

The Study of Sport Development Mode Change in Chinese Transformation

【作者】 韩磊磊

【导师】 李艳翎;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,中国整体社会结构发生了巨大的变革,从方向和方式上对中国体育发展提出了新的要求。然而,在市场经济体制构建过程中,中国体育发展方式转变出现了这样或那样的一些不适,转向哪里、怎样转变、为什么这样转变等,已成为体育界无法回避的理论和实践问题。本研究通过理论与实证、动态与静态、比较等分析方法,综合利用社会学、经济学、管理学、政治学等方面的知识,以生产方式作为切入点,对体育发展方式的概念、内涵、类型以及体育发展方式的地位和作用进行了理论阐述。以此为依据,分析了体育发展方式转变的概念、条件、影响因素及路径选择特点。在此基础上,结合中国体育发展方式转变的历史和现状,对现阶段中国体育发展方式进行了定位,并指出了其存在的问题。随后参照部分发达国家体育发展方式的形成和特点,结合中国社会转型的规律以及中国体育发展自身存在的问题,提出了中国体育发展方式目标选择及转变思路。并从破除路径依赖、构建公共体育服务体系、加强政府主导作用、完善法制法规等方面提出了实现中国体育发展方式目标的对策保障。主要研究结论如下:第一,体育发展方式的转变在外部环境变化和内部问题共同作用下产生,既是对体育自身问题的解决,同时也是对社会转型的补充和完善。第二,生产方式是体育发展方式转变研究的重要理论基点,体育发展方式转变是围绕体育发展资源规投入和配置对体育发展目的、发展主体、主体素质以及发展主体相互之间关系的局部变革或根本性调整;在市场经济发展条件下,体育发展目的趋向于以人为本、体现本土体育文化;体育发展主体趋向于由政府、社会、市场构成;主体间关系趋向由各主体在体育发展中的作用决定。第三,计划经济下的体育发展方式对于我国体育事业发展发挥了巨大的推动作用,但同时也造成了体育发展不能依据自身规律,竞技体育发展和群众体育发展脱节、体育资源来源单一等问题;整体而言,现阶段中国体育发展是政府主导型的,外延粗放、投入驱动等和此密切相关;导致现行体育发展方式问题的原因在于整体社会发展水平不高,对体育发展的认识落后以及对计划经济下的体育发展方式的依赖。第四,发达国家体育发展方式的转变存在一定的共性;以人为本、注重公平效益、体现本土体育文化是其体育发展的主要目的;提高政府在公共体育服务中的作用,发动社会力量共同促进体育发展,以制度来约束各主体的权利和义务是其采取的主要方式。第五,中国社会转型是政府主体不断放权的过程、实现“法治”的过程以及形成公民文化权利的过程,是政治稳定下的强有力的政府主导、核心变动与配套改革、渐进式、优先与稳定务实对外开放的;中国体育发展存在政府主体素质不高、资源利用与配置不合理、整体创新水平不够、法制法规建设落后、体育结构失衡等问题;中国社会转型中国社会转型及体育发展自身存在的问题,在现时期要求中国体育发展能够在不同的领域,因体育的公共物品属性来选择是政府主导,还是社会主导,抑或结合主导,但在最终必将是政府服务,社会主办,市场调节的方式。第六,中国体育发展方式转变在目的上应以人为本、注重公平、均衡体育结构、体现本土体育文化;在转变的思路上应顶层设计与基层推动相结合、对外开放与对内改革相结合、优先发展与结构平衡相结合、以人为本与以物为本相结合、法制完善与法治相结合。第七,实现中国体育发展方式转变的目的要从根本上划清各利益主体之间的权利和权力关系,破除对以往体育发展方式的依赖;推动体育发展资源市场调节;加强政府对公共体育服务的供给;明确政府与社会、市场、体育事业单位之间的关系;在整体转型尚未完成的情况下,还需要政府通过制定发展战略来促进体育发展方式转变。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening up,Huge changes have taken place in China.from the direction and way puts forward new requirements on the development of Chinese sports.But,In the process of establishing and improving the market economy system,A lot of problems have cropped up in the course of sports development mode change in China,such as to where,how,why this way change has become a great theoretical and practical issues in the press.This paper research From the angle of sociology,management,economics.Politics,deployed the methods of theoretical and empirical,dynamic and static,comparative analysis, by the way of mode of production’to study the concept,type and connotation of sports development mode,and also the concept,factor,Characteristics of route choice of sports development mode change.On the basis, Combining with the history and status quo of Chinese sports development mode change,located the type of Chinese sports development mde, combined the rules of Chinese social transformation and the problems of Chinese sports development,propose the target and ideas of Chinese sports development mode change, suggested that get rid of path dependence,construction of public sports service system,Strengthening the government leading role,Perfect legal laws and regulations are the the pointed measures and the guaranteeing measures to achieve the target of sports development way change.Study results are as follows: First,Sports development change results from both internal factors andexternal factors.besides the solution of sports development problems,and also a supplement and complete for Chinese transformation.Second,mode of production is the theoretical bases of sports development change,the change of sports development are the lacal change or fundamental changes in subject of development,goal of development and the relation of sports development subject,In market economy conditions,the aim of sports development Tend to be people-oriented;the subject of sports development tend to consists of government,social and market,the relationship between each are decided by the function in sports development.Third,the development way of sports under the planned economy,plays an important role in the social development,but also exisist the problems,such as from it’s own law of development,elite sports development away from the development of sports for all.overall,at this stage the sports development are controled by government,the national economy in China is still at low level,the Backwardness of sports development and also the dependence on the sports development mode in the system of planned economy.Fourth,developed counties sports development mode has generality.people oriented,Reflect the local sports culture are the aim of sports development,To improve the role of government in public sports service,social bodies should be called for to promote sports development,In a system to restrain basic rights and duties of every main body are the mode of developed countries. Fifth,Chinese social transformation and the sports problems of itself,required the sports development use different mode in different area,but,in the end,to use the government services,social organization,market regulation must be the best way.Sixth,The aim of Chinese sports development mode should be people oriented,Reflect the local sports culture and balance sports structure;in the mind of change,should The top design combined with the grass-roots push level,reforming domestically combined with opening-up to the world,Priority to the development combined with structural balance,People-oriented combined with based on content, Perfect the legal system combined with the rule of law.Seventh,To distinguish the rights and power relations among every main body are the key to relize the goal of mode change, must break away from the past mode, push the market to regulate the allocation of sports development resources,enhance government supplying on public sports service,clear the relations of geverment amomg social, market and sport department. In the case of integral transformation has not been completed,The government Formulate sports Development Strategy is necessary in the mode change.
