

Syntactic and Discourse:Rules of Entity First-mention and Cause Analysis of Indefinite Construction in Chinese FIS Discourse

【作者】 刘琪

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 句法与语篇的关系是语法与语用关系的重要内容之一。本文立足于句法和语篇的互动性,关注“语篇视角下的句法研究”,以汉语叙事语篇中的“实体首现”(实体在语篇中第一次出现)为主要研究对象。我们感兴趣的是,一个实体在叙事语篇中是如何第一次出现的,它是以什么样的句法形式出现的。我们特别强调“实体首现”的分析和解释作用,并据此对汉语中无定构式的成因进行了分析。首先,我们描写和总结了汉语叙事语篇中实体首现在表述形式、句法位置和句型等方面的多样性表现和倾向性规律,并对其成因进行了分析解释。然后,以“实体首现”为视角,重新审视了汉语中的无定主语句、无定“把”字句,对其允准条件和功能价值进行了探讨。本文的研究目的是揭示汉语叙事中实体首现的规律,探讨实体首现对句法的制约作用,并以“实体首现”为视角审视汉语中的无定构式。以期对句法与语篇的互动性,乃至语法与语用的互动性都有更深一步的认识。全文分为八章,现将各章内容简要介绍如下:第一章是导言,介绍了本文的研究对象、理论方法及相关研究综述。第二章介绍了什么是叙事语篇、实体首现和叙事起蒂,并分别对其概念、类别、性质进行了详细探讨。第三章总结了实体首现对表述形式的选择规律,并从可别度、话题、信息等角度对规律进行了分析和解释。同时,对不同类型的叙事语篇中实体首现对表述形式的选择规律也进行了对比和解释。本章最后还对实体首现形式的指称和信息错配的情况进行了分类,并探讨了其语篇功能和语用效应。第四章从多样性的角度对实体首现的句法位置选择情况进行了描写,总结出其倾向性规律。并结合信息结构、主位推进模式和语篇衔接手段等影响因素,对倾向性规律的成因进行了分析和解释。同时,对不同类型的叙事语篇中实体首现对句法位置的选择规律进行了对比和解释。第五章探讨了实体首现对句型的选择规律。从多样性的角度描写了实体首现句的句型种类,从倾向性的角度总结出实体首现句型的分布规律。并结合实体首现对句法位置的选择偏好和叙事语篇的结构模式对倾向性规律进行了解释。同时,对不同类型的叙事语篇中实体首现对句型的选择规律进行了对比和解释。第六章以“实体首现”为视角,重新审视了汉语中的无定主语句。本章详细描述了无定主语句在叙事语篇中的分布情况和实体首现功能,结合形式、语义、语境等因素对其成立的允准条件进行了探讨,然后对无定主语句在不同类型叙事语篇中的分布情况进行了对比分析,总结出无定主语句的语体偏好和特有的语篇功能,最后讨论了无定主语句和“有”字句的可替换度。第七章以“实体首现”为视角,重新审视了汉语中的无定“把”字句。首先将无定“把”字句分为两类,一类由古代汉语中的“把一”句演变而来,一类由古代汉语中的“把个”句演变而来,然后描述了无定“把”字句在叙事语篇中的信息、话题和语用功能,并对两类无定“把”字句不同的语体偏好进行了描写和解释。第八章是结束语,总结全文的主要观点和研究结论,讨论本文研究的价值和贡献。同时,指出本文的不足,并对今后的研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The relationship between syntax and discourse is an important content of grammar and pragmatics. Based on the interaction of syntax and discourse, this thesis concerns about "the study of syntax from discourse perspective" and takes "entity first-mention" in Chinese narrative discourse as the major research object. What attracts the author is how an entity is first mentioned in a narrative discourse (namely entity first-mention), which means what kind of syntax the entity employs. This thesis focuses on the analysis and explanation of "entity first-mention."First, the thesis summarizes the rules of entity first-mention in Chinese narrative discourse in the perspectives of expression form, syntax position and sentence pattern, and analyzes the causes. Then the author explores the indefinite subject sentence and indefinite Ba把sentence (a sentence pattern using the character Ba in Chinese), and discusses the conditions and functions of them from the perspective of "entity first-mention."The aim of this thesis is to reveal the rules of entity first-mention in expression forms, syntax position and sentence pattern, discuss the promotion and restriction effects of entity first mention on syntax and analyze the special phenomenon of Chinese grammar from the perspective of "entity first-mention." In this way, we can reach a deeper understanding of the interaction between syntax and discourse as well as the interaction between grammar and pragmatics.This thesis can be divided into eight chapters, which are to be further explained as following:Chapter one is the introduction, which represents the research objects, theoretical methods and relevant literature review of this thesis.Chapter two explains what are narrative discourse and entity first-mention, etc, and discusses their definitions, classifications and natures in details.Chapter three summarizes the rules of entity first-mention in expression forms and fully explains the rules from the perspectives of identifiability, topic and information. Besides, the thesis also makes a comparison and explanation of the rules of entity first-mention in expression forms in different types of narrative discourses. Finally, it makes a classification of the reference and information mismatch of entity first-mention form, and analyzes its discourse function and pragmatic effects.Chapter four discusses the syntax position of entity first-mention from the perspective of diversification and summarizes its tendency rules. By relating to the influential factors of the information structure, thematic progression model and discourse cohesive device, this chapter makes an analysis and explanation of tendency rules. Meanwhile, it also makes a comparison and explanation of the rules of entity first-mention in syntax of different narrative discourses.Chapter five explores the rules of entity first-mention in syntax. This chapter discusses the patterns of entity first-mention sentences from the perspective of diversification, sums up the distribution rules of entity first-mention sentence from the perspective of tendency and explains the tendency rules by relating to the preference of entity first-mention in syntax position as well as the structure model of narrative discourse. At the same time, the thesis also makes a comparison and explanation of the rules of entity first-mention in sentence pattern of different narrative discourses.Chapter six explores indefinite subject sentence in Chinese from the perspective of "entity first-mention." It analyzes the distribution and entity first-mention function of indefinite subject sentence in narrative discourse in details, and probes into their conditions by relating to the elements of form, semantics and context. After that, the author makes a comparative analysis of the distribution of indefinite subject sentence in different narrative discourses, and summarizes the style preference and particular discourse functions of indefinite subject sentences. Finally, it discusses the alternative degree of indefinite subject sentence and "You有" sentence ("You" means "have" in Chinese, and "You" sentence is a sentence structure containing the character "You").Chapter seven analyzes indefinite Ba sentence from the perspective of "entity first-mention." First, it classifies indefinite Ba sentence into two kinds, one evolves from "Ba Yi把一" in ancient Chinese while the other evolves from "Ba Ge把个" in ancient Chinese. Then it interprets the information, topic and pragmatic function of indefinite Ba sentence in narrative discourse and further explains their style preference.Chapter eight is the conclusion. It sums up the major points, conclusions and significance of the thesis, figures out its limitations and proposes some topics for follow-up researches.
