

The Social Network and Migrants Livelihood Development of Differentiation

【作者】 覃志敏

【导师】 黄承伟;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在人类发展历史上,贫困现象和问题一直是困扰很多国家、地区及民众的重大挑战之一。减少和消除贫困是国际社会共同追求的目标。在发展中国家的现代化进程中,贫困与反贫困一直是政府机构的工作重心和未竞难题。20世纪80年代初期,我国开始在一些自然条件特别恶劣地区探索实施移民搬迁工程,通过移民扶贫的方式解决困难群众温饱问题。30多年来的实践表明,通过实施扶贫移民,迁出区生活环境有效恢复,移民在安置地生产生活水平明显提高,促进了人口与资源环境的协调发展。扶贫移民在实践上的显著成效,引发了学界广泛关注与研究。然而,扶贫移民在生产生活空间转化过程中是如何从贫困迈向发展致富,以及围绕该过程移民的社会网络和生计方式经历了怎样的变化等议题仍缺乏系统性研究。鉴于此,本文在社会网络思想和可持续生计观念的基础上构建了扶贫移民生计发展分析框架,以桂西北跨县集中安置移民案例实践为经验支撑,对扶贫移民社会关系网络变动和生计恢复发展进行系统研究。本文构建了扶贫移民生计发展分析框架。该框架主要山迁出区脆弱性背景、扶贫移民、安置地结构和过程转变、社会网络与生计资源、生计模式、生计发展结果等六个主要部分构成。其结构思路可以概括为:迁出区脆弱性背景下,人口与资源环境矛盾突出是实施扶贫移民的根本动因。作为一种事前的贫困干预政策措施,移民搬迁在为扶贫移民提供了发展机遇的同时,也增加了移民贫困程度加深的风险;移民搬迁安置后,扶贫移民从社会关系网络中获取安置地结构和过程转变的发展机会与资源,生计方式发生转变,获得了收入水平和生活水平稳步提高等生计发展结果。本文将扶贫移民实施过程分为移民搬迁、移民安置和安置地扶贫开发三个依次推进的阶段。在扶贫移民过程中,移民社会网络经历从破碎到调整重构再到拓展的变动过程:移民社会网络在移民搬迁中破碎化,在移民安置中实现调整、重构,并在安置地扶贫开发阶段向安置地社会结构拓展。在迁出区脆弱性背景下,扶贫移民人力资本水平低,个人资源和社会网络资源十分有限,农业生计活动以粮食生产为主,且难以实现温饱。在地理空间、生计资源的转换之后,扶贫移民生计活动有效恢复和向相对高价值农业生计转变是在移民具体的、正在进行的社会网络中获取资源并实现的:在移民安置阶段,扶贫移民在调整重构的社会网络中获取基本生计资源,并在安置地较好的资源条件下实现了生计有效恢复,解决了温饱问题;在安置地扶贫开发阶段,扶贫移民在拓展后的社会网络中获取相对高价值农业的发展性资源,实现从原有以粮食为主的低价值农业生计向以经济作物为主的相对高价值农业生计转变,收入水平和生活质量显著提高,逐步脱贫致富。移民生计发展实质是移民在具体的、正在进行的社会网络中从低价值农业生计向相对高价值的农业生计转变。移民社会网络向外部经济网络结构(主要是安置地经济网络结构)的拓展状况对移民生计行动产生了重要影响,促成了移民生计的分化。一部分移民在安置地扶贫开发阶段通过社会网络的拓展(即移民网络部分嵌入或完全嵌入安置地经济发展结构),实现了向相对高价值农业生计模式转变和发展致富;另外一些移民难以实现社会网络的拓展(即社会网络区隔于安置地经济网络结构,属于非嵌入或“零嵌入”状态),仍维系着搬迁前的生计方式,家庭收入增长缓慢甚至停滞,生活水平难以获得有效提高,仍处于贫困之中。在安置地较好的发展条件下,移民社会网络区隔于外部经济网络结构(主要是安置地经济网络结构),是导致其生计发展困难而未能摆脱贫困的基本原因。移民贫困农户社会网络与外部经济发展网络结构的区隔,既有贫困移民缺乏社会交往经验,与原住村民、富裕移民互动交流少等内部主观因素,也有安置地政府机构等正式组织构成的正式社会网络的资源有限而难以做到移民全覆盖等外部客观因素。乡村“经济能人”专业的农业生产技术和丰富的市场经验使其能得到贫困移民的信任并建立起紧密社会联系,同时乡村“经济能人”长期的市场打拼,与企业、商业伙伴等市场主体保持广泛联系,社会资本深厚。乡村“经济能人”的这种特质属性使其能有效消除贫困移民农户社会网络与外部经济发展结构的区隔,起到移民贫困农户社会网络与外部经济网络有效对接的桥梁作用,是推动贫困移民生计持续发展和实现脱贫致富的重要社会机制。

【Abstract】 Poverty allevitaion is one of major challenges in many countries and regions, in the history of human progress. Poverty alleviation and development is the goal pursued by the internation society. Poverty alleviation has been the focus of government agencies and remaining challenges, in process of modernization with developing countries.Magrition induced by poverty alleviation has been implemented as a pilot in some particulary harsh natural conditions area of china in the early1980s. More than30years of practice has proved that migration induced by poverty alleviation is an effective approach to poverty reduction. The income levels and living strandard of immigration have been significantly improved, the ecology of out-migrating places keep balance, district population and resource environment coordinative development. Magrition induced by poverty alleviation has atteacted a great deal of scholarly attention, and achieve fruitful research results. Then, some important issues have not been systematic studies, for example, how did immigrant follow the road of becoming well-off of sustainable development, what changes have taken place in immigrant’ networks and livelihood at this process. In reviw of this, this thesis focus on these topics build immigrant livelihood analysis framework basis on the social network theory and sustainable livelihood approach, and gather experience material through field investigation.The immigrant livelihoods development on poverty analysis framework is constructed in this article. The immigrant livelihood analysis framework constituted by the six parts, vulnerability contest of out-migrating places, magrition induced by poverty alleviation, structure and processes of in-migrating place, social network and livelihood resources, livelihood strategies, livelihood outcome. Magrition induced by poverty alleviation had taken as that the problem of population to resource and environments is serious in out-migrating place. Magrition induced by poverty alleviation is considered a relocation that advances intervention poverty reduction policies. The immigrant access to development opportunities in the resettlement stage, at the some time, increasing the risk of worse off; when the relocation stage finished, immigrants get the livelihood resources in the social network in the "structure and processes of in-migrating place". Then, the mode of livelihood is change, and gets mote money, have a better live.The process of magrition induced by poverty alleviation is divided into tress stages, relocation, resettlement, poverty-relief and development. The immigrant social networks have gone from crush to refactoring, then to expand, in the process of magrition induced by poverty alleviation. Immigrant social network crush in the stage of relocation, adjust and refactoring in the stage of resettlement, than expended in the stage of poverty-relief and development. The low levels of human capital and limited personal resources are significant characteristics of the immigratants. The livelihood resources need which immigraents livelihood restoration and development are from thire specific ongoing social networks, in the geographic space, livelihood resources for conversion process. In the stage of resettlement, the livelihood resources are from adjusted and reconstructed social networks, immigrants achieve restoration of livelihood, and have solved the problem of food and clothing; in the stage of poverty-relief and development, the livelihood resources are from expended social networks, immigrants achieve sustainable rural livelihood, and gets mote money, have a better live. The essence of immigrant livelihood development is that the original low-market value rural livelihood transformat to relatively high market velue rural livelihood on the specifical onging social networks.Social network have a significant impact on the livelihoods of immigrant. Immigrant livelihood differentiation depends on that immigrant personal social network to expand external economic development of network structure, mainly economic resettlement network structure. In the stage of poverty-relief and development, some immigrant social network to expand external economic development of network structure, achieving a relatively high value livelihoods and freedom from want. Others social network fail to expand external economic development of network structure, in other words, their social network and the networks of economic development separation. So they retain the original low-market value rural livelihood and still in poverty.Personal network and networks of economic development structural separation is an important causes the poor immigrants livelihood development. There are many resons to make the poor immigrants social network seprated the external economic networks, for example poor immigrants less interaction with local villagers and rich immigrants, the government finace limited and official social network recources difficult to share to all the immigrants. Economic rlites of rural win the trust of poor immigrants and establish close relationships bace on their professional production technology, extensive market experiences and strong social capital. Economic rlites of rural is the "bridge" and connect the the poor immigrants personal network to external external economic networks. Economic rlites of rural is the very important social mechanisms that conneting poor immigrants social network and economic development structure.

  • 【分类号】C912.3;D632.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】827
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