

A Research on Cultivation of Vietnam High School Students’ Life Skills


【导师】 张传燧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 目前,生活技能教育已被世界上许多国家接受,并被视为促进青少年成长的最有效途径之一。早在20世纪90年代,生活技能教育就已在30多个国家得以实施。1993年,联合国世界卫生组织对生活技能教育作出进一步的规划,使生活技能教育走上了系统化、规范化的轨道,从而使得以在更广的范围内展开。自1986年实行改革开放以来,越南教育已获得巨大的成就,普通教育质量出现积极转变,教育质量继续得以提升,为国家革新开放作出了重要的贡献。在新形势下,为了满足国家现代化、工业化的要求,符合学习者的需求,越南对中小学教育进行了改革,实行从知识教育向能力教育转变的战略。在教育改革的过程中,越南根据由联合国教科文组织1986年就提出的:Learning to know(学会求知);Learning to do(学会做事);Learning to cooperate(学会合作);Learning to be(学会生存)等“四大支柱”的理论并以现代化的观点为指导进行生活技能教育。这种学习目标贯穿于越南普通教育改革当中。但是,从总体上来讲,越南教育体系中生活技能教育的研究起步较晚,成果较为薄弱。1996年,随着联合国儿童基金会《校内外校青少年生活技能与预防艾滋病教育》项目在越南展开,越南开始对生活技能进行研究。由于人力、物力和经验贫乏,越南学校生活技能教育的开展与研究还有很多不足之处。从研究文章的数量和内容我们可以看到,越南对生活教育的研究比较零散,成果也不多,至今还未见到对高中生生活技能及高中生生活技能教育进行较为系统的研究。在跨文化交流日益深入的当下,问卷调查法、访谈法、数据统计分析法等方法已成为教育学者越来越重视的方法,运用这些方法调查研究越南高中生生活技能现状,探讨分析影响越南高中生生活技能的主观和客观因素,提出符合越南高中生生活技能教育实况的策略和建议,为生活技能教育在越南高中学校的开展提供理论依据和实际材料,这是作者第一次在此范围内所作的尝试。本文包括引言、正文、结语三个部分,共分六章。第一章引言对选题的理由及意义、本文的研究思路、学术界已有研究现状、研究内容、研究方法、研究范围、创新点等进行了阐述。第二章对越南高中教育课程概况、越南高中教育发展历程、越南高中教育的地位与目标、越南高中的教学内容与课程设置、越南高中学校的组织机构,以及越南高中教育存在的问题及原因。第三章就越南高中生生活技能指标体系试构及其理论与现实依据基础进行了深入探讨,对诸如越南高中生生活技能指标体系试构、关于人的全面发展的学说、生活技能理论、个体社会化理论、高中生普遍存在的问题行为、高中生生心理发展特点、高中生主要心理矛盾等问题进行了详实剖析。第四章对越南高中生生活技能现状体系分析、越南高中生生活技能之间相互关系进行调查、分析。这一部分系统介绍了自我认识能力、确定目标能力、确定生活价值能力、沟通能力、解决矛盾能力、缓解压力能力、团队合作能力等七种能力的调查情况,同时指出本论文所研究的各种生活技能之间是相互作用,相互关联的,熟练地运用一种技能将为与之相互的技能运用创造良好的条件。相反,某种技能的欠缺将限制与之相关的技能的有效运用。因此我们要注重各种生活技能之间的相互关系,对学生的各种生活技能进行全面的培养试验。第五章就影响越南高中生生活技能的因素进行探讨,指出影响越南高中生生活技能的因素有很多,如对生活技能的重要性的认识、培养生活技能的需求、培养生活技能的动机、锻炼并提高生活技能的意识、家庭因素、学校因素、社会因素、生活技能与影响因素的相互关系分析等等。这些因素又可以归为主观因素和客观因素两大类。第六章在综合上述研究并根据考察内容、考察结果的基础上,制定出七种生活技能的具体的培养试验,目的在于解决目前越南高中生生活技能教育中的实际问题。结语部分进一步对生活技能理论问题、高中生生活技能现状统计分析、影响高中生生活技能的因素、生活技能的有效培养试验等方面作出评价,重申培养试验在高中生生活技能教育中的重要性,指出本文研究中的不足之处及今后需要补充研究的新课题。

【Abstract】 At present, the education of life skills has been accepted by many countries in the world, which is regarded as one of the most effective ways to promote the growth of teenagers. In the early1990, the education of life skills has been implemented in more than30countries. In1993, the World Health Organization made further planning about the education of life skills. As a result, the life-skills education was on the track of systematization and standardization. The life-skills education expanded to a broader scope.Since the practice of reform and opening-up in1986, Vietnam has obtained great achievements in education. The quality of the general education had positive changes and the education quality continued to improve, which made an important contribution to the nation. In the new situation, in order to meet the requirements of national modernization and industrialization, as well as the needs of the students, Vietnam carried out reforms of the elementary and middle schools education. They implemented the strategy of the transformation of knowledge-oriented education to quality-oriented education. In the process of the education reform, Vietnam conducted the life-skill education according to the theory of "learning to know, learning to do, learning to cooperate, learning to be", which was put forward by the UNESCO. The objectives were carried out through the education reform in Vietnam.General speaking, the research of Vietnam’s life-skill education started relatively late and the results were weak. With the project of "the education of campus youth’s life skills and the prevention-education of AIDS" which was carried out by the UNICEF, Vietnam began the research on life skills. Due to the lack of manpower, material resources and experience, the research had many deficiencies. The current researches are not many and much fragmented. Yet there is no systematical research about the topic. In the context of cross-cultural communication increasingly in-depth, questionnaire investigation, interview method and statistical analysis method have become popular. It is the first time that the researchers within the scope have attempted to use these methods to analyze the subjective and objective factors influencing Vietnamese high school students’life skills. Based on the result the researchers want to put forward some efficient suggestions on the practice of the life-skill education.The paper has three parts, which includes and is divided into six chapters. The First Chapter is the introduction of the reason and the meaning of the selected topic, as well as the existing research contents, the research methods, research scope and the innovation points. The Second Chapter includes the overview, the goals, settings, as well as the organization of Vietnam’s curricula of the high school life-skill education, Vietnam high school education problems and causes. The Third Chapteris the analysis of the theory and reality basis of the index system of Vietnam’s life skills. The contents also include the index system structure of Vietnam’s life skills, the theory of students’all-round development, the theory of life skills, the theory of individual socialization, the problem behaviors of high school students, the psychological development characteristics of high school students and the main psychological contradiction question. The Forth Chapter is the analysis and investigation of the present situation, the correlation between the Vietnam high school’s life skills and its education. This part introduces the investigation on students’self-awareness, the ability of determining targets, the ability of determining the value of life, the ability of communication, the ability of solving contradiction, the ability of relieving pressure as well as the ability of team cooperation. The paper also points out that the various skills are interrelated and interacted. Using one of them skillfully creates a good condition for the other skills. On the contrary, the lack of a skill will limit the effective use of the related skills. So we should pay attention to the relationship between various life skills and conduct a comprehensive test to cultivate the students’life skills. The Fifth Chapter discusses the influencing factors of Vietnam high school students’life skills. There are many family factors, school factors, social factors, as well as the related factors, which are the awareness of the importance of life skills, the requirements, the motivation and the consciousness of developing life skills. Based on the above research and investigation, the Sixth Chapter puts forward seven specific tests to cultivate the life skills in order to solve the practical problems in current high school’s life skills education in Vietnam.The part of epilogue evaluates the theoretical questions, the present situation and the problems, as well as the influencing factors of high school life-skill cultivation. At the same time, it reiterates the importance of cultivating life skills in high schools. At last, the paper points out the deficiency and the future prospect about this topic.
