

Socialism:the Only Way to Sustainable Development

【作者】 秦益成

【导师】 林剑;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 可持续发展,是人类基于人口、环境、资源等全球性问题,对自身生存和发展的思考。这些问题的表象是人与自然的关系问题,但人的本质是一切社会关系的总和,人——自然——社会是一个有机整体,全球性问题必然放在这一整体中去考察,必须放在历史过程中去考察。近代以来环境污染的历史,反映了资本的扩张史;环境问题的现状,也反映了资本的现状。对于全球性问题、可持续发展问题,人类的认识已经达到了应有的深度,但是解决这些问题更是一个实践问题。社会生产方式既是物质生活资料的生产与再生产的方式,也是全球性问题产生的方式。在资本主义生产方式条件下不可能解决环境等全球性问题。环境问题的根源在于资本追求利润最大化的本性。所谓世界历史不外是人通过人的劳动而诞生的过程,自然向人的生成过程。人类实践能力的发展,不断扩大着人类世界的广度和深度,创造着日益丰富的物质文明和精神文明,创造着日益丰富的社会交往关系和全面发展的人。另一方面,在一定的历史阶段,人类实践又总是受自然必然性和社会必然性的制约,因而人类实践的结果具有反主体性效应(在自然方面衰现为环境问题,在社会方面衰现为异化劳动)。环境问题的最终解决,可持续发展的真正实现在于不断发展人的实践能力,实现对自然必然性和社会必然性的掌握。社会主义是可持续发展的必由之路,社会主义制度为中国实现可持续发展提供了广阔的前景。

【Abstract】 Sustainable development is a reflection of human beings on their own survival and development based on the global problems including population, environment, resources and so on. These problems seem to be the relationship between human beings and nature, but the nature of human beings is the sum of all social relations, and human-nature-society is an organic whole. Therefore, the global problems must be placed in this whole and in the historical process for examination.The history of environmental pollution since modern times has reflected the history of capital expansion; and the status quo of environmental problems has reflected the status quo of capital. Regarding the global problems and problems related to sustainable development, human beings have gained an understanding of due depth, but solving these problems is a practical matter. The social mode of production is both a mode of producing and reproducing material and life stuff and a mode of producing global problems. Global problems including environmental pollution cannot be solved under the capitalist mode of production. The root causes of environmental problems lie in the nature of capital to pursue maximal profits.The so-called world history is nothing more than a process in which human beings come into being by means of human labor and a process in which nature evolves for human beings. The development of human being’s practical abilities has consistently increased the scope and depth of the human world, creating increasingly rich material civilization and spiritual civilization as well as creating increasingly rich relationship of social communication and human beings with all-round development. On the other hand, in a certain stage in history, the practice of human beings is always restricted by the inevitability of nature and the inevitability of society, thus the results of human practice has an anti-subject effect (reflected as the environmental problems in the aspect of nature and the alienated labor in the aspect of society). The ultimate solution of environmental problems and the real achievement of sustainable development consist in the ever increasing development of human being’s practical abilities and the realization of their mastering the inevitability of nature and the inevitability of society.Socialism is the only road for achieving sustainable development and the socialist system opens up broad prospects for China’s accomplishing sustainable development.

【关键词】 可持续发展社会主义
【Key words】 sustainable developmentsocialism
  • 【分类号】D61;X22
  • 【下载频次】438