

On the Construction of China’s Contemporary Worldviews Discourses

【作者】 翟石磊

【导师】 郭可;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本文对当代中国世界观话语建构分析目的在于拓展中国特色话语体系和国家软实力战略的研究。崛起中的中国需要有清晰的世界观,并将其作为外交战略制定的重要依据。根据沃勒斯坦的观点,世界经济体系包括核心-半外围-外围这样的层级分布。自20世纪70年代以来,中国经济经历了从世界体系外围、半外围的发展,直至逐渐进入核心区域的发展过程。那么,中国世界观在这个进程中发生了怎样的变化?体现在世界观话语层面又有哪些变化?这是本研究的核心问题。基于世界观概念、研究范式以及中国世界观不同话语形态,论文提出了当代中国世界观话语的三个维度,即:国家定位、对外部世界的认知以及关于中国与世界关系的认知。其中,国家定位包括国家身份与国家角色;对外部世界的认知主要是中国对国际秩序和国际格局的认识;关于中国与世界关系主要包括两种关系,即:建设性关系和解构性关系。本文收集了中国代表团自1971-2013年参加联合国大会讲话文稿,以及国家领导人在历次(1975-2013年)政府工作报告中关于外交与国际关系部分的论述。研究发现,随着中国经济逐渐从世界体系外围向半外围以致核心区域转变,当代中国世界观话语经历了两个层面的转变,即:第一,在政治层面上,中国从主张世界革命、反对西方主导下的国际秩序、支持民族解放运动向主张融入国际社会、以自身发展推动国际政治秩序的改变、调节国际争端、参与世界体系和国际体系的合作者、建构者转变。也就是说中国的世界观经历了从超越型世界观到世俗型世界观的转变。第二,在经济层面上,中国从排斥全球经济分工,强调“自力更生”,抵制与西方大国发展任何经济关系向参与世界经济合作、倡导开放与合作过渡;并且通过发展自身经济实力来推动国际经济秩序的改革和发展。也就是说中国的世界观在经济层面上经历了从排斥型到融合型的转变。从世界观话语的三个维度来看,当代中国世界观话语建构具有以下几个特点:第一,在国家身份和角色的认知层面。社会主义身份是一个始终不变的身份话语,而对第三世界身份的话语认知随着冷战的结束而淡化;国家角色话语从革命者向合作者、甚至建构者的转变说明中国政府在认识到自身经济在世界体系中区域变化的背景下,发挥中国的国际作用。第二,关于中国对外部世界认知层面。联合国讲话和政府工作报告认为,“世界”经历了从“美苏霸权主义”下的“两极”世界到“全球化和多极化”方向发展;从基于政治视角构建国际秩序到基于政治经济视角全方位的构建国际秩序。研究发现,联合国讲话和政府报告对大国的认知也发生了明显的变化:从突出美苏超级大国和传统的西方发达国家作为世界大国之外,也认识到中国等新兴国家作为世界大国的发展现状和趋势。第三,关于中国与“世界”关系的认知层面。研究发现,在“三个世界理论”时期,中国倡导世界革命,反对超级大国和西方国家所主导的国际秩序,同时提出构建新的国际秩序的主张;而自改革开放以来,中国逐渐接受既定国际秩序,并且以合作性的态度参与国际事务,形成了中国与世界之间的建设型关系。当代中国世界观话语是形成于冷战及后冷战背景下,因此有着深深的时代烙印。在诸多问题上,中西方存在多种话语交锋,比如“普世价值与中国特色、霸权与弱者、北方与南方、长期领先与重新崛起”。其中,当中国关于“西方”的话语是消极的、解构性的时候,中国的世界观话语整体上呈现出“革命性的”、“超越性”;当中国关于“西方”的话语为积极的、建设性的情况下,中国世界观话语整体上倾向于“合作性”与“世俗性”。以上发现说明世界体系论不仅可以用于解释世界经济发展问题,同时在解释中国政治世界观建构问题上也具有一定的可行性。但是该理论在解释中国如何看待自身与发展中国家、西方国家之间关系方面存在局限性。总体而言,四十余年来中国世界观话语变迁首先和海外中国观有着紧密相关。在海外中国观倾向于积极趋势下,中国看待世界也更具有建设性;反之则呈现解构性关系。同时,国家利益观也是影响当代中国世界观的话语建构的又一大因素。当中国以维护国家意识形态作为最显著的国家利益时期,中国的世界观是凸显斗争与革命色彩,而当经济发展作为最显著的国家利益时期,开放发展与对话融合成为中国开放世界观的主调;当中国的国家利益由国内延伸到全球,中国需要协调自身利益与全球发期,和谐世界观也就应运而生了。从历史发展进程来看,中国世界观话语的调整与主流意识形态的变迁存在显著的同步性:即从乌托邦式的超越型世界观话语到世俗性世界观话语的转变,从孤立与斗争到对话与合作的转变。这是当代中国世界观话语的另一个中国特色。

【Abstract】 The analysis of the construction of worldview discourses in contemporary China is expected to develope of discourse system with Chinese characteristics and the research on China’s soft power.According to Wallerstein, the world system consists of the core, the semi-periphery and the periphery area. And this division is also formed in the world’s political system. Since the1970s, China’s economic development has witnessed the three processes:from the periphery of the world system in the1970s and the early1980s to the semi-periphery of the world system in the1990s and early21st century and the core area today. Then what kind of transformation does China’s worldview discourse experience in that process? This is the core issue of this dissertation. The author argues that China’s worldview discourse contains three essential dimensions in relation to the research of the worldview concept and the connotation like national identity and role, perception of the world as well as the cognition of the relationship between China and the rest of the world. National identity and national role are related to China’s international orientation. The perception of the world is mainly about the understanding of international order and international configuration. And China’s relations with the world can be divided into constructive relationship and deconstructive relationship.This empirical analysis of China’s worldviews are based on the speeches of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations at the UN General Assembly between1971and2013, as well as the national leaders’ statements on foreign policy and international relations (1975-2013) in government work report. The result shows that contemporary China’s worldview discourse can be manifested in two levels:Firstly, on the political level, China’s role in international arena shifts from advocating world revolution, opposing the international order dominated by the West and supporting national emancipation movements to entering international community, promoting the international orders on self-development, mediating international disputes and participating in the construction and cooperation of world system. In other words, China’s worldviews undergo a change from transcendence to secularity.Secondly, on the economic level, China shifts its worldview from self-reliance and rejecting any economic cooperation with Western powers to participating in in world economy and trade cooperation and promoting international economic order reform and development, which means China’s worldviews discourse have experienced a change from rejection to integration.From the three dimensions, the construction of worldview discourse has the following features:Firstly, from the perspective of national identity and roles, such identities as the third world, socialism and the developing countries which highlight the differences from the West has been weakened both in the speeches at United Nations and in the government report. In terms of the national roles, a shift from highlighting China’s role as revolutionary and protector of the neighborhood to merging into the world system has been witnessed, which reflects the transformation of China’s world perception from duality to coexistence.Secondly, analysis shows China’s perception of the world has undergone the development from the hegemony dominated by America and Soviet Union to globalization and multi-polarization, from the construction of international political order oriented to building a comprehensive international order. Besides, obvious changes of the cognition of great powers can be found in UN speeches and the government report, which recognizes the trend and situation of the emerging countries such China and other emerging powers as world powers, other than the United States and Soviet Union, two superpowers.Thirdly, the result shows that China advocates world revolution, opposes the international orders dominated by super power and the West and devotes to build a new international order under the guidance of the Three Worlds Theory. Since the reform and opening-up, China has gradually accepted the international order status quo and participated in the international affairs with cooperative manners, thus forming a constructive relation with the world.The construction of Contemporary worldview discourse is a product of specific times, during the Cold War period and post-war war period, thus deeply influenced by the times. Yet, China and the West find the best fit on many key issues. The debates of "discourse power" in China and the West focus on universal values vs. Chinese characteristics, the hegemonic power vs. the weak ones, the North vs. The South, the long-lead vs. The resurgent, etc. When China’s discourse on the West is negative and deconstructive, China’s worldview discourse is revolutionary and transcendent. Instead, China’s worldview discourse is constructive and secular on the whole.In a sense, the construction of contemporary China’s worldview discourse has experienced the shift from duality to coexistence, which has close relationship with the overseas worldview. That is, when the overseas Chinese outlook is positive, the way China sees the world is more constructive. On the contrary, the relations are interactive. Meanwhile, national interest is an essential factor for the construction of worldview discourse. When China takes defending national ideology as the prominent national interests, open development and dialogue integration will be the keynote of open Chinese worldview. When China’s national interest extends to the global and needs to coordinate self-interest and global development interests, harmonious worldviews will be brought up accordingly.It is undeniable that the changes of ideologies in contemporary China provide value guidance of the construction of worldview discourse. And the changes of China’s worldview discourse is synchronous with the changes of ideologies, which shows the changes from Utopia’s worldview discourse to secular worldview and from isolation and confliction to dialogue and cooperation.

  • 【分类号】D815
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