts:The introduction is a fundamental work which involves the origin and meaning of research,the definition key concepts related,combing and commenting of relevant research literature. On this basis,researcher finds out research ideas,research content of this paper and selects the appropriate research methods.The second part is the second chapter of this thesis.It combs the background of the origin of textbooks for girls and their development process from a historical perspective.The origin and development of textbooks can be divided four periods:the startup of textbooks (1895-1906),the gradual standardization of textbooks (1907-1911),the gradual maturity of textbooks(1912-1919),the declining of textbooks (1919-1922).This paper gives a panoramic overview of the textbooks.The third part is the third chapter of the paper.This part as a theoretical section of the article,builds a bridge between the textbooks and culture.First,the researcher explains the nature and function of textbook culture.It regards the textbooks as a carrier of human culture and an object-oriented culture existence.It has a function of cultural choice, cultural heritage and cultural innovation.Secondly,the targeted cultural objects,cultural transformation of era and culture confliction between Western and China are the cultural characteristics of the late Qing Dynasty textbooks.The fourth part is the body of the paper,including the fourth and fifth chapters.Through reading all kinds of textbooks produced in the twenty years of late Qing and early Republic of China to study the cultural heritage and innovation in these textbooks.Researcher expresses that cultural heritage of the textbooks embodied in the following four areas:(1)It adheres to the traditional "moral education prior to the scholarship training"notion.It still follows the traditional cultural habits-take the development of women’s moral priority over their scholarship development,Despite the notion of culture female only,female virtue with some variation in the textbooks of the late of the Qing and early Republic of China, when dealing with the relationship between the two;(2)The textbooks always reflect the traditional concept of home for the country"both in written form and in content selection;(3)Textbooks reflect the heritage of respect Confucius, worship Confucianism and inherit Filial,Virtue,Benevolence, and Justice;(4)In the ideal of female gender, it is still with the traditional shadow of "men outside, women inside".The cultural innovation of textbooks are mainly reflected in four aspects:(1)the concept of body changed from "home" to "country";(2)introducing the concept of "national","society",and shaping the modern"female citizen"image;(3)advocating the educational view of’democracy"and"science";(4)advocating freedom,equality,self-reliance and self-improvement.The fifth part is the sixth chapter of the paper which reconsiders the cultural heritage and innovation of Qing Dynasty textbooks,and finds out the implications on the inheriting and innovating function of current textbook from the study.Researcher suggests that the active role of the late Qing Dynasty textbooks in cultural heritage and innovation is reflected in following:promoted the reform of women’s education;promoted women’s liberation;promoted the modernization of traditional Chinese society.The historical limitations of the textbooks: First, the starting point of the inheritance and innovation of the textbooks is not the real emancipation of women.The promotion of the degree of women’s self-awareness is still very limited.Secondly,the reason for the emergence of various types of female-centric textbook is to meet the needs of girls’school teaching rather than to change the situation of the textbook culture dominated by male. Thirdly, the choice essence of textbooks culture is the moral. The cultural heritage and innovation of the textbooks takes the moral development of women into primary consideration,rather than the personality development of women.Fourthly,the woman textbooks is for strengthening the nation and conserving of cultural requirements.So in the process of cultural heritage and innovation,it pays attention to strengthening women’s traditional qualities, which limited self-awareness of female. On the other hand,through the inductive method which rises from the special to the general and from the textbooks for girls to the general modern textbooks.lt suggests that to realize the function of the cultural heritage and innovative in textbooks, we must make it combined with the realities,including the combination of the students’realities and the actualities of socially historical development, remaining openness of culture and broadly absorbing the advantages of all kinds of culture from ancient and modern, foreign and home, when inherits and innovates culture, and keeping pace with the times, performing a fully new image of women and reflecting women personality。The last part summarizes the whole paper,and sums up the basic model of the late Qing Dynasty Women’s textbook in constructing the image of women and the core connotation of the deep culture.At the same time,future researches are discussed. Meanwhile,it proposed that to compile textbooks should have an inclusive and open-minded hearts and take the essence of traditional culture and a new culture which contribute to steady development of Chinese culture.

  • 【分类号】G529;G423.3
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