

The Research of Low Impact Environment Development Design Strategies of Tourism Culture Resources in Meishan Region

【作者】 张鎏

【导师】 陈飞虎;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 全球经济的快速发展给地域传统文化带来了前所未有的挑战。一方面,在快速全球化和城市化浪潮推动下,地域传统文化面临日渐同化甚至消亡的危机;另一方面,随着物质生活日趋富裕,人们对精神文化生活的需求不断增加,引发了维护地域化差异性本质特征意识的觉醒。在地域化与全球化的博弈中如何保护地域文化的多样性给我们提出了巨大挑战。在这样一个大背景下,梅山文化作为中华始祖文化之一,梅山地区文化资源作为珍贵的地域传统文化资源,虽类型多样、特征突出,但长期处在“养在深闺无人识”的尴尬境地,保护与发展的矛盾显得尤为突出,亟待寻求行之有效、适应时代的保护与发展途径。基于上述认识,笔者以参与中国梅山文化园规划与环境设计项目为契机,对梅山地区传统文化资源的保护与开发进行了认真思考。梅山地区文化资源以其历史原真性、兼容丰富性与地域独特性,具有极大的旅游开发潜力与价值。根据以往旅游开发所带来的普遍影响研究可知,开发的负面影响常成为旅游可持续性的阻碍。因此,探索切实可行的设计策略与方法,作为旅游开发可持续性的指导与保障显得尤为必要,具有重要的现实意义。本文以“低影响开发”为核心,开展梅山地区文化资源的旅游开发研究。融合建筑学、地理学、文化学、社会学、生态学等相关学科理论,通过总体策略和环境设计方法等方面的研究,探索并建构出低影响开发的理论与方法。并希望以此为切入点,探讨我国当代自然与社会发展语境中,地域性旅游文化资源的开发困境与前景,探索不同地域视野与文化背景下旅游文化资源保护与发展的适应性理论,进而促进地域文化的保护与传承。全文共六章,整体分为现状研究、总体策略、环境设计方法三大部分。论文从研究背景与现状出发,明晰了研究的意义、梳理了相关概念和研究现状、阐述了研究的内容和方法,并介绍了梅山文化资源及其特征,现阶段旅游开发现状等,指出旅游开发对自然环境、资源本体及视觉审美三大方面产生的负面影响。在理论框架层面,通过对梅山地区旅游文化资源的分析与认知,从旅游开发与自然环境生态协调、与本体保护关系平衡及与视觉审美形式整合三个方面,阐述了低影响开发的环境设计总体策略,从根本上把握开发方向。并引入多指标综合熵权法为评价指标赋予权重,建构旅游文化资源开发设计方案影响比较模型,作为方案优选依据,以提高开发决策的客观性和合理性。在方法层面,笔者针对梅山地区旅游文化资源的特点,分别从原生地与非原生地开发两方面探讨梅山地区旅游文化资源低影响开发的环境设计方法和现实构想。通过对理论依据的概述,明晰了设计方法的必要性和可行性,并有针对性地对具体设计措施进行详实论述,形成类型化的环境设计策略,具有较强的可操作性与实践意义。在实践层面,笔者以参与的实际设计项目——中国梅山文化园的设计为例,进行环境设计手法的实证分析。针对论文中阐述的设计理论与方法,对园区的整体概况、设计思想、具体的设计方案及效果作了详细的论述。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of global economy has brought unprecedented challengesto regional traditional culture resources. On the one hand, with the globalization andurbanization, the culture is facing assimilation even endangered; on the other hand,with the increasing demand of spiritual life, the protection consciousness oflocalization is awakening. It is a huge challenge in balancing the relationshipbetween localization and globalization to us. Based on this background, as one of theChinese traditional culture, Meishan culture whose resources are the precioustraditional regional culture resources is neglected for a long time. It is eager to seekeffective and appropriate ways to develop along with protection.Therefore, the author has taken the opportunity of participating in the MeishanCulture Park design project, deeply thinking about the traditional cultural resourcesprotection and the development of Meishan region. Meishan culture resources havegreat potential and value in tourism development because of the authenticity,diversity and regionalism. According to previous research on tourism influence, it hasshown that the negative impact of development often obstruct the sustainability oftourism. Thus, to explore the feasible design strategies and methods, as a guide forsustainable tourism development, is necessary and has important practicalsignificance.This dissertation researches the tourism development of Meishan culturalresources, centred on low impact development. It is proposed the low impactstrategies and design methods on the development of tourism culture resources,combining multidisciplinary knowledge, such as architecture, geography, culturology,sociology, ecology. Simultaneously, taking these as the breakthrough point, it ishoped to discuss the plights and prospects of regional tourism culture resourcesdevelopment under the contemporary natural and social environment and explore theadaptive theories of protection and development in different cultural regions,promoting regional culture protection and inheritance.The whole dissertation consists of six chapters, divided into three major parts:current situation analysis, design strategies and environment design methods.The dissertation first elaborates the research background and current situation,including the research significance, related concepts, the research status, the research content and method, the characteristicsof Meishan culture resources, the negativeimpact of tourism development on natural environment, resources themselves andvisual aesthetic.In the theoretical structure level, three key strategies: coordinating thedevelopment with ecological environment, balancing the development with theontology protection, and integrating the development with the visual aesthetic areproposed, guiding the direction of the low impact development. Besides, in order toset up the impact comparison model of the tourism culture resources developmentdesign schemes, the multi-index integrated entropy weight method is introduced toimprove the objectivity and rationality of the environment design schemes choosing.In the method level, it discusses the environment design methods of low impactdevelopment in Meishan region from natively and non-natively aspects according tothe characteristics of tourism culture resources. Based on the theoretical basis, itclarifies the feasibility and necessity of the methods and elaborated the specificdesign details, forming a typed environment design strategy.In the practice level, it verifies the environmental design theories and methodsthrough the design project of Meishan Culture Park as a case study. It expounds thedesign concepts, the design schemes and some of the final results of the park projectin detail.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期