

The Evaluation of Students’Geographic Problem Solving Compentency:a Cognitive Diagnostic Perspective

【作者】 冯士季

【导师】 李家清;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 学生问题解决能力的提高是现代学校教育的重要目标,培养学生的地理问题解决能力是各国地理课程的共同追求。通过设计合理的学业评价活动,来诊断学生地理问题解决能力发展的现状和问题,是帮助教师改进地理教学、促进学生地理问题解决能力提升的基本手段。当前,对学生地理问题解决能力评价的有效性亟需提高。本研究基于地理问题的本质特征和学生解决地理问题的心理过程,借鉴认知心理学、学业评价、地理教学等理论基础,考虑在当前我国基础教育大背景下的可操作性和服务地理教学实践的可能性,试图构建有效开展地理问题解决能力评价的理论框架和实践方案。全文包括以下部分:绪论部分,简单介绍本研究的背景和意义、研究的目的和主要内容,相关概念的内涵,研究思路和方法等,并通过对国内外研究现状的述评确定了本研究的主要方向。第一章从本质、特性、类型和价值四个维度对地理问题进行了全方位透视。地理问题是人类以地球表层的地理环境为对象,在认知需要的驱动下期待加以解决的地理疑难,它具有情境性、具身性、教育性和认知复杂性等特点。根据不同的需要和标准,地理问题可以被分为许多不同的类型。地理问题的提出和解决,对人类(包括学生个体)具有多方面重要价值。第二章探讨了地理问题解决的心理过程。综合和借鉴多位心理学家的理论,通过使用“出声思维”法开展的实证研究,将地理问题解决的心理过程描述为五个过程:获取地理信息、明确地理问题、搜索地理知识、陈述解决方案和反思解决过程。实证研究表明,这一心理过程呈现出非线性特征,并且具有明显的主体差异性。第三章从评价主体、评价场域和评价形式三个维度对当前我国地理问题解决能力评价的现状进行了审视。问卷调查研究结果表明,作为评价主体,地理教师对当前地理问题解决能力评价的现状不满,但是其自身的评价意识和能力还有很大提升空间;对地理课堂教学案例的分析表明,作为重要的评价场域,当前地理课堂难以做到对学生地理问题解决能力水平的有效区分和精细反馈;对地理高考试题的分析表明,作为对日常地理教学具有强大影响的评价形式,高考作为高利害性考试存在固有缺陷,其地理问题解决能力评价方式仍有改进空间。第四章在借鉴认知诊断评价的理论视角并对其进行教学化的基础上,构建了评价学生地理问题解决能力的标准和方案。地理问题解决能力可分为五个维度,对高、中、低三个层次学生解决地理问题时在这些能力维度上的单独表现和综合表现分别进行描述,构成了地理问题解决能力评价的标准。地理问题解决能力的评价方案是一个“多元整合评价系统”,它以达成地理课程标准的要求,诊断学生地理问题解决能力发展的优势与不足为目标,以纸笔测验结合半结构性访谈的“双阶探查”为有效方法,以情境性地理问题和访谈提纲为评价工具,通过基于SOLO分类理论的双位编码方法,参照地理问题解决能力评价标准开展多维分析来获得评价结论,并在群体和个体两个层面开展评价反馈。将认知分析贯穿始终,是保证评价过程具有认知诊断功能,从而能够有效区分学生地理问题解决能力水平的关键。第五章通过实践范例,选择来自三所不同水平学校的300多名学生参与测试,对本文构建的地理问题解决能力评价理论在实践中的可操作性及其教学价值进行了验证。第六章对本研究的主要结论进行了总结,对可能的创新点和不足进行了讨论,并提出了未来的研究展望。

【Abstract】 The improvement of students’ problem solving competency is an important goal of modern school education, cultivating students’ Geographic Problem Solving Competency (GPSC) is a common pursuit of geography curriculum in every country. Diagnosing the development of students’ GPSC through reasonable designed academic assessment is a basic approach to help teachers to improve geography instruction and to promote students’ GPSC. In view of the ineffectiveness of current evaluation of students’GPSC, based on cognitive psychology, geography teaching theory and academic evaluation theory, the nature of geographic problems and the psychological process of geographic problem solving are discussed in this study. Furthermore, considering the current situation of basic education in China and the possibility to improve geography education practice, the theoretical framework and implementary scheme for evaluate students’GPSC are constructed in this study. The main parts are as follows:In the Introduction part, the background and significance of the study are clarified, the purpose and main contents as well as the route and methods of this study are introduced, and the definition of relevant concepts is illustrated. Meanwhile, the main exploring directions of this study are indentified through a brief review of the literacy.In chapter one, the connotation of geographic problems are discussed form four perspectives, including its essence, characteristics, taxonomies and value. Geographic problem is some kind of challenge which derives from peoples’ cognitive needs when they face geographical environment near the earth’s surface. It is situational, embodied, educational, and cognitively complex. Identifying and solving geographic problems has always been of great value to human being including individual middle school student.In chapter two, the psychological process of geographic problem solving is discussed based on the theoretical ideas of several famous psychologists. After the empirical research using think-aloud method, the psychological process of geographic problem solving is described as five sub-process including acquiring geographic information, indentifying geographic problem, extracting geography knowledge, stating the solution and reflecting on the solving process. The results of empirical research indicate that the psychological process when solving geographic problems are complicated and non-linear, and there is significant distinction from one problem solver to another.In Chapter three, the current situation of the evaluation of GPSC in China is examined by three independent researches which separately give look at the subject, the site and the modality of the evaluation. Firstly, an investigation through questionnaire completed by237middle school geography teachers indicates that they are dissatisfied with the current situation of the evaluation, and their awareness and ability to carry out the evaluation need to be enhanced. Secondly, an analysis to three geography classroom teaching cases shows that GPSC haven’t yet been evaluated effectively in classroom at present. Thirdly, a survey on the evaluation of GPSC in National Matriculation Test of China shows that we should go much further to improve the items and scoring method related to the evaluation of GPSC.In chapter four, the criterion and scheme to evaluate students’ GPSC are constructed based on cognitive diagnostic theory and the modification to it. GPSC has been divided into five dimensions, and the performance description of high, medium and low geographic problem-solving competency in these dimensions separately and overall constitutes the criterion to evaluate GPSC. The scheme to evaluate GPSC effectively is a multi-approach integrated evaluation system, which takes diagnosing students’ GPSC development based on geographical curriculum standard as its goal, with a two-stage assessment method including paper-and-pencil test and semi-structured interview. The evaluation system takes elaborately designed geographic situation and problem supplemented by the interview questions as main tools to assess GPSC, and uses double-digit coding method based on SOLO theory to analyze students’ geographic problem solving results, and finally conduct evaluation feedback in both group and individual levels.It is extraordinarily important to carry cognitive analysis through during the whole evaluation process, which is the key to make sure the evaluation system can maintain cognitive diagnostic function and distinguish students at different levels of GPSC.In Chapter five, a practical evaluation of GPSC is conducted as an example to validate the operability of the evaluation system and its value to enhance geography teaching. Over300students chosen form three different levels of schools to participate the test, and the results of it are analyzed.Finally in chapter six, the main conclusions of this study are summarized, the innovations and deficiencies of this study are discussed, and future research directions are proposed.
