

The Issue of Theory and Practice of Civil Organizations in Poverty Governance in Rural Areas

【作者】 丁越峰

【导师】 唐鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在中国农村的贫困治理历程中,民间组织是一支重要的、具有创新性能力的力量,成为政府主导下农村贫困治理的有效补充。已有的研究指出,在八七扶贫攻坚阶段,民间组织对中国农村贫困治理的贡献率超过28%。本世纪以来,贫困治理领域内的民间组织逐渐从该领域的边缘地带向中心地带渗透,形成了一股具有一定影响力的社会扶贫力量,与政府的合作与交流也逐渐增多。民间组织参与农村贫困治理的效能,主要取决于中国民间组织的整体发展状况,以及中国农村贫困治理的发展趋势。沿着这种思路,本研究将“民间组织参与贫困治理的理论与实践研究”作为研究主题,对民间组织参与贫困治理进行了系统研究。本文的第一、二章为基础性的研究。第一章系统梳理了以“民间组织参与农村贫困治理的理论与实践”为主要议题的相关研究进展。第二章回顾了中国农村贫困治理的基本历程,以及民间组织参与贫困治理的缘起、发展历程、主要成就、价值取向及其动力机制。第三、四、五、六章是本研究的主体部分,其具体研究结论如下:第三章.贫困治理本质上是一种针对贫困人群的福利供给过程。本研究基于西方福利国家的发展历程,梳理了福利多元主义的缘起及其演变阶段。在此基础上,本研究论证了福利多元主义与中国农村贫困治理在结构、理论以及实践上的耦合性和共通性,并通过分析民间组织、福利与贫困治理三者之间的内在关联,建构了一个基于福利多元主义框架的,包含民间组织、政府与受援助社区三个基本主体的“三角治理模型”。第四章.本章以一个典型意义上、运作成功的民间组织为案例,通过分析仪陇乡村发展协会的生成、转型与发展过程,详细考察了民间组织的资源供给与组织转型的内在关联。这种研究显示,在当前的环境下,资源获取能力是决定民间组织转型与发展的关键性要素。民间组织要成为贫困人群福利供给的有效参与者,首先要通过外部资源输入,逐步实现组织自身由依赖向自主的转型。第五章.本章通过对政府与民间组织参与的两种类型的贫困治理比较性分析,客观呈现出农村贫困治理中政府与社会组织的差异所在。本部分研究指出,政府与民间组织在农村贫困治理过程中,存在多个维度的差别,具体包括治理理念与治理结构、参与贫困治理的主要方式和基本内容、监督评估方式等。政府参与农村贫困治理主要是在发展主义的范式下进行,且依靠层级行政体制传递扶贫资源;而社会组织参与贫困治理则体现出一定程度的新发展主义特征,主要采取灵活的、以横向网络为主的治理结构。政府主导的贫困治理多采取项目制的方式;基本内容包括整村推进、产业扶贫、连片开发等多种具体方式。民间组织参与的贫困治理主要方式则更为灵活,包括吸引外部组织参与、培育社区民间组织、动员贫困农户参与等;治理内容包括开展小额信贷业务、提供志愿服务、农村组织与社区建设等。在监督评估方面,政府主导的贫困治理主要采取层级分明的行政性监督评估方式,而民间组织则更主要依赖于参与式监督评估方式。第六章.本章主要讨论民间组织在贫困治理中的角色定位与路径选择。结合对中国农村贫困治理的趋势分析,以及中国公益资源的发展现状,本章节认为,民间组织在贫困治理中可以承担三种基本角色,即资源承接者和项目执行者、政府扶贫工作的协作者、扶贫先进理念的倡导者。在发展过程中,扶贫类民间组织强化自身机构建设、提升参与贫困治理的专业化水平是前提,加强外部交流与沟通、吸引公益资源是关键,寻求与政府部门的合作,获得政府支持与认可是保障。在结论与讨论部分,本研究从整体的视角,进一步讨论了中国农村贫困治理在未来时期的战略选择。我们认为,中国农村贫困问题的根本缓解,在于国家从整体层面布局,逐步调整城乡关系,并逐步加大国家对农村的投入。在当前阶段,民间组织参与农村贫困治理仍面临着一些制约因素,诸如民间组织参与贫困治理的空间不足,民间组织自身发育不健全以及公民社会文化尚待进一步发展等。

【Abstract】 In the course of China’s rural poverty governance, non-governmental organizations have been an important and innovative power and have become effective supplements of the government-oriented rural poverty governance. Previous studies have showed that non-governmental organization’s contributions to China’s Rural Poverty Governance have accounted for more than28%at the Seven-Year Poverty Alleviation Program’s crucial stage. Since this century, civil society organizations in poor governance have gradually penetrated from the edge of this filed into the center of that, and formed to be an influential social poverty force, as well as gained more opportunities to cooperate and communicate with government. The efficiency of the non-governmental organizations mainly depends on the overall development of the China’s non-governmental organizations and the development trend of China’s rural poverty governance. That is to say, this study takes "the theoretical and practical research of the civil organizations in poverty governance" as the research theme, and carries out a systematical study of the civil organizations in poverty governance.In this paper, the first two chapters are the basic researches. The first chapter systematically introduces the related research progress, which takes "the theory and practice of civil society organizations in poverty governance in rural areas as the main topic. The second chapter reviews the basic course of Chinese rural poverty governance, and the origin, the development process, the value orientation and the dynamic mechanism of the civil organizations in poverty governance. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth chapters are the main parts of this paper, and the specific research conclusions are as follows:Chapter Ⅲ. Poverty governance is in essence a process of the welfare provision for the poor. Based on the development history of the Western welfare state, this paper reviews the origin and evolution stage of the Welfare Pluralism. On this basis, this study demonstrates the coupling and the commonality of the structure, the theory and the practice between the Welfare Pluralism and China’s rural poverty governance, and constructs a "triangle governance model" by analyzing the internal association of civil organizations, the welfare and the poverty governance, which is based on welfare pluralism frame and contains three basic bodies:the non-governmental organizations, the government and the recipient community.Chapter Ⅳ. By employing a typical and successful civil organization as a case, this chapter examines the internal association between the resource supply and organizational transformation of civil society organizations in detail through analyzing the generation, transformation and development process of the Longxiang Rural Development Association. This study demonstrates that the ability of obtaining resources is a critical element to determine the transformation and development of the civil organization under the current environment. If the non-governmental organizations are to become effective participants in poor welfare provision, it should gradually realize the transformation from dependence to independence through the primary external resources.Chapter V. This chapter conducts a detailed comparison of two similar poverty governance processes between the government-oriented and the civil organizations-oriented, and objectively presents the differences between government and social organizations in the rural poverty governance through a comparative analysis of the two types of poor governance process. This part of the study pointed out that the government and social organizations in the process of rural poor governance, there are differences in multiple dimensions, including its management philosophy and management structure, the main form of participation of poor governance and the basic content, monitoring and evaluation methods.Government participation in poor governance is mainly in the development of doctrine paradigm and rely on passing poverty level administrative system resources; Poor governance and social organizations is reflected to some extent the development of new doctrine characteristics, mainly to be flexible in order web governance structure of the Lord.Poor governance led by the government often take the approach of project-based;The basic content includes the village level, industrial poverty, contiguous development and other specific ways.The main mode of governance of society organizations involved in poverty are more flexible, including attracting external organizations, civil society organizations foster community and mobilize poor farmers participation; Governance includes micro-finance services, volunteer services, rural organizations and community building. In terms of monitoring and evaluation, poor governance led by the government clearly has mainly taken the administrative level monitoring and evaluation methods, and major civil society organizations are more dependent on participatory monitoring and evaluation methods.Chapter VI. This chapter mainly discusses the role orientation and the path selection of the civil organizations in poverty governance. Combined the trend analysis of China’s rural poor governance, and the present development situation of public resources in China, this chapter considers that non-governmental organizations can take three basic roles in poor governance, namely, the resources undertaker and the project executor, the collaborator of the government anti-poverty project, and the advocate of the advanced ideas of anti-poverty. In the development process, to strengthen self-construction and improve the professional level of participation of poor governance is the premise, to reinforce the external exchanges and communications and attract public resources is the key, and to seek cooperation with government departments and attain the support and recognition is the guarantee for civil society organizations.At the conclusion and discussion part, this research which with an overall perspective, further discusses the strategic choice of China’s rural poverty governance in the future period, and briefly analyzes the current difficulties and fundamental challenges of the civil society organizations to participate in China’s rural poverty governance. We assume that the fundamental solution to tackle China’s poverty is that our country gradually adjusts urban-rural relationship and increases input into rural areas. At present stage, the participation of NGOs in rural poverty governance still faces a number of constraints, such as the insufficient space in poverty governance, unsound development of themselves, further development of the civil social cultural and so on.

  • 【分类号】D632.9;D422.6
  • 【下载频次】1298