

A Study on Financial Institutes Changes in Modern China

【作者】 杨志勇

【导师】 孔祥毅;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 金融学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文从金融功能演进的角度,讨论了1800-1937年中国金融机构的变迁问题,中心观点为:近代中国金融机构变迁是近代中国金融功能演进的产物,金融功能演进本质上是一个功能不断分化和实现的过程,这一过程中的基本运行机制是协调机制。对这一问题的研究主要基于两大目的。一是探明近代中国金融业不同发展阶段主要金融机构变迁的特点及其内在联系,以更好理解中国金融机构的变迁规律。二是在此基础上为我国银行业的当前和未来发展提供理论支持和历史借鉴。出于上述考虑,本文从理论推导和历史分析两个方面对近代中国金融机构的变迁进行了研究。理论推导方面,尝试把金融变迁与社会经济变迁原理结合起来予以研究,通过梳理社会变迁理论中功能、结构、能动性等概念,提炼出“功能是系统复杂性化简的内在需求,结构是这一需求的实际运作状态,功能是结构变化的内在机理”这一分析社会经济系统变迁的基本观点。在此基础之上解释了金融功能、金融功能的分化和实现、金融变迁等概念,分析了金融系统中功能和结构的关系、金融机构变迁的内在机理等重要问题,并对金融变迁相关理论进行了整合,提出了金融变迁的功能协调观点,认为金融功能本质上是对金融系统复杂性和不确定性的化简需求,它的演进过程就是这一化简需求的不断分化和实现过程,围绕功能的分化和实现,金融体系的各要素、各制度进行变迁,其变迁的核心运行机制是协调机制。作为金融要素或金融制度中的一种,金融机构变迁的内在机理也是围绕金融功能的分化,金融机构对这一分化的适应过程或动态协调过程,即金融功能的实现过程。本文也对引起功能分化和系统变迁的原始动因——能动性作了分析,认为一般情况下,自发性(诱致性)和计划性(强制性)两大动因共同作用于变迁过程,但在不同的阶段二者发挥的作用有所不同,有时自发性起主要作用,有时计划性起主要作用。按照金融功能协调观点,1800-1937年间的中国金融机构变迁也是一个对功能分化和实现的适应过程,从金融系统的服务对象看,金融功能的大致演进顺序为:商业金融服务-政府金融服务-工业金融服务,具体可分为三个阶段进行考察。第一阶段1800-1840年,以金融机构的成长为主线展开分析。市场自发性动因——长途大宗商品贸易量的增加和复杂混乱的货币制度,共同推动商业金融服务功能从传统农业社会的经济体系中分化出来,围绕这一功能的实现,国内金融机构不断成长壮大。票号、钱庄通过货币兑换服务、以票代银等业务创新,满足了本阶段金融功能的需求,成为国内金融业中的翘楚。同时,兼营金融业务的外国洋行也开始为商业资金的国际流动提供便利。第二阶段1841-1894年,以金融机构的蜕变为主线展开分析。从地域上看,随着通商口岸的增多和中国半殖民地社会性质的加深,这一阶段的金融功能首先分化为口岸和内地商埠两大部分,每一部分功能需求的内容有所不同。内地的金融功能仍以传统农业社会为基础,市场放诱致长途贸易中的商业资金流动和信用规模进一步增大,钱庄和票号的商业金融服务功能继续扩展,与此同时,口岸的金融功能已经开始向工业社会转变,来自外国势力的强制性作用和本国政府的制度变革对金融系统的影响逐步增强,因此分化出新的金融功能需求——诱致性政府金融服务功能和强制性工业金融服务功能。在两大新功能的实现上,金融机构表现出不同的适应力,票号在政府金融服务功能的实现方面发挥了重要作用,但工业金融服务功能的实现,主要依靠外国银行和政府直接投资。尽管如此,票号、钱庄、外国银行在不同的功能竞合与实现过程中形成了各自的优势,并能相互补充和支持,共同推动了金融业的整体平稳发展。第三阶段1895-1937年,以金融机构的转型为主线展开分析。这一阶段近代中国金融体系的现代因素大大增强,主要表现为政府干预经济力度大大增强,民族工商业资本和国有工商业资本快速发展,功能分化与此相一致,政府金融服务功能出现由诱致性向强制性转变的趋势,而工商业金融服务功能中的诱致性力量在增强。这一阶段金融机构的功能实现呈现出不同特点,围绕基于诱致性的传统商业金融服务功能的实现,钱庄、票号等金融机构形成了被动适应的偏好,而更偏重计划性或强制性的政府金融服务功能和工业金融服务功能的实现,则对金融机构提出更高的主动创新要求形态。围绕这些功能的分化和实现,金融机构表现出多线变迁形态。票号因与外部社会变动协调失败而导致功能实现受阻,钱庄的功能实现一度出现波折,虽由于调整及时因而继续发展,但在金融业中的地位发生重大变动,更能满足政府和工业金融服务功能需求的银行取代钱庄成为金融业的主导力量。特别是随着政府对金融的控制逐步加强,官办银行于20世纪30年代后期基本垄断了国内金融市场。另外,由于政府的合理干预,金融业的整体功能得到提升,抵御风险的能力比过去大大增强。鉴于政府在中国近代化进程中的重要角色,本文对政府在金融功能实现过程中的作用及其实现方式作了理论探讨,并结合近代中国政府干预金融的实际对制度创新与金融机构变迁的关系也作了分析。通过以上研究,本文认为:第一,金融变迁首先是一个主要由能动性引起的金融功能演进过程,演进应指金融功能的分化和实现,包括金融机构在内的金融各要素变迁都是这一过程的产物和表现。第二,金融机构的变迁原理应建立在以金融功能为基本分析视角的金融协调机制之上,通过功能实现这一动态过程来衡量金融系统内部和外部的协调度,同样通过功能实现来考察各种能动性变化和金融变迁的复杂关系,在此功能视角下,金融机构的兴衰就取决于其对功能的适应性及其效率,机构适应性强,发展稳定;机构适应性弱,则被淘汰。第三,近代中国金融机构的功能演进过程大致可以概括为:商业金融服务-政府金融服务-工业金融服务,前后功能之间不是替代关系,而是分化和递进关系。这些功能的实现既依赖于机构的自身创新,也依赖于政府的制度创新。第四,近代中国金融功能需求与机构、制度的协调关系呈现出由机构、制度的被动跟随向机构、制度的主动供应转变的趋势,但这一过程较为缓慢,其主要原因在于政府制度供给严重滞后于时代要求,因此,政府的制度安排在中国近代金融机构的转型过程中扮演关键角色。本文的创新主要有四点。一是提出了金融功能的本质是金融系统的复杂性化简需求这一论断。通过梳理社会变迁一般原理,把系统复杂性与功能的本质引入金融功能论,功能只代表一种潜在的复杂性化简需求,结构,即功能实现,才是这一需求的实际运作状态,进一步加深了对金融结构与金融功能二者关系的认识。二是以金融功能实现为核心概念提出了新的金融变迁机制——功能协调机制。金融变迁或机构变迁就是金融功能的实现过程,在这一过程中,是否有利于金融资源的便利流动和配置是衡量金融内部诸要素之间及金融与社会、经济之间协调度的最核心标准,进一步丰富了金融运行的内外协调机制。三是提出政府的制度创新是推动近代中国金融功能演进和实现的最重要外部力量这一论断。运用金融功能协调的观点对近代中国金融机构变迁中金融功能实现、不能实现或实现不畅等变化作了分析,分析表明近代中国金融机构的功能实现经历了一个从被动跟随向主动供应逐步转变的过程,但推动这一转变的主角是政府,政府的金融制度安排或制度创新成为中国金融业整体功能提升的关键。四是提出近代中国金融机构在功能实现中的能动性具有被动适应的特点。这一特点对主动性要求较弱的商业金融服务功能和政府金融服务功能的实现尚不构成阻碍,但极不利于对主动性要求较高的工业金融服务功能的实现,因此,提高中国金融机构的竞争力首先要解决如何由被动追随功能需求向主动供应功能需求转变的问题。本文的不足之处为,一是在分析金融功能时提出了复杂性概念,但在分析其的具体形成机制、与金融各要素的具体关系等问题上着墨不多,需作进一步探讨;二是在分析近代中国金融机构变迁的过程时,从功能角度对金融工具、金融机构、金融市场三者之间的协调运行关系考察力度不够,以上不足有待在今后的研究中予以补充和完善。

【Abstract】 This article discusses the development and changes of the financial institution in1800-1937in modern China from the perspective of the evolution of financial functions.The central point is: Changes of Modern Chinese financial institutions are a product ofthe evolution of financial functions, the evolution of financial functions is essentiallythe continuous differentiation and realization process of the functions, the basicoperating mechanism in this process is coordinating mechanism. It is derived from twopurposes presented as follows: on the one hand, it tries to explore the main financialinstitutions in different stages and better understand the truth behind the laws governingthe evolution. On the other hand, it provides the historical reference for the furtherdevelopment of the banking industry.Based upon the two purposes, this article is derived from the theoretical andhistorical analysis of two aspects around the changing mechanism of financialinstitutions. On theoretical derivation, this study attempts to combine principles offinancial changes and socio-economic changes, by analyzing these concepts such associal function, structure, initiative, and extracts “the function is inherent simplificativedemand of system complexities, the structure is the actual operation of the demand, andfunction is the internal mechanism of the structural changes". Based on the analysis ofthese basic views, the paper analyses the concept of the financial function,differentiation, and implementation, financial changes, and analyzes the key issues suchas the relationship between the function and structure of the financial system, and theinternal mechanism of the financial institutions changes, and theories integration relatedfinancial changes. The view of function coordination of the financial changes arguesthat the financial function is the simplificative needs of the financial system complexityessentially and its evolution is the continual process to simplify the complexity arounddifferentiation and implementation of the financial function. As one of the financialelements of the financial system, a financial institution changes also focuseddifferentiation and implementation of financial functions. Financial institutions adapt tothis differentiation process or dynamic coordination process. Like the other socialevolutionary phenomena, it appeals that the evolution of financial institution lies in thestructural changes, but behind it is the process of functional differentiation and the adaptation and dynamic coordination for dealing with the coordination. Thecoordination with the external development plays the vital role in maintaining the stableoperation of financial institution and the coordination is mainly achieved through thecoordination with the function. Once the coordination cannot be successfully achieved,the economic crisis is likely to occur. The function differentiation and system evolutionis motivated by the human initiative, including the induced and mandatory motivations.Under normal circumstance, the two motives interact to the evolutionary process, butthey play different roles in the different stages. Sometimes the induced motives playsthe major role, sometimes the mandatory motives plays the major influence.The article divides the evolution of modern China financial institution into threestages in1800-1937from the perspective of financial function coordination, and mainlyanalyzes the change of coordinating degree of the different financial institution in thedifferent stages for satisfying the financial demands. From the perspective of serviceobject of the financial system, roughly evolution sequence of financial function isBusiness Financial Services-Government Financial Services-Industry FinancialServices. The first phase is the growth phase of modern China traditional financialinstitution in1800-1840. During the period, the combination of the market inducedincentives with the chaotic and complicated monetary system brought about the newdemands of financial functions which in turn brought about the change of financialstructure, the increase in number of traditional financial institutions such as draft bank,private bank, pawn shops, and the expansion in their business. The second phase is thetransformation of the modern China traditional financial institution. The adaptation tothe financing business of the importing-exporting trade for the private bank and to thefinancing business of governmental public funds is constructed in this period. Themarket induced motives still play the leading role in the external influence on thefinancial system, but the mandatory effect brought from foreign forces and the dynamicreform of the domestic government also increase, promoting the new change ofdomestic traditional financial functional requirements and supply. Business paymentand financing functions still expand, producing the industrial financing demands and thepublic funds flow. Meanwhile, the status of risk management function of the wholefinancial system rises. The third phase sees the great China economic and politicalchange in1895-1937and the fast development of official-private industry andcommerce. Though the period experiences the great shift from Late Qing Dynastygovernment, Beiyang government to Nanjing government, the authority of central government is characterized with the overall strengthening trend. In this period, byintroducing a great amount of western financial theories and systems, the Chinesefinancial system speeds up to move closer to the West and marches along the twodirections: first, the financial function sets out to shift towards the demands of themodern industry and commerce; second, the governmental initiative graduallystrengthens and develops towards the monopoly, which results in the competitivestrengthening of financial institutions and the great change of distribution pattern ofbanking sectors. The article makes an exploration into the governmental role in theimplementation process of modern financial function and its achieved ways.Furthermore, it investigates the influence of institutional innovation on the financialinstitution based on the governmental intervention of finance.Through the analysis above, the article proposes that the evolutionary principleought to be built upon the function-centered financial coordinating mechanisms. Thecoordination degree of interior and exterior financial system is balanced by therealization of function in the dynamic process. Similarly, the various mobility changesand the complicated relation of financial evolution can be investigated by theachievement of function. From the functional perspective, the prosperity of the financialinstitutions is decided by its adaptation to the function and its efficiency. In other words,the institution will develop steadily if the institutional adaptation is strong; theinstitution will be eliminated if the institutional adaptation is weak. The change ofmodern China financial institutions is the reflection of the adaptation of institution tothe functional demands and it is characterized with the passive adaptation which causesthe lagging behind the time of the risk management function and innovative function ofthe governmental system. The two functions play a critical role in the transformation ofmodern China financial institutions and become the main prerequisite for the shift offinancial institution towards the industrial financing subject.There are two inadequacies about this paper. The first problem is that this paperdoes not make deeper analyze about financial function formation mechanism and thespecific relationship among the various elements of the financial system. Second, it isnot enough from a view of functional coordinate that the studies focus on therelationships among financial instruments, financial institutions and financial markets inthe process of modern Chinese financial institutions changes.
