

Study on the Platform Application of China’s Participation in the International Economic System Reform Process Since New Century

【作者】 曹广伟

【导师】 程又中;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 新世纪以来,国际经济体系发生了重大调整和变革,西方发达国家经济缓慢增长,在金融危机中,受到重大冲击,经济发展陷入停滞、哀退之中,实力相对下降;以“金砖国家”为首的新兴经济体迅速崛起,逐渐成为应对金融危机、拉动世界经济增长的主要引擎,推动国际经济格局快速演进,加速了世界多极化、力量均衡化进程。以新自山主义为核心的世界经济治理观念受到诸多诟病,主流经济思想的地位面临挑战;凯恩斯主义在全球救市的行动中,得以顺利回归,与新自由主义实现融合,共享世界主流经济思想的地位。在国际经济权力结构和经济观念结构变迁的基础上,国际经济制度也发生了重大调整和变革,国际金融制度日益完善,增强了国际社会应对金融风险的能力,提升了发展中国家在国际金融体系中的代表性和发言权;经济全球化、区域一体化深入发展,WTO框架下的多哈回合谈判步履维艰,多边自由贸易陷入困境,欧美发达国家另辟蹊径,大力推进新一轮区域自由贸易谈判,意在构建“全面且高水平”的经贸规则,主导国际经济秩序的演变进程。面对国际经济体系出现的重大调整和变革,中国主动谋划,及时调整内政外交政策,积极应对,充分运用国际、国内平台积极参与国际经济体系的变革进程,推进其在有利于实现中国国家利益,有利于满足发展中国家价值、利益诉求,有利于促进世界经济健康发展的方向上发展演进,以建立更加公正、合理的国际经济新秩序。在不同的平台上,中国根据国际经济形势和不同层次平台的特点,采取不同的战略,以实现不同的目标。在全球层面上,中国积极参与利用二十国集团,推进其机制化进程,携手构建G20机制运行框架,提升议题设置能力,促进二十国集团从金融危机的应急机制向促进经济合作的有效平台转变。推进各国宏观政策的协调,积极参与全球救市行动,关注贫穷、发展问题。与国际社会携手建立了现代历史上最大规模和最为协调的财政和货币刺激措施,以及最为全面的金融业扶持计划,大幅提高了用于防止危机扩散全球的必要资源,向金融系统和实体经济注入大量基础货币,恢复市场流动性,刺激了全球经济复苏。并推动各主要国家建立相互协调的财政整顿计划和退出措施,维护了世界经济问题,推进了世界经济强劲、可持续和平衡增长。加强金融监管,提高了金融系统抵御波及整个金融系统风险的能力,有利于缩小而非放大金融和经济周期,降低经济对不适当的风险融资来源的依赖性,以及阻止过度的冒险活动,达到促进维护金融系统稳定和经济繁荣的目标;推动国际货币体系改革,促进了国际货币基金组织加快对“特别提款权”货币篮子进行改革,为人民币尽快进入SDR货币篮子提供了通道,加速了人民币国际化的进程;与新兴经济体携手推进了国际金融组织改革,提高了中国和发展中国家在国际金融组织内的发言权。在区域层面上,中国利用东盟在区域合作中的有利地位和作用,率先推进中-东盟自由贸易区建设,深化双方贸易合作和经济往来,增强政治安全互信,维护地区繁荣和稳定,逐渐形成了全方位、多层次、宽领域的合作格局,引领了东亚区域合作方向,加速了周边国家与东盟的自由贸易区建设进程。同时,支持其在区域合作中发挥主导作用,构筑“10+3”机制框架下的区域合作平台,增强了区域合作意识和互利共赢的理念,扩大了合作空间与潜力,为东亚一体化进程的深入推进扫除了障碍。携手推进《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》谈判,努力达成一个现代、全面、高质量、互利的经济伙伴协议,整合、优化东亚区域多重自由贸易安排,改变规则过多、操作易乱的现状,努力构建一个高质量的自由贸易区。在国内层面,中国启动了中国(上海)自由贸易试验区建设,意在通过制度创新促进投资和贸易的便利化,打造一个具有国际水准的金融开放、投资贸易便利、监管高效便捷、法制环境规范的自由贸易区。加快转变政府职能,改革创新政府管理模式,探索建立与国际高标准投资和贸易规则体系相适应的行政管理体系;试行准入前国民待遇,探索建立负面清单管理模式,逐步形成与国际接轨的外商投资管理制度;推进“一线放开”、“二线安全高效管住”的监管服务模式,提升投资贸易便利化水平,提升我国在全球贸易价值链中的地位;鼓励跨国公司在自贸区建立亚太地区总部,探索设立国际大宗商品交易和资源配置平台:先行先试人民币资本项目兑换、利率和汇率市场化、推进人民币国际化进程,促进上海国际金融中心建设,提升我国在全球金融领域的地位。中国通过对二十国集团、东盟和上海自贸区三个层次平台的运用,有效参与国际经济体系变革进程之中,增强了参与国际经济体系的能力,提升了国际影响,经济大国的地位和作用得到广泛认可,逐渐成为世界经济治理体系的核心成员。

【Abstract】 Since the new century, major adjustments and changes have taken place in the international economic system.The western developed countries were slow in economic growth,and were greatly affected in the financial crisis.Its economic development stalled, recession,and strength relatively declined; Headed by the BRICS’s economy rapid rising,it gradually tackled the financial crisis and became the main engine to drive world economic growth, promoting international economic pattern of rapid evolution, speeding up the process of world over-polarization and power equalization. New liberalism, as the core concept of governance of the world economy by a lot of criticism, challenges the status of mainstream economic thought; Keynesian’s rescue operations in the whole world returned smoothly, and the new liberalism,which was to realize integration, sharing the world status of mainstream economic thought. Concept of power in the international economic structure and economic structure changes, on the basis of major changes have also taken place in the international economic system and changed the international financial system which is increasingly perfect, enhancing the ability of the international community to address the financial risk,and increasing the representation of developing countries in the international financial system and voice; In-depth development of economic globalization and regional integration, which aim was to struggle under the framework of the WTO DOHA Round Negotiations and multilateral free trade. The European and American developed countries are to promote a new round of regional free trade negotiations, building a "comprehensive and high level" economic trade rules,and keeping the main process of the evolution of the international economic in order.In the face of major changes in the international economic system, China plans to adjust to the internal affairs of foreign policy actively, making full use of domestic and international platform to actively participate in international economic system and promoting its conducts to meet China’s national interests, meeting the developing countries’value and interest demands, which is beneficial to promote the healthy development of the world economy evolution’s direct development, and creating a more fair and reasonable new international economic order. On different platforms, according to the China international economic situation and the characteristics of different level platform,it needs to take a different strategy, in order to achieve different goals.At the global level, China actively involved in the use of the G20.In the process of its mechanism,it operates on the G20mechanism framework hand in hand,which promoting agenda setting ability, the G20from financial crisis emergency’s response,and economic cooperation platform for the effective transformation.China needs to promote national macro policy coordination, and actively participates in the global bail-out,with problems of poverty and development. Establishing in modern history with the international community in the largest and most coordinated fiscal and monetary stimulus measures, as well as the most comprehensive financial support programs, a substantial increase in the diffusion of global resources is necessary to prevent crisis, pouring into the financial system and real economy base money, restoring liquidity in the market, and stimulating the global economic’s recovery.It can also promote a coordinated fiscal consolidation plan in major countries and take measures to solve the world’s economic problems, promoting the strong, sustainable and balancing the growth of world economy. Strengthening financial regulation, improving the financial system to reduce rather than enlarge financial and economic cycle, reducing economic dependence of inappropriate risk source of funding, and preventing excessive risk-taking to promote the maintenance of financial system stability and economic prosperity of the goal; For the international monetary system reform, it could promote the international monetary fund to speed up reforming (Special Drawing Rights (SDRS))currency basket, which provides a channel of RMB as soon as possible into the SDR basket, accelerating the process of RMB internationalization. With emerging-economy advanced in the reform of the international financial organizations and raised in China and other developing countries, the international financial organizations says.At the regional level, China’s use of the association of south-east Asian nations in the position and role of the regional cooperation is to take the leading role in promoting the construction of china free trade area, deepen trade cooperation and economic exchanges, enhance the political and security mutual trust, safeguarding regional prosperity and stability, and gradually formed a multilevel and wide-range cooperation pattern, lead the direction of east Asian regional cooperation, and speed up the construction of the surrounding countries and free trade area of the process. At the same time, supported to play a leading role in regional cooperation, the construction of\"10+3\" mechanism under the framework of regional cooperation platform enhancing the regional cooperation consciousness and the mutually beneficial and win-win idea, expanding the cooperative space with potential, for east Asian integration deepening swept away obstacles. To promote the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement negotiations, efforts must be taken to achieve a modern, comprehensive, high quality and mutually beneficial economic partnership agreement in integration, optimization of the east Asian region multiple free trade arrangements.changing rules too much, it’s not easy for operation, instead,it needs taking efforts to build a high quality of the free trade area.At the domestic level, China launched the China (Shanghai) free trade area construction to promote investment and trade facilitation by system innovation, creating an international level of financial openness in investment and trade and making convenient, efficient and convenient regulation, legal environment and standard free trade area. To speed up the transformation government function,to reform the government management mode. Exploring the establishment and high level of investment and international trade rules system is appropriate to the administrative management system; On a trial basis before having access to national treatment, exploring the negative list of the management mode, gradually forming in line with international standards of the foreign investment management system; Promoting the\"one line let go\",\"second line safe effective rule\" regulation of service mode, enhancing the level of investment and trade facilitation and promoting our country the position in global trade value chain; Encouraging multinational companies set up headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region in the free trade zone to explore to set up the international commodity trading and the allocation of resources platform; First,it should try the renminbi capital project exchange,increasing interest rate and exchanging rate marketization during the process of RMB internationalization, promoting the construction of Shanghai international financial center,and elevating the financial sector’s status of our country in the world.Through the g20, China’s association of south-east Asian nations and three level platform’s use in Shanghai free trade zone, effectively participating in the international economic system reform process, enhancing the ability to participate in the international economic system, improving the international influence, economic superpower status and function of the widely recognised, it has gradually become the core members of the world economic governance system.

  • 【分类号】F124;F113
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