

Investigation and Research on Suantang Dialect

【作者】 刘宗艳

【导师】 罗昕如;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 酸汤话分布在湘西南和黔东南交界处的山区,这里在历史上为苗族与侗族两大少数民族的聚居区。酸汤话的形成与汉族向少数民族聚居区的历代移民有关,尤其是宋元以来的移民。酸汤话的主体为汉语,也混入了一些苗语、侗语成分。因为酸汤话分布区内的各民族共同语为西南官话,所以传统的汉语方言分区中,酸汤话区主要被归为西南官话区,但酸汤话的语音特征明显与西南官话相区别,而与湘语联系密切。传统的湘语分区却未涉及酸汤话。所以说调查研究酸汤话,对于深入认识苗语、侗语杂居地区的汉语方言及补充汉语方言的分区有重要意义。本研究以湖南靖州藕团点为主,共调查了6个点,结合现有研究成果,对酸汤话的音韵特点进行了一次再认识。选取部分词汇与语法材料,以藕团点的单点描写为主,兼与其他点进行比较。全文共分八大部分:第一章绪论。首先概述酸汤话的分布、形成以及分布区内苗、侗、汉三个民族及其语言的情况;然后介绍酸汤话的研究现状,本文的研究内容、方法及意义。第二章记录描写酸汤话共时语音系统。首先描写了以藕团点为代表的6个酸汤话点的声、韵、调系统。然后列出藕团点的文白异读条例、声韵配合关系表和同音字表。第三章进行酸汤话音类的古今对照,归纳音韵特点。声母方面主要包括:古全浊声母今逢塞音、塞擦音的送气与否,知三、章组的分合,精、知二、庄组的分合,见系开口二等字声母的文白层,尖团的分合,非晓组的分混,疑、影母的分混,日母的今读类型和层次,古声母依今韵母洪细分化的特殊情况。韵母方面主要包括:遇、蟹、臻摄合口一等端、泥、精组和三等庄组字多读开口呼的现象,遇摄合口三等韵与止摄合口三等韵相混的情况,蟹、效、咸、山摄一二等韵的分合,流摄与效摄的分混等。声调方面包括:今读声调的调类调值概况,古声调的今读类型和层次。第四章描写酸汤话词汇。包括三个方面:列举藕团点的分类词表;描写和解释词语中的音变现象,以观察词调模式化为主,同时涉及变声、变韵以及音节的脱落等现象;从语言接触角度观察苗语、侗语及西南官话对酸汤话词汇的影响。第五章描写酸汤话语法。选择部分词法与句法现象进行描写。以藕团点为主,部分条目与米贝点进行比较。词法部分包括:名词词缀,动词的体,形容词、动词的程度范畴;句法部分包括:处置句,被动句,疑问句,否定句和话题标记“是”。第六章讨论酸汤话语音的区域特征与内部分片。在归纳酸汤话内部一致性与差异性语音特征的基础上,以是否保留入声调类和古入声今读归派的差异两条语音标准为主,参考部分词汇、语法条目,将酸汤话初步分为南片和北片。第七章为酸汤话与相关方言的比较及其归属讨论。比较包括:与西南官话比较,与湘语娄邵片的绥会小片比较,与湘语长益片比较,与四川“靖州腔”比较。在比较的基础上初步设想将现湘语娄邵片的绥会小片从娄邵片中分出,与酸汤话合并成一片,与现有湘语分区的五片并列。这一设想以待进一步的研究和论证。结语部分总结了本文的主要研究结论和创新点,不足之处和有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Suantang Dialect is mainly distributed along the border between southeast of Guizhou and southwest of Hunan province. Here is the home of the Miao and Dong People for thousands of years. The shaping of Suantang Dialect is much related to the immigrants of Han People, especially immigrants of Han people during the Song and Yuan Dynasty. The main body of Suantang Dialect is Chinese, at the same time, certain Hmong and Dong language components have mixed into it. As the Southwest Mandarin has been the common language of all the peoples within the area of Suantang Dialect, this area has been classified as the Southwest Mandarin zone. But the phonetic features of Suantang Dialect is distinctly different from those of Southwest Mandarin, but similar to Xiang Dialect’s. The differentiation of Xiang Dialect, however, has never referred to Suantang Dialect. So the investigation and research on Suantang Dialect makes much sense to the further cognition of Chinese Dialect within the mixed living district of the Miao and Dong People, supplementing the differentiation of zones of all the Chinese dialects. This research has investigated6spots of Suantang Dialect. Based on the data of our own and existing ones of other researchers, we have made a cognition of Suantang Dialect again and got new breakthrough. Then we select some characters of vocabulary and grammar of the Ou’tuan spot to describe in detail. We try to make contrast between different spots. The dissertation is composed of eight parts:Chapter1is to sketch out the distribution, the shaping of Suantang Dialect, and the Miao and Dong People and their language within the scope of Suantang Dialect, and to introduce the current situation of research on Suantang Dialect, the content, method and meaning of the research in this dissertation.Chapter2is to describe the synchronic phonetic system of6Suantang Dialect spots, among which Ou’tuan is the representative one. As to the Ou’tuan spot we will provide further material, including the clauses of difference between literary pronunciation and colloquial one, coordination of Shengmu and Yunmu, the homophony syllabary.Chapter3is to make a contrast between modern and ancient times to describe the phonetic features of Suantang Dialect, including Shengmu, Yunmu and Tone, and to analyze the types and levels of the pronunciation. As to Shengmu, the topics are:the aspiration or not of the fully voiced Shengmu of ancient times when read as stop and affricate; the separation and combination of Zhisan and Zhang; the separation and combination of Jing, Zhi’er and Zhuang; the literary and colloquial pronunciation of Jianxi Kaikou Erdeng; the separation and combination of Jian and Tuan; the separation and combination of Fei and Xiao; the separation and combination of Yi and Ying; the types and levels of pronunciation of Ri and so on. As to Yunmu, the topics are:some Yu, Xie, and Zhen She Hekou are usually read as Kaikou; the combination of Zhi She Hekou Sandeng and Yu She Hekou Sandeng; the separation and combination of Yideng and Erdeng of Xie, Xiao, Xian and Shan She; the separation and combination of Xiao She and Liu She and so on. As to Tone, the topics are:the number and value of tones; the kinds and levels of pronunciation of ancient tones read nowadays.Chapter4is to describe the vocabulary of Suantang Dialect, including four parts:the vocabulary chart of Ou’ tuan spot; the phonetic change within a word, and about that, the modeling of tone of a word is the most important topic. Then we try to explore how the Miao and Dong language, and Southwest Mandarin have affected Suantang Dialect because of language contact.Chapter5is to describe grammar of Ou’tuan spot, comparing some characters with that of Mibei spot, composed of two parts:morphology and syntax. In this dissertation, morphology will involve some suffixes of nouns, aspect of verbs, and the expressions of change of degree. Syntax will involve passive voice of sentences, handling sentences; questioning sentences; negative sentences;"是" used as the mark of a topic.Chapter6is to divide Suantang Dialect into two parts on the basis of internal consistency and diversity, according to phonetic standards, referring to some vocabulary and grammar.Chapter7will compare Suantang Dialect with related dialects, including:the Southwest Mandarin, Loushao part of Xiang Dialect, Changyi part of Xiang Dialect,"Jingzhou Vaccent" in Sichuan province. Based on the comparison, we suggest separating Suihui part from the Loushao part, then combine Suihui part with Suantang Dialect into a bigger part, directly subordinating to Xiang Dialect.The ending part summarizes the conclusion and deficiencies of the study in this dissertation, and gives some suggestions for further study.
