

A Study on Gladys Yang’s Cultural Identity and Translational Activities from the Post-colonial Perspective

【作者】 王惠萍

【导师】 冯庆华;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以皮姆的译者为中心的翻译史研究模式作为基础。皮姆认为翻译史的相关研究环节是以译者开始和结束的,从而将翻译史的研究中心转移到了译者主体身上。译者的主体性在很大程度上又受到其文化身份的影响。本论文采用后殖民翻译理论的视角。依照罗宾逊对“后殖民”第三阶段的定义,“后殖民”是二十世纪末我们对于政治和文化权力关系的看法,时间跨度为所有的人类历史。后殖民翻译理论对于文化身份的研究大体可以分为两个层面:(1)译者的文化身份是如何影响其译介活动的;(2)译者的译介活动是如何塑造本土以及异域的文化身份的。这两个层面是紧密联系,相互作用的。本论文的研究目标包括:(1)揭示译者文化身份对其译介活动的影响。戴乃迭的文化身份具有特殊性,既融合了东西方不同的民族文化身份,又受到其女性文化身份的影响,从而对其译介活动产生错综复杂的影响;(2)展现译者译介活动对民族文化身份的塑造作用。本研究考察戴乃迭在译介中国文学时的社会历史语境,及其译介作品的海外接受情况,以探讨戴乃迭的译介活动对构建中国民族形象的作用;(3)剖析中国文学“走出去”过程中的权力因素,并给出相关建议。本研究借助对戴乃迭这一译者及其他相关译者的考察,以揭示中国文学在二十世纪四十年代至八十年代这个阶段的对外译介情况,及制约中国文学对外译介的种种权力因素,并希望给出相关的建议和看法。本论文的研究方法为定量与定性研究的结合运用。一方面,本论文采用语料库实证分析方法,对《边城》四个英译本翻译语料库进行检索,给出文本分析数据,由此展示戴乃迭独具特色的翻译风格;另一方面,本研究采用例证、综合分析和归纳总结法,结合不同译本中具体的翻译实例,从微观层面对不同译本进行比较,并分析对比不同译本形成过程中的权力因素,最后归纳出制约译者译介活动的因素和译者文化身份的特点。在研究的时间维度方面,本论文同时运用历时与共时研究方法。一方面,本论文采用历时研究,具体包含两个层面,其一是形成于不同历史时期的《边城》四个英译本的比较,其二是戴乃迭译介生涯不同时期的代表译作比较;另一方面,本论文采用共时研究,对形成于同一时期的《沉重的翅膀》的戴乃迭译本与葛浩文译本进行比较。本论文的创新之处在于从后殖民视角考察了权力因素对译者文化身份的影响,以及译者文化身份的特点,具体为:其一,从宏观角度看,戴乃迭具备双重民族文化身份。在翻译活动中主要体现为杂合性、协商性和流动性的特点。(1)杂合性。戴乃迭的双重民族文化身份使她既能充分理解原作的精神,在翻译时尽力传递原作的风味,同时又能关注译入语读者的阅读习惯。(2)协商性。戴乃迭的翻译策略受制于翻译活动所处的特定时代,处于各种权力因素的影响之下,其特定的文化身份是特定时期和语境下种种矛盾和冲突协商的产物。(3)流动性。戴乃迭的翻译策略随着其文化身份的流动而出现变化,其后期灵活变通的翻译方法是为了实现文化的顺利沟通而采取的有效策略。其二,从微观角度看,戴乃迭又具备女性文化身份。在译介新时期女性作家的作品时,戴乃迭充分关注了中国女性生活中面临的种种历史和现实问题,翻译时在尊重原文内容和精神的基础上,采取相对温和的变通手段,以提升译文的女性主体意识,强化作品的女性主义色彩。

【Abstract】 This paper is based on the translator-oriented mode of translation historyresearch advocated by Anthony Pym. Pym claims that the relevant links of theresearch of translation history should begin and end with the translator, thustransferring the research focus to the translator·s subjectivity, which is in turninfluenced by the translator·s cultural identity profoundly. This paper adopts apost-colonial perspective. According to Douglas Robinson, the third stage ofPost-colonialism refers to our late-twentieth century perspective on political andcultural power relations, the historical period covering all human history. In light ofpost-colonial translation theory, the study of cultural identity can be divided into twophases:(1) How the translator·s cultural identity influences his/her translationalactivities;(2) How the translator·s translational activities shape the national andforeign countries· cultural identities. The two phases are interconnected andinterdependent.The goals of this research include:(1) To reveal the influence of the translator·scultural identity on his/her translational activities. The cultural identity of GladysYang is special in that it not only embodies double cultural identities, but also featuresfemale identity,thus exerting complicated influences on her translational activities;(2)To illuminate how the translator·s translational activities shape national identity. Thispaper examines the social-historical contexts in which Gladys introduced andtranslated Chinese literary works, and how these works were received abroad, hencehighlights the construction of China·s national image in this process.(3) To elucidatethe diverse powers exerted on the going abroadμ of Chinese literature, and to providerelevant suggestions. This paper attempts to expound how Chinese literary workswere introduced and translated from the1940s to the1980s, as well as the variousrestraining powers, in the hopes of offering pertinent suggestions and opinions.This paper combines quantitative with qualitative research. On one hand, itadopts empirical corpus analysis. By searching the translational corpus of the fourEnglish versions of Bianchen, relevant text analysis data can be yielded so as to shed light on Gladys· unique translational style. On the other hand, this paper also usessuch methods as exemplification, comprehensive analysis, induction and summary.Examples are singled out from different translated texts for micro analysis, and avariety of power elements in the formation of translated texts are brought to light.Thus the restraints on the translator·s translational activities and the characteristics ofthe translator·s cultural identity etc. can be induced. Meanwhile, this paper appliesboth diachronic and synchronic research methods. For one thing, it includes thecomparison of the four English versions of Bienchen formed at different historicalperiods, and of the representative works translated by Gladys at different stages of hertranslation career. For another, it contrasts Gladys· Leaden Wings against HowardGoldblatt·s Heavy Wings, which were translated at the same historical period.The breakthrough of this research lies in that it studies how the translator·s cultural identityis influenced by power from the post-colonial perspective, as well as reveals its characteristics.In particular, firstly, from the macroscopic view, Gladys possesses double national culturalidentity, the characteristics of which, as reflected in her translational activities, include hybridity,negotiability and mobility:(1) Hybridity. Gladys· double national cultural identity enables herto completely comprehend the spirit of the original work and to convey its flavor to the fullestextent, with a due respect for the reading habit of the target readers.(2) Negotiability. Gladys·translation strategies are subject to a network of powers at particular historical periods.Her given cultural identity resulted from the negotiation of diversified contradictionsand conflicts in a given period and context.(3) Mobility. Gladys· translation strategiesvary with the adjustment of her cultural identity. Her flexible translation methods inthe later period are an effective approach to promoting cultural communication;Secondly, from the microscopic view, Gladys· cultural identity is featured by herfemale identity. While introducing the New Period female Chinese writers, Gladyspaid full regard to the historical and practical problems that Chinese women wereconfronted with in their life. She took mild yet flexible methods to improve thefemale consciousness and to emphasize the feminism of the texts.

  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
  • 【下载频次】1069