

The Classical Literary Language Novels of Qing Dynasty That Recorded in Qingshigao Yiwenzhi, Bubian and Shiyi(Bibliographical Catalogue)

【作者】 郑诗傧

【导师】 张三夕;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本论文主要研究《清史稿·艺文志》(以下简称“《清志》”)及《清史稿艺文志补编》(以下简称“《补编》”)、《清史稿艺文志拾遗》(以下简称“《拾遗》”)著录之子部文言小说,属于小说目录学研究范畴,旨在从“三志”,即上述三部史志目录著录子部小说的研究来探讨清代文言小说的问题。本文分为五章论述:第一章:历代史志子部小说著录之沿革。为了更宏观、更客观把握子部小说与目录学的关系,为了更好地、更深刻地认识到“三志”对清代文言小说的著录,本章拟对清前史志目录子部小说著录进行分析,考察子部小说在历代即汉代至清代的正史《艺文志》或《经籍志》著录情况的演变与发展,探讨历代《艺文志》或《经籍志》及其补志在小说家序列、小说著录数量及其著录体例的变化,并透过考察记一代藏书的史志目录的子部小说著录情况及其分类的异同,分析论述历代史志目录的子部小说观念的发展。为了对古今小说目录学家的文言小说著录情况比较全面的掌握,今人编纂的文言小说专科目录亦是本章考察的对象。透过研究今人编纂的文言小说专科目录,或许能使读者更清楚认识《补编》及《拾遗》。第二章:“三志”及其小说类属著录情况考述。本章主要考察“三志”编纂的总体情况及其小说类属的著录特点。小说类作为“三志”子部中的一类,许多问题与各志编纂思想是不可分割来谈的,欲摸清“三志”子部小说著录的特点,还得从“三志”总体情况上来把握。本章着重对“三志”的编纂者、体例及得失批评进行分析论述,尤其关注《补编》及《拾遗》对《清志》在体例方面的改革、创新及不足之处。第三章:“三志”子部小说著录差异的原因分析。《清志》著录子部小说共63部,《补编》则著录52部,《拾遗》对前志补录了459部。“三志”之间著录的数量差距甚大,《拾遗》对前志增录之多,有多方面原因。探寻“三志”子部小说著录数量多寡的原因,可以为小说目录书的编纂提供重要的借鉴作用。经过考察、分析及论述,发现影响“三志”著录的多寡与其各志的成书背景、著录来源及编纂者个人的偏好及收书标准息息相关。第四章:《清志》与清代公私书目著录清代小说之比较。本章拟对《清志》与作为官修的《四库全书总目》及作为私人撰修的藏书目录之清代文言小说著录进行比较,以此把握清代文言小说在有清一代著录的总体面貌。《四库全书总目》共著录34部清代小说,除了1部位列“正目”,其余33部皆退入《存目》。《清志》著录成书于四库征书之年(1778年)以前的小说共22部,《四库全书总目》著录而《清史稿·艺文志》未予甄录的共14部;《清志》著录而《四库全书总目》不录的则有8部。本章考察其中的原因,同时对两者之间子部小说著录问题进行较深入研究。在清代私家藏书目录中,有八家符合比较条件。而这八家中,有著录有清一代著述甚多的《八千卷楼书目》。《清志》与八家私家藏书目录子部小说分类的异同研究,也推动了笔者对清代文言小说文本的认识与理解。第五章:“三志”子部小说著录之小说史研究意义。本章主要将“三志”子部小说著录的问题研究提升到小说史研究的意义层面。结合“三志”与清代官私书目、近代私家藏书目录至今人编纂的文言小说专科目录的考察及分析,对“三志”著录的共574部子部小说进行斟酌,或增补或剔除。这对清代文言小说专科目录的重新编纂无疑是有积极意义的。此外,本章也对“三志”子部小说著录在文言小说史的征引情况进行分析。目前,尚无清代文言小说史的专著出版,故本章考察了四种文言小说史中清代部分的征引情况,即鲁迅的《中国小说史略》、侯忠义的《中国文言小说史稿》、吴志达的《文言小说史》及张浚的《清代小说史》,并在此基础上重新思考清代文言小说史的编写。

【Abstract】 My thesis is a study case about the Classical Literary Language Novels of Qing Dynasty that recorded in Qingshigao Yiwenzhi, Qingshigao Yiwenzhi BuBian(Bubian for short) and Qingshigao Yiwenzhi Shiyi(Shiyi for short). Yiwenzhi or the Treatise on Literature, is the bibliographical section of a history books. So, Qingshigao Yiwenzhi is a bibliographical catalogue of the Qingshigao(history book of Qing). The catalogue only records the books that written by Qing people. And the Bubian and Shiyi were the bibliographical catalogue that compiled by the latter in order to add on the lack of book listed in Qingshigao Yiwenzhi. I prefer to discuss my thesis in five parts.Chapter one: For smoothing my research about novels in classical literary language that recorded in these3bibliographical catalogues, I need to refer the others bibliographical catalogues of those history books before Qing Dynasty. These reference is important for me to investigate the change and development of novels in classical literary language in bibliographical catalogues from dynasty to dynasty. Beside this, i would like to research the bibliographical catalogues of records classical novels that compiled by modern and recent. So that, we can see the different view between the ancient and modern. All discussing in chapter one is needed for readers to know well about the relations between classical novels and bibliographical catalogues. This is also helpful for my further research.Chapter two:This chapter is mainly research about the special features of bibliographical catalogues of Qingshigao Yiwenzhi,Bubian and Shiyi, especially for the parts of classical novels catalogue. From the results of research, i have showed their good or bad in compilation, scientific style and their change, reformation and also those new ideas that bring forth by Bubian and Shiyi.Chapter three: In this chapter, i use the method of quatitative analysis for counting the total of classical novels that recorded in Qingshigao Yiwenzhi, Bubian and Shiyi. Qingshigao Yiwenzhi record only63books. It is big gap if compared to the classical novels that written by Qing people in actually. So, Bubian in latter added52classical novels, and Shiyi also make addition to459books in totals. This disparity had hint the story behind it, for example their background of compile the bibliographical catalogue, their reference, the preference of author and their conception on selection a book to listed in or not to listed in the catalogue of classical novels.Chapter four: This chapter is a study case especially for Qingshigao Yiwenzhi. In this chapter, I make two part fordicussing. Firstly, I had compared the classical novels that listed in bibliographical catalogue between Qingshigao Yiwenzhi and Siku Quanshu Zongmu. Secondly, I had compared the Qingshigao Yiwenzhi and private library catalogue that recorded by book collector of Qing Dynasty. So, we can knew well about the classical novels in Qing Dynasty in overall through the research of chapter four.Chapter five: In this chapter, I had only one motion. I have to find out an answer if these3of bibliographical catalogue have related to history book of literature in part of classical novels and are the information that given in these catalogue are useful for the latter in writing a new history of classic novels in Qing Dynasty. My research has find out all of the reference classic novels that described in total of four history book of literature. Then, compared them with the classical novels catalogue of these3books. Find out the different, the special features between both. Analysis it. And also thinking if possible for us to write a history book of classical novels. After all of this, I try to make a syllabus for history of classical novels of Qing Dynasty in briefly.In conclusion, we can knew well about the classical novels in bibliographical catalogue of history books. From there, we knew the ancient view about classical novels in actual.
