

The Effect and Mechanism of Stress on Internet Addition

【作者】 魏华

【导师】 周宗奎;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 科学技术的创新和发展常常会给人类生活带来广泛、深刻和持久的影响。在诸多技术发明之中,互联网无疑是影响最为深远的一种。互联网的发展一方面使人们的生活变得更加丰富多彩、徇丽多姿,但另外一方面也带来很多负面效应。在诸多负面效应之中,受到关注最多的就是网络成瘾。网络成瘾会对个体的社会功能和身心健康造成极大的损害。因此,研究网络成瘾的影响因素和作用机制有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。在影响网络成瘾的诸多变量中,压力受到了越来越多的关注,除了考察两者的关系,部分研究也开始探索压力影响网络成瘾的作用机制。虽然相关研究较多,但是目前该领域的研究缺乏整合的框架和系统的研究。因此,本文将在以往理论和实证研究的基础上,建构一个压力影响网络成瘾的整合模型,并通过问卷法来验证这一模型。’本研究在一般适应综合症、有限自制力理论和资源保存理论的基础上,结合相关实证数据,建构了压力影响网络成瘾的资源消耗模型。该模型假设压力会消耗个体的心理资源,最终导致网络成瘾。随后,本研究通过问卷法检验该模型。主要得到以下结论:1.压力会通过资源的中介作用对网络成瘾产生影响。这一效应适用于不同群体(大学生、中职生)、不同时期的压力(近期压力,童年期虐待)和多种心理资源(自尊、自我控制、感恩、学校归属感和社会支持)。2.大学生校园压力通过动机的中介作用对网络成瘾产生影响,但这一中介效应不稳定。校园压力通过现实自尊、虚拟自尊和逃避动机的多重中介作用对网络成瘾产生影响,校园压力还可以通过自我控制和人际动机的多重中介作用对网络成瘾产生影响。现实自尊会降低网络成瘾的风险,虚拟自尊会增加网络成瘾的风险。3.在大学生压力影响资源以及资源影响网络成瘾的过程中,积极情绪均不存在调节作用。4.中职生消极情绪和压力、网络成瘾呈显著正相关,与资源成显著负相关。压力通过资源和消极情绪的多重中介作用对网络成瘾产生影响。

【Abstract】 The innovation and development of science and technology often has wide, profound and long-lasting impact on human life. Among those inventions, Internet, undoubtedly, is the most far-reaching one. On the one hand, the development of Internet enriches people’s lives; on the other hand, it also brings negative effects. Among these negative effects, Internet addiction has received extensive attention. Internet addiction is detrimental to individual’s mental health and social functioning. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical significance to study the influencing factors and mechanism of Internet addiction.Among those variables that affecting Internet addiction, stress has been paid more and more attention. Besides examining the relationship between Internet addiction and stress, some studies have begun to explore the mechanism that how stress affects Internet addiction. Although much work has been done, research in this area still lacks integrating framework and systematic study. Thus, based on previous theoretical and empirical research, this paper is to construct an integrating model of how stress affects Internet addiction and validate this model by questionnaire and experiment.On the basis of general adaptation syndrome, limited self-control theory and conservation of resource theory, this study constructed a resource consumption model of stress affecting Internet addiction by combining relevant empirical data. The model assumes that stress consumes individual’s psychological resources, eventually leading to Internet addiction. Subsequently, I examined the model by questionnaire and eye movement. The main conclusions are as follows:1. Pressure affects Internet addiction via the mediating effect of resource. This effect applies to different groups (college students, vocational students), stress at different times (recent stress, childhood abuse) and a variety of psychological resources (self-esteem, self-control, gratitude, school belonging and social support).2. College students’campus stress affects Internet addiction via motivation as mediating effect. However, this mediating effect is not stable. Campus stress influences Internet addiction through actual self-esteem, virtual self-esteem and escape motivation as multiple mediating effects. Campus stress also influences Internet addiction through self-control, social motivation as multiple mediating effects. Actual self-esteem decreases the risk of Internet addiction. While virtual self-esteem increases the risk of Internet addiction..3. In the process of stress affecting resource and resource affecting Internet addiction among college students, the regulating effect of positive emotions do not exist. 4. Vocational students’ negative emotions are significantly positively correlated with stress and Internet addiction. There is a significant negative correlation between vocational students’ negative emotions and resource. stress has an impact on Internet addiction through multiple mediating effects of resource and negative emotions.
