

The Study of the Development Path of the Integration of Industries and Cities in China

【作者】 李光辉

【导师】 马怀礼;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 政治经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 正如美国经济学家斯蒂格利茨将中国的城镇化与美国的科技革命并称为影响当今世界的两股潮流,二十一世纪伊始,中国便在城镇化方面取得了积极的进展,城镇化率由2000年的36.2%提高至2012年的52.57%,成就举世瞩目。中国的城镇化还将在城市的“引力”和农村的“推力”共同作用下,持续很长一段时间。在此过程中,城市可持续的吸引力已成为推动我国城镇化进程的关键因素。长期以来,在GDP指挥棒引导下以土地城镇化为主要形式的城市建设在不断拓展城市疆域(新区、开发区等)的同时,也造成了城市新城区公共服务的相对短缺和钟摆式的人口流动。一些巨型城市、特大城市的非常规发展导致了严重的环境污染和交通拥堵现象,部分城市则频现“鬼城”、“睡城”和“空城”等现象,一些城市老城区衰落现象也同时存在。城市“问题”不仅仅存在于城市新城区,也存在于城市老城区。中国共产党十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》强调要“坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路”,明确提出要“推进以人为核心的城镇化”,推动“产业和城镇融合发展”。“产业和城镇融合发展”与“推进以人为核心的城镇化”互为因果,相互促进,是城市实现可持续发展的基本要求。产城融合发展不仅是城镇经济发展的基本途径,更是“城镇”、“产业”和“人”互动发展的必然过程,是大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的基础。任何脱离产业、脱离人的发展的城镇化构想都是不切实际的。产城融合发展是在我国产业结构、消费结构转型升级的背景下相对于“产城分离”提出的一种发展思路。它要求产业与城市功能融合、空间整合和价值融合,做到“以产促城,以城兴产,产城人融合”。产城融合的本质是从功能主义导向向人本主义导向的一种回归。为了更好地反映我国城市产城融合发展程度,笔者使用层次分析法对我国287个地级市(不含拉萨)产城融合度进行了测度。在前人研究基础上,评价指标体系从产业发展水平、城市建设与服务水平、人的发展程度和产城人三者互动程度等四个方面,通过38项具体指标(数据选用每个地级市市辖区数据以反映“城区”特征)对287个城市产城融合度进行了具体测度。测度结果表明,2011年,我国地级及以上城市市辖区产城融合程度平均水平为0.43113。这说明我国地级市城镇化发展总体水平还不高,这与部分学者认为我国城镇化水平存在虚高现象基本一致。从总体上看,我国地级及以上城市产城融合发展度呈现出显著的地区特征和规模特征。地区特征主要表现为东部地区的城市产城融合度显著高于东北、中部和西部地区(东部、中部、西部和东北地区产城融合度平均水平分别为0.47496、0.43573、0.40632和0.43417),这与我国各地区经济社会发展水平基本吻合,即经济社会发展水平较高的地区产城融合度也较高,经济社会发展水平相对落后的地区产城融合度也偏低。东部地区在产业发展水平、城市建设与服务水平、人的发展程度和产城人三者互动程度等四个方面的平均表现均优于中部、西部和东北地区。不同城市产城融合度的差异性较大,中西部地区也有不少城市产城融合发展水平较高。规模特征主要表现为产城融合度较高的城市大多为市辖区人口规模较大的城市。巨型城市、特大城市、大城市、中等城市和小城市的产城融合度分别为0.49177、0.49193、0.43146、0.41772和0.41409。市辖区人口规模较大的城市产城融合度平均水平明显高于中小城市。产城融合度呈现以上规模特征是因为规模较大的城市往往集聚着更多的要素资源,从而在产业发展、城市建设与服务、人的发展和产城人三者互动方面表现相对出色。但这并不意味着城市规模越大越好,中小城市在产城融合发展方面也可以做到很好。在产城融合度排名最靠前的20个城市中就有3个中等城市(如绍兴市等)。相反,城市规模过大则容易导致城市过度拥挤,人均享有资源量相对不足,则会影响到产城融合发展效果。产城融合度最高的城市组别是特大城市,而巨型城市的产城融合度则略有下降。研究表明,产业发展水平、城市建设与服务水平、人的发展程度和产城人三者互动程度等四要素在影响城市产城融合度方面略有差异。产业发展水平是社会发展的永恒动力,是产城融合发展的重要基础,是影响一个城市产城融合发展程度的首要因素。产业发展水平的高低还直接或间接决定了城市建设与服务水平和人的发展程度,是产城人三者互动发展的物质基础。从这个意义上说,产业发展是推动国家和地区产城融合发展的第一动力引擎。城市建设与服务水平往往与城市产业发展水平紧密相联,前者需要后者为其提供物质保障,但由于各城市的具体情况差异性较大,两者的关联性具有很大的不确定性。人是城市的灵魂,是城市建设和产业发展的主要推动者,人的发展是产城融合发展的应有之义。人的发展程度是影响城市产城融合度的重要因素之一。人的发展就其内涵而言是指人的全面发展,但就其外延而言,内容十分广泛,需要根据实际情况的变化,在实践中不断发展和完善。产城人互动融合是城市化发展的高级阶段,也是城市实现可持续发展的基本保证。“产城人三者互动程度”指标与其它单项指标的关联度较弱,其离散程度远远高于其它单项指标。这说明在我国城市化过程中,产业、城市和人都得到了一定程度的发展,但三者之间的互动融合程度还比较低,需要进一步发展。在对影响产城融合度的主要因素进行深入分析后,笔者构建了我国城市提升产城融合发展水平的一般路线图。该路线图可以简单归纳为:“一平台、两主体、三目标、四系统”。“一平台”是以产城人融合发展为总目标的产城融合型城区。将城市建成为先进的产城融合型城区,不仅是促进城市可持续发展的需要,更是以人为本,提升人们生活幸福度的客观需要。“两主体”是指市场和政府。市场和政府均在产城融合型城区建设中发挥着不可替代的作用。在产城融合发展过程中,既要发挥市场的决定性作用,也要更好地发挥政府作用,为产城融合发展提供强大的拉动力。“三目标”是指产、城、人三者相互融合,即产-城融合,产-人融合,人-城融合。“四系统”是指城市建设运营系统、城市功能系统、城市公共服务系统和城市要素系统。这四大支撑系统是产城融合发展的基石,只有不断提升这四大支撑系统的质量与水平,才能为产城融合发展提供坚实的保障。各城市应结合自身特点和所处的特定发展阶段,采取有针对性的措施,提升产城融合发展水平。在“一平台、两主体、三目标、四系统”的产城融合发展路径图实践过程中,政府需要做好三个方面的具体工作。首先,政府应尽早确立“以人为本”的发展理念。不仅中央政府要倡导科学发展观,地方各级政府都要秉持“以人为本”的发展理念。中央政府应通过官员考核机制改革、鼓励民众更多参与等方式保证地方政府适当地行使公权力。鼓励各地根据市场需要,发展特色产业,实现差异化发展。其次,要合理的界定中央地方的财权与事权范围。在科学界定财权的基础上,合理界定中央政府与地方各级政府在城市建设中的角色和作用,充分发挥地方政府提供公共服务的主动性和积极性,更好地发挥政府的作用。最后,要构建开放型区域合作新体制。要打破行政上条块分割,实现区域资源共享,合作发展。在全国范围内实现社会保障转移接续便利化和公共服务提供均等化,破除人的流动障碍,真正实现产城人融合互动发展。

【Abstract】 Just as the American economist Joseph Stiglitz regards China’s urbanization and American technological revolution as two trends influencing the world, at the beginning of the21st century, China makes great progress in the urbanization. The urbanization rate has risen from36.2%in2000to52.57%in2012, and the achievements have drawn the attention of the world. With the combined action of urban "gravity" and rural "thrust", China’s urbanization will last a long time. In the process, the urban sustainable attraction has become the essential factor promoting China’s urbanization.For a long time, with land urbanization as the main form and guided by the GDP, the urban construction constantly expands the city territory (new districts, development zones, etc.), and at the same time results in a relative shortage of public service in the new districts of the city and population mobility. The unconventional development of some mega-cities and metropolis leads to serious environmental pollution and traffic jam, while some other cities frequently emerge such phenomena as "ghost city","sleeping city" and "empty city". Meanwhile, the old urban districts in some cities are going downhill. City problems exist not only in the new districts, but also in the old districts.Adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the18th Central Committee of the CPC, the "Decision of the CCCPC on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform" emphasizes on sticking to the path of a new-type urbanization with Chinese characteristics, and proposes to push forward people-oriented urbanization and promote the integrated development of industries and cities."The integrated development of industries and cities" and "the people-oriented urbanization" interact as both cause and effect and promote mutually, which are the basic requirements to achieve the sustainable development of the city. The integrated development of the industries and cities is not only a basic approach to the urban economic development, but also an inevitable process where "town","industry" and "people" develop on each other, which lays the foundation for the coordinated development of small towns and cities, as well as medium-sized and large cities. Any urbanization conception divorced from industry and human development is impractical.With respect to "the separation of industries and cities", the integrated development of industries and cities is a new development idea put forward under the background of transformation and upgrade of the industrial structure and consumption structure. The integrated development of industries and cities claims the integration of industry and urban function, the spatial integration and value integration, achieving the goals of promoting the city with industry, driving the industry with city, integrating the industry, city and people with each other. The essence of the integrated development of industries and cities is a regression from functionalistic orientation to humanistic orientation. In order to better reflect the integrated development of industries and cities in China, the author adopts the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate the integrated development of industries and cities in287prefecture-level cities (excluding Lhasa).On the base of previous studies, according to38specific indicators (the data is selected from every municipal district of the prefecture-level cities to reflect the characteristics of urban areas), the assessment indicator system specifically evaluate the integrated development of industries and cities in287cities from four aspects, namely, the development level of industry, the urban construction and service level, the human development, and the interaction of industry, city and human being. The results indicate that the average degree of the integration of industries and cities in the prefecture-level cities is0.43113, which shows that the overall level of urbanization development in the prefecture-level cities is still low, according with the fact that some scholars consider China’s urbanization is artificially inflated. In general, the integrated development of industries and cities in the prefecture-level cities presents prominent regionalism and scale characteristics. The regionalism mainly manifests that the integration degree of industries and cities in the eastern areas is much higher than that in the northeast, middle part and western areas, namely, the average degrees of integrated development of industries and cities in the eastern, middle part, western and northeast areas are0.47496,0.43573,0.40632and0.43417, which basically coincides with the economic and social development of each area, that is, the areas with higher economic and social development level possess higher integration degree of industries and cities, while the backward areas with low economic and social development level have lower integration degree of industries and cities. In the eastern areas, the average performance in four aspects (the development level of industry, the urban construction and service level, the human development, and the interaction of industry, city and human being) is better than that in the middle part, western and northeast areas. Different cities have different integration degree of industries and cities, and there are also some cities in the middle part and western areas possess high integrated development level of industries and cities.The scale characteristics mainly manifest that the cities with high integration degree are the cities with large population in the municipal districts. The integration degrees of industries and cities in the mega-cities, metropolis, large cities, medium-sized cities and small cities are0.49177,0.49193,0.43146,0.41772and0.41409. The average integration degree of industries and cities in the cities with large population is apparently higher than that in the medium-sized and small cities. The reason why the integrated development of industries and cities manifests the above scale characteristics is that larger cities usually gather more resource factors, doing well in the four aspects, that is, the development level of industry, the urban construction and service level, the human development, and the interaction of industry, city and human being. However, it does not mean that the larger the city is, the better it is. The medium-sized and small cities can also make great achievement in the integrated development of industries and cities. According to the rankings of integration degree of industries and cities, there are3medium-sized cities (for example Shaoxing city, etc.) among the top20cities. On the contrary, larger city is easier to become overcrowded, and the per capita quantity of resource is insufficient, which will influence the integrated development of industries and cities. It is the metropolis that possess the highest integration degree of industries and cities, while the integration degree of industries and cities in the mega-cities declines a little.According to the study, the four factors, namely, the industrial development, the urban construction and service level, the human development, and the interaction of industry, city and human being are slightly different in influencing the integrated development of industries and cities. The industrial development is the eternal power of the social development and the important foundation of the integrated development of industries and cities, as well as the essential factor of influencing the integrated development of industries and cities. In addition, the development level of industry directly or indirectly determines the urban construction and service level and the human development, and it is also the material basis of the interactive development of industry, city and human being. In this sense, the industrial development is the first power engine of pushing forward the integrated development of industries and cities. the urban construction and service level is usually closely linked to the city’s industrial development. The former needs the latter to provide material guarantee for it. However, due to great differences of each city, the relevance between the above two factors is uncertain. People are the soul of the city, and the main impellers of the urban construction and industrial development. The integrated development of industries and cities should contain human development. Human development is one of the major factors of influencing the integrated development of industries and cities. As far as its connotation is concerned, human development refers to the overall development of human beings. However, in terms of its extension, the content of human development is rather comprehensive, which needs to constantly develop and improve in practice. The interaction of industry, city and human being is the advanced stage of urbanization development and the basic guarantee to achieve the sustainable development of cities. The relational degree of the index of "the interaction of industry, city and human being" with other single indexes is weaker, while its dispersion degree is far higher than other single indexes. It indicates that in the process of urbanization, the industry, city and human being have achieved a certain degree of development, but the interaction of the three is still low and needs to further develop.After deeply analyzing main kinds of factors influencing the integrated development of industries and cities, the author draws a general path figure of achieving the integrated development of industries and cities. This path figure can be simply reduced to "a platform, two subjects, three goals, four systems"."A platform" refers to the urban area with the integration of industries and cities, which regards the integrative development of industry, city and human being as the general objective. Building advanced urban areas with the integration of industries and cities is not only essential to promote the urban sustainable development, but also necessary to improve people’s life and happiness."Two subjects" refers to the market and the government. The market and the government can both play an irreplaceable role in the construction of urban areas with the integration of industries and cities. In the integrated development of industries and cities, the market should play its decisive role, and the government should play a better role, both providing strong driving forces for the integrated development of industries and cities."Three goals" refers to the mutual integration between industries, city and human being, namely, industry-city integration, industry-human being integration, human being-city integration."Four systems" refers to the city construction and operation system, city functional system, city public service system and city factors system. The four supporting systems are the cornerstones of the integrated development of industries and cities. Only when the quality and standard of the four supporting systems are constantly improved can the integrated development of industries and cities be provided with solid guarantee. Every city should according to its own characteristics and the particular development stage, take targeted measures, enhance the level of integrated development of industries and cities.In the process of carrying out the general path figure with "a platform, two subjects, three goals, four systems", the government should complete the specific work from three aspects. First, the government should establish people-oriented concept of development. Not only the central government should advocate scientific development view, but also the local governments at all levels should adhere to the people-oriented concept of development. According to reforming the official assessment mechanism and encouraging the participation of the public, the central government should make sure that the local government can appropriately execute the public power. In addition, every region should be encouraged to develop characteristic industry according to the market demand, achieving differential development. Then, it is of significance to reasonably define the central government’s property ownership and authority of office. On the basis of property ownership defined scientifically, the role and function of the central government and local governments in the urban construction should be defined reasonably. At the same time, it is important to give full play to the initiative and positivity of the local governments providing public service, ensuring the government can work better. Last, a new cooperation system of the open regions should be established. It is necessary to break the barriers between different departments and regions, share the regional resources and achieve the cooperation and development. In addition, it is significant to achieve the facilitation of transferring and following social security and the equalization of providing public service, to break the barriers of population flow, truly achieving the integrated and interactive development of industry, city and human being.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期