

A Study on the Decategorization of English Verb Tenses

【作者】 何举纯

【导师】 廖美珍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中外语言比较, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以马克思主义的辩证唯物发展观为基石,采用综合的理论研究模式,在总结和批判前人的时态理论和描写方法的基础上,系统地研究英语动词时态的非范畴化问题,提出了动态的时态观,创建了统一的描写方式,建立了稳定的评价体系。首先本研究提出了动态的时态观。动词时态和其他语言形式一样经历了语法化的过程,时态范畴的发展变化是语言自身的时间和空间属性的多维度转换结果。时态范畴永远是动态的存在,会伴随着语言的发展发生相对的和绝对的非范畴化。本研究的第二个方面的内容是论述英语动词时态的形式和意义的对应关系。语言的形式和意义之间存在着客观的对应关系。语言里不存在毫无意义的形式。语言的形式和意义之间不是一一对应的关系,而是网络状的关系。时态构式和意义之间也存在多角度对应关系。时态的意义不是时态构式的各个构件的意义的简单相加,而是时态标记词的意义和许多其他因子的互动的结果。这种意义互动会导致时态结构超出常规范畴,但是仍然是有效的语言形式。本研究的第三个方面的内容是建立一套统一的描写体系。本研究对英语动词原型范畴和非原型范畴进行了形式和意义的界定,并提出了英语动词时态非范畴化具有绝对性和相对性的观点。其绝对性体现在历时描写方面,具体表现为态标记词的语法化过程,而相对性体现在共时描写方面,具体表现为语篇图式对动词时态的语境化作用。本文对动词时态的非范畴化的描写涉及非限定小句、限定小句、小句复合体、动态语篇、长篇叙事语篇(包括叙事诗、戏剧话语)等多个层面,涵盖书面语和口头语不同语体,既有对非范畴化动词时态的基本语义理据的系统分析,又有对非范畴化动词时态的会话含义和语用原则的动态研究。特别是对非范畴化的动词时态的会话含义和时态选择原则的论述,以及对语篇时态结构模式的论述具有前沿理论意义和很高的应用价值。本研究的第四个方面的内容是建立起一个稳定的评价体系。目前现有的时态理论对非范畴化时态的研究零散而繁杂,缺乏统一的术语系统和评价体系。常用的术语有时态特殊用法、时态变异、时态不一致、时态超常用法等等。而对于动词时态的语义界定标准不一,混淆基本语义和规约意义以及语用含义的区别和联系,给动词时态研究和学习带来很多不便。本研究从语言的时间和空间属性出发,以语言形式和意义的多项对应关系为依据划分了英语时态的原型范畴和非原型范畴。对动词时态的基本语义、规约含义和会话含义的界定有利于区分动词时态的原型意义和非原型意义。而动态语篇的原型时态结构和非原型时态结构的划分为语篇图式的时间属性研究提供了统一的标准。本文的第五个方面的内容是动词时态互动假设。动词情景意义的非范畴化也是语境化的结果,具体体现为情景时间和时制短语时间的互动、限定小句和非限定小句的时间属性的互动、限定小句情景时间之间的互动、情景时间和语境知识的互动以及情景时间和论元的互动等几个方面。本研究的第六个方面的内容是完善视角转移假设。引起动词时态非范畴化语境化作用还体现在时间视角的转移方面。语言的使用是一个心理识解过程,会跨越时间和空间多个维度,语言使用者有时候会根据交际需要不断切换视角和转移关注焦点。时间视角的转移主要是时域的切换和虚设。视角转移可以表达更为复杂的主观思想和情态意义。本文对视角转移的论证贯穿整个研究体系,不但有小句的,小句复合体的,动态语篇和长篇叙事语篇都利用了视角转移假设。与此同时,本文对视角转移假设的形式分类、认知理据、语用含义和语篇功能提出了系统的分析和论证,是同类型研究中比较完备的。本研究的第七个方面的内容是系统解释许多动词语法学里面存在的难题,如英语里是否有将来时、现在完成时之谜、时制短语的模糊时间属性对时态的限制、固定结构的缺省时态、条件句的时态问题、进行体的非完成语义本质、虚拟语气的本质、时态的距离性等等,分析方法统一,标准一致,具有很强的可操作性。另外,本文还建立了英语动词时态非范畴化的动态模型。本文的理论体系具有突出的前瞻性和显著的应用语言学意义。该理论体系具有很强的解释力,一些困扰人们的许多动词时态问题都可以得到比较满意的解释。同时本文的研究又具有很强的和包容性,可以把许多动词时态形式和语义的变体都纳入非范畴化体系。这种理论体系具有兼容性,可以和许多主流语言学理论相结合。这种理论体系还具有很大的迂回空间,可以多角度地探讨时态问题。本文直接依据的理论和假设有动词语义学,语法化学说,范畴化理论,语言非范畴化理论,构式语法,语境化理论,语用学理论,系统功能语法以及叙事学理论。

【Abstract】 Based on the Dialectical Materialism of Marxism and heritages of previous theories and descriptive methods in the study of verb tenses, the current research adopts an integrated theory-model of various major linguistic theories to investigate systematically the decategorization of English verb tenses. The research has formulated a dynamic viewpoint of tense study, creating a uniform descriptive system of English verb tenses and establishing a stable evaluative framework for the given issue.First of all, a dynamic viewpoint of study is formulated in the current research. Actually, like other forms of the language, the verb tense has undergone the process of grammaticalization. The evolution of the tense system is the result of the multi-dimensional transformation of the temporal and spatial qualities of language. The tense is forever a dynamic existence and has been undergoing both absolute and relative changes as language develops.The second aspect of the current study is the systematic illustration of the correlation between the form and meaning of English verb tenses. All forms of language are meaningful, and the relationship between the form and meaning of verb tense is objective and is none but in the form of network correlation, with correspondence from various angles. The meaning of the verb tense is not only the sum of those of the separate components of the tense category, but the result of the interrelation of the meanings of the tense markers with various other factors, which may lead to the irregularity in tense construction. These irregular tense constructions are still legitimate, though.The third aspect of the current research is the creation of a uniform descriptive system for verb tense study, beginning with the defining of typological and non-typological categories of English verb tenses, with equal emphasis put on the absolute and relative features of the decategorization of English verb tenses. The absolute attribute of the decategorization of English verb tenses manifests itself in the grammaticalization of the tense markers from the perspective of diachronic description. And the relative attribute is manifest in the grounding of tenses in discourse by the discourse schemata in terms of synchronic description.The description of the decategorization of English verb tenses covers all layers of language from nonfinite clause, finite clause, clause complex, dynamic discourse, to long narrative discourse, including narrative poems and dramas. The current research involves not only written discourses but also spoken discourses, concerning both the systematic analysis of the semantic motivation of the decategorized verb tenses and the dynamic research in the implicaturs of the decategorized verb tenses in terms of conversational principle. And the study on the conversational implicatures of verb tenses in terms of conversational principle, and the illustration of the temporal schemata of discourse claim frontier theoretical values and high practical significance.The fourth aspect of the current study is the establishment of a stable evaluation system. The previous theories and descriptive methodology are haphazard in describing the decategorization of English verb tenses, without any uniform terminology and universal evaluation system. For example, terminology varies exceedingly in describing irregular tense constructions, taking terms such as special uses, non-agreement of tenses, abnormal uses of tenses, etc. Accordingly, standards differ greatly from each other in the definition of tense, and distinction has not been clearly drawn among the differing concepts of basic meaning, conventional inferences and conversational implicatures of verb tenses, as a result of which, inconvenience arises in the research and learning of verb tenses.The current study bases itself in the natural temporal and spatial qualities of language, and draws a clear division between typological and non-typological categories of the English verb tenses, from the perspective of the multiple correlations between form and meaning of English verb tenses. The clear definition of basic meaning, conventional inferences and conversational implicatures can help to distinguish the typological and non-typological categories of English verb tenses. And the division between typological and non-typological categories of dynamic discourses establishes a uniform standard for the study of the temporal schemata of narrative discourse.The fifth contribution of the current dissertation lies in the hypothesis of interaction between verb tenses. The decategorization of situation type is also the result of grounding, which takes place in the interrelation between situation time and time adverbials, between the temporal attributes of finite and nonfinite clauses, and between the temporal qualities of clauses, between situation time and context, and between the situation time and arguments.The sixth aspect of the current study is the perfection of the perspective shift hypothesis. The integrating function of grounding, which may lead to the decategorization of verb tenses, also lies in the shift of perspective. As a matter of fact, the use of language in communication is a process of experiential construal, which may possibly expand across the temporal and spatial boundaries, and language users may constantly shift the temporal perspective and temporal focus according to their communicative intention. The shift of temporal perspective is basically in the shift and hypothetical re-establishment of time domain. The shift of perspective can help to express even more subjective and modal meanings.The hypothesis of perspective shift is used throughout the whole dissertation, covering all levels of clause, clause complex, dynamic discourse, and log narrative discourse. And furthermore the dissertation carries out a classification of perspective shifts in discourse schemata and does a systematical analysis in the cognitive motivation, conversational implicatures, and discourse functions of perspective shift as well. The study is among the most comprehensive of the like.The seventh aspect of the current research is the systematic explanation of ever puzzling problems of verb grammar, such as the controversy in the future tense in English, the present perfect, the vagueness of time adverbials which may cause difficulties in tense choice, the default tense in many settled constructions, the imperfectiveness of the progressive aspect, the controversy in subjunctive mood and the remoteness of tenses. The analysis is based on a uniform method and a universal standard of high feasibility.In addition, a dynamic model is established to describe the decategorization of English verb tenses.The theoretical system of the current dissertation claims great innovation and pedagogical significance. The theory is of great explanatory power in the sense that it makes it possible to analyze a great number of ever puzzling problems. The theory is also quite inclusive, covering all the deviations of verb tenses and meanings. The theory is adaptable to various major linguistic theories. And the theory is tortuous enough to offer theoretical analysis to various verb tense problems.The dissertation is directly depending on the following theories and hypotheses:Semantics of Verbs, Grammaticalization, Categorization and Decategorization of Language, Constructional Grammar, Grounding Hypothesis, Pragmatics, Functional and Systemic Grammar, and Narratology.

  • 【分类号】H314
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