

The Reform Research on Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Special Zone

【作者】 杨江峰

【导师】 范先佐;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 特区义务教育均衡发展,是指在社会和谐总目标的引领下,为消除深圳市内六个区之间义务教育发展的不均衡,市政府通过调节区域范围内政治、经济和文化各系统之间以及各系统内部诸要素之间在六个区之间的布局、规模、速度和质量之间的比例关系,使特区范围内区域之间的义务教育呈现协调发展的过程。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(2010—2020)明确要求建立健全义务教育均衡发展保障机制,均衡配置教师、设备、图书、校舍等各项资源,切实缩小校际差距,加快缩小城乡差距,努力缩小区域差距,到2020年基本实现区域内义务教育均衡发展,并且义务教育均衡发展要率先在区域范围内进行。这充分体现了党和国家对促进区域义务教育均衡发展的高度重视。那么,什么是区域义务教育均衡发展?特区义务教育均衡发展己取得了哪些成效?还存在哪些主要问题,为什么会存在这些问题?如何进一步改革和完善特区义务教育均衡发展?本文在对深圳市六个区(重点是盐田区)义务教育均衡发展实地调研的基础上,从理论和实践相结合的角度,对上述问题及原因进行了较为全面、系统、深入的分析,提出了进一步推进区域义务教育均衡发展的对策思路。基于以上逻辑思路,本文共分为五章:第一章为导论,主要是确定论文所要研究的问题,阐明研究目的和意义,对核心概念进行了界定,深入分析了国内外关于区域义务教育均衡发展的研究现状,确定了本文的研究方法和基本研究思路。第二章介绍了深圳市义务教育的基本情况,以盐田区为例系统地阐述了深圳市义务教育均衡发展举措及成效。第三章以盐田区为例结合深圳市六个区的情况,介绍了特区义务教育均衡发展的实践,分析、梳理了特区义务教育均衡发展所取得的经验和形成的特色。第四章分析了特区义务教育均衡发展所面临问题以及形成这些问题的原因,主要是部分职能部门执行教育法规不积极;区际之间、区内校际之间教育资源配置仍不均衡;个别区域教育行政部门和学校管理不到位;公、民办学校的发展不协调等。第五章在分析深圳市义务教育均衡发展过程中存在问题的深层次原因的基础上,提出破解问题的策略,以期为我国义务教育均衡发展提供有益的经验和借鉴。

【Abstract】 The balanced development of compulsory education in special zone (Shenzhen) is a process leading by the aim of social harmony of the general objective, aiming to eliminate the unbalance of compulsory education development among six districts in Shenzhen, and implementing by Shenzhen government through the regulation in the mutual system of politics, economy and culture and in the layout, scale, speed and quality of the ratio of the internal factors in individual system within six districts, which make the compulsory education in the special zone go through coordinated development.《The national medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline》(2010-2020) clearly required to establish the safeguard mechanism of compulsory education balanced development, to balance the configuration of teachers, equipment, books, building and other resources, to reduce intercollegiate gap, to eliminate gap between urban and rural areas, to reduce regional gap, to achieve general balanced development of compulsory education in this region by2020, and to take the lead in this area. This fully expressed the high attention of our party and country to promote the balanced development of compulsory education. So, what is the compulsory education balanced development in special zone? What has achieved in compulsory education balanced development in special zone? What are the main problems still exist, and why these problems exist? How to further reform and perfect compulsory education balanced development in special zone? Based on the field investigation and research of Shenzhen compulsory education balanced development in six districts(especially Yantian district), and applying theory to reality, this paper includes the comprehensive, systematic and in-depth analysis about these problems and their reasons, and proposes countermeasures to further promote regional compulsory education balanced development.Based on the above logic, this paper is divided into five chapters:The first chapter is introduction, mainly to determine the research problems, to clarify research purpose and meaning, to define the core concept, to conduct in-depth analysis of present research status at home and abroad about regional compulsory education balanced development, and to determine the research methods and basic research ideas.The second chapter introduces the basic situation of the Shenzhen compulsory education, and using Yantian district as an example, systematically elaborates the measures and effects of compulsory education balanced development in ShenzhenThe third chapter using yantian district as an example, combining with the situation of fix other districts in Shenzhen, introduces the practice of special zone compulsory education balanced development, and analyzes the experiences and characteristics during the process of special zone compulsory education balanced developmentThe fourth chapter analyzes the problems and the cause of formation of these problems in special zone compulsory education balanced development, mainly that some functional departments carry out education regulations inactively; that Interregional and inter schools education resources allocation is still not balanced; that management of certain regional education administrative department and schools is not enough; and that public and private school develop uncoordinatedly, etc.The fifth chapter analyzes the problems and their deep reasons during the process of compulsory education balanced development in Shenzhen, and further proposes strategies to crack problem, hoping to provide beneficial experience and reference for the compulsory education balanced development in our country
