

Study on the Relationship between the Peasant、Farmer and States in Rural Land Transfer

【作者】 周金衢

【导师】 谢舜;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在土地流转的制度框架下,土地权利进一步分化,由以前的“两权分离”变为“三权分离”,集体拥有土地的所有权,农民拥有土地的承包权,大户拥有土地在一定期限内的经营权。农民与国家间的双边关系在一定程度上又变为农民、大户与国家之间的三角关系。这三者之间的互动是否顺畅、关系是否和谐,不仅关系到农村土地流转的秩序,还直接影响到农村社会的稳定。文章选择桂东南F区作为调查个案,采用实地调查的定性研究方式,运用“国家与社会”的理论视角,对土地流转中的农民、大户与国家之间的关系进行系统考察,力求发现其中存在的问题,并提出有针对性的对策。具体而言,全文分为六部分:第一部分为绪论部分,主要介绍本文研究的问题,并在综述以往研究成果的基础上提出自己的分析框架与案例选择。第二部分介绍农村土地流转的社会背景与制度背景,指出当下农村土地流转是中国工业化、城市化加速发展的结果。农村剩余劳动力的大规模转移,必然改变农村社会的机遇结构,使农村资源、特别是土地资源利用方式发生变化,从而导致农村土地流转。第三部分分析了土地租赁过程中国家的介入与社会的反应。为了规范农村土地流转秩序,避免潜在的流转纠纷,国家有限度地介入了土地租赁过程,制定了相关的政策,组建起了土地流转服务机构。然而,土地流转中的农民和大户却对国家的介入采取了消极抵制的态度,他们绕过土地流转服务机构进行私下流转,既不签订规范的土地流转合同,也不主动去登记备案。面对农民和大户的消极抵制,基层政策执行机构采取了“睁一只眼闭一只眼”的应对策略,这就为农村土地流转冲突埋下了隐患。第四部分探讨了流转收益博弈过程中的农民、大户与国家之间的关系。自农业税取消之后,国家便退出了对农业产出的直接争夺,国家与社会之间的关系相对缓和。然而国家在监管方面却存在缺位的问题,由此导致土地流转合同的约束力大打折扣,为了追求即时利益的最大化,土地流转双方反复博弈,这增加了土地流转的交易成本,妨碍了土地流转的秩序。第五部分重点探讨了流转冲突的起因及基层政府在冲突解决中的角色与作用。土地流转是在工业化和城市化的大背景之下展开的,因而不可避免会受到宏观经济发展环境的影响。当社会经济发展进入调整期,农民工不得不返回农村,在生存逻辑的驱使下与大户爆发激烈的冲突。国家因为退出了对农业产出的直接争夺,因而也不再成为农民和大户抗争的对象,但国家作为社会秩序的供给者、农地流转矛盾中的仲裁者的角色却不断加强。冲突的解决途径主要有调解、仲裁和判决三种,但发生冲突的农民和大户实际上更倾向于选择调解这种途径,这就给基层政府带来了沉重的压力。第六部分为研究结论与对策部分。农业税取消之后,国家退出了对农业产出的直接争夺,也不再成为农民和大户抗争的对象。国家在某种程度上成为单纯的监管者和服务者。因而与解放前农民、地主与国家的关系以及解放后国家与农民的关系相比,土地流转中国家与社会的关系更加缓和。但土地流转中国家与社会之间的关系还谈不上和谐,这表现在国家的相关政策得不到有效贯彻,国家的监管还不够有力,国家的服务也不够到位。没有来自国家的规制,土地流转中的农民和大户根据即时利益的变化反复博弈,甚至发生公开冲突。这既动摇了农村土地流转的正常秩序,危及到农村社会的稳定,也给基层政府带来了沉重的维稳压力。从根本上看,在社会转型期内,国家与社会关系的协调需要一个长期的磨合过程,但这并不意味着可以放任自流,无动于衷,本文根据土地流转中国家与社会互动中存在的问题,有针对性地提出以下对策:第一,重塑国家的权威;第二,进一步完善农民工失业保险体制和农业风险保险体制;第三,培育社会力量,提高农民和大户的组织化程度,并以组织的形式进行有序的博弈。

【Abstract】 Under the framework of rural land transfer, the subject of the rights to contract for management will grow apart from the subjects of the rights to management. Rural landownership belongs to the village collective, the rights of land contracting belong to the peasants, the rights of land management belong to the farmer. This is the new trend for china agricultural production relation. The thesis select F district which located in the southeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region as case, use the theory of "State and Society" to investigate the relationship between the state, the peasant and the farmers. At last, it propose some countermeasures.The first chapter is preface. It introduced the research problems, research design and the case. It emphasize on the literature review, because it’s the basis of this paper.The second chapter introduces the social and institutional background of the rural land transfer. It points out that, the rural land transfer is the result of the industrialization, the urbanization. The large scale flow of migrant labor left many uncultivated farmland. This phenomenon threatens the food security of the country and the fiscal of local government. Under the courage of the country, some farmers rent in farm land to carry on large scale planting.the rural land transfer set out.The third chapter analyses the intervene from the country and the reaction of the society in the process of land rent. The country interferes in the land rent to maintain a sound order for rural land transfer. It requires the peasants and the farmers sign formal contract, registers with proper authorities. But the peasants and the farmers negatively reject the country’s goodwill. In the face of this situation, the grass-rooted government adopts tactics of "keep one eye open, the other closed", because they are in short of necessary resources.The fourth chapter inquires into institution space left by the country and the game between the peasants and the farmers. On this issue, the country adopts laissez-faire policy. But the peasants and the farmers can’t handler their dispute properly. Without the restriction from the country, they put on the game again and again. Of course this phenomenon hampers the process of the rural land transfer.The fifth chapter inquires into the reasons of conflict between the peasants and the farmers, as well as the role of the grass-rooted government. The rural land transfer is under the background of industrialization and urbanization, so it can’t avoid the influence from the macro economic environment. When the economy falls in troubles, the un-employed migrant labor had to go back to their homeland. In order to maintain survival, they ask the farmer to return their land regardless of the contact they had sign before. This action leads to the conflict. Although the country draws back from the fight for agricultural production, they must take on heavy responsibility of mediating the conflict between the peasants and the farmers.The sixth chapter is conclusion and countermeasures. The conclusion of this thesis is that:the interaction between the peasants, the farmers and the country is not very smooth; the relationship is not very harmony. These problems are caused by many mechanisms:the development of society and economy, the social transition, the dual-struction between urban areas and the countryside. So, in order to construct harmony relationship between the peasants, the farmers and the country must make joint efforts.

【关键词】 土地流转农民大户土地租赁博弈冲突
【Key words】 rural land transferpeasantfarmerintervenegameconflict