【作者】 钱敏;
【导师】 张三夕;
【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2014, 博士
【摘要】 《历世真仙体道通鉴》,元代中期浮云山圣寿万年宫道士赵道一修撰,载《道藏》洞真部记传类。全书由《正编》、《续编》、《后集》三部分组成,共64卷,全书共收神仙、道士传记899人。此书为现存神仙道士传记中收罗最富的一部,在道教史上倍显珍贵。《仙鉴编例》云:“乃搜之群书,考之经史,订之仙传而成,间或芟繁摭要,不敢私自加入一言,庶可示信于后,亦窃比述而不作之意。”目前学界对于该书的学术研究相当之缺乏,本文从某种角度上而言具有填补空白的意义。本文对《历世真仙体道通鉴》的思想内容做了深入探讨,并将它与道教史上其他著名传记、正史、《太平广记》做了比较研究,以期更深入地了解此书的编撰特征和思想艺术特色。全文共分七章。第一章对《历世真仙体道通鉴》的作者、版本、编写体例进行了详细介绍,并对《历世真仙体道通鉴》中神仙道士的品位类型及道派做了背景式的概述。第二章“《历世真仙体道通鉴》的思想及主题”对《历世真仙体道通鉴》中的修道途径、传记的主题类型、唐玄宗朝至五代时期神仙的新变、全书富有时代特征的道教思想做了深入的论述,以期进一步深入了解《历世真仙体道通鉴》的道教思想。第三章及第四章将《历世真仙体道通鉴》与道教史上其他八部著名传记做了文献比勘,旨在溯清《历世真仙体道通鉴》的编撰特点和道教思想。第五章将《历世真仙体道通鉴》与正史中重出人物做了深入比较,从价值取向、叙述内容两方面展开论述,以期深入了解不同文化背景之下同一仙道人物的不同的记载状况,加深对道教人物的认识。第六章将《历世真仙体道通鉴》与《太平广记》做了比较,从它们的编写目的、编者身份、道教思想、描写人物手法等方面展开论述,旨在更深入地探讨《历世真仙体道通鉴》思想和艺术特点。第七章对《历世真仙体道通鉴》的叙事特征做了概括,旨在对仙传的独特叙事特征有更深的把握。《历世真仙体道通鉴》对后世影响较小,余论对《历世真仙体道通鉴》对于后世仙传及文人的影响做了简要的探讨。
【Abstract】 <The history of spirits of every dynasty>was done by Zhaodaoyi.The biography is made of sixty roll numbers,record899spirits, the most numbers in taoism history.In corrent day,this biography is studied by little people.so this thesis fill in gaps. The auther said:"The biography was consulted by orther books.My thesis discuss the theme of this biography,and compare this book with other taoism biography,history,<Taipingguangji>,in order to study the compile feature and theme of this biography.The article contained seven chapters. Chapter one, I disscussed the auther,edition,feature,and taoism grade in this biography.Chapter two,the theme of<The history of spirits of every dynasty>,cultivate methord,the idea,the change in Tang xuanzong and Wudai,the taoism thoughts of times.Chapter three and four,I compared the biography with other eight taoism biographies. in order todeepen the recognise of this book.Chapter five, I compared the biography with biographies. in history. in order to learn the diffence in the two diffent books.Chapter six, I compared the biography with<Taipingguangji>. Spirits was recorded in <Taipingguangji>.the diffence between them is very clear.Chapter seven,the narrate feature in this spirit biography was studied. taoism biography had there unique feature.The conclusion discussed the influence of this book.
【Key words】 <The history of spirits of every dynasty>; spirit; biography;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 华中师范大学 【网络出版年期】2014年 08期
- 【分类号】B958
- 【下载频次】325