

The Psychoanalysis of Zheshang

【作者】 姚丽霞

【导师】 万斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 马克思主义原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 政治心理1是社会成员在政治社会化过程中对社会政治关系以及由此而形成的政治行为、政治体系和政治现象等政治生活的各个方面的一种自发的心理反映,表现为人们对政治生活某一特定方面的认知、情感、态度、情绪、兴趣、愿望和信念等,构成了人们政治性格的基本特征。政治心理的研究从早期的关注谁是主体、客体逐步发展到研究政治心理的具体组成成分一般过程和心理行为规律;从关注政治心理的特点,到开始关注政治心理所导致的政治行为2。政治心理与政治行为构成不可分割的系统,从心理学视角进行政治心理的研究正受到越来越多的关注。浙江经济被公认为“草根经济”,但浙商与政治的关系却越来越密切,以往研究对于浙商背景下政治活动或政治心理的基本特征等问题还缺乏系统的理论和实证研究,对构成政治心理的关键要素等问题缺少细致的理论分析。本研究首先从商人与政治的关系角度,以晋商和徽商为例,运用案例研究和文献搜索的方法,将两者与政治的关系进行梳理,发现政治对于商人来说是一把双刃剑,官商结合可以为商人获得经济特权,但也会破坏市场规则,从而使商人失去独立性和竞争性而走向末路,从而对浙商从政提出借鉴;其次以典型的两大浙商帮派为例,分析宁波商帮在明清时期与旧中国政治的联系与利弊以及温州商帮与新中国的政治联系,提出政治对于商人经商的重要性以及探讨合适的政府与商人的关系模式;再次采用实证研究方法对浙商的政治心理与政治行为进行问卷调查和统计研究,发现:(1)浙商的政治心理主流是积极健康向上的,其主要特征可总结为四点:较高的政治满意度和政治认知度,强烈丰富的政治情感,复杂多变的政治信任,积极向上的政治态度,不过他们的政治心理受行业、性别、学历、年龄等背景因素的影响较大;(2)浙商的政治参与行为较多,但政治参与意识却不强;浙商的政治功效感较高,但政治理解能力与政治任职能力不强。因此需要政府和社会的引导浙商树立正确的政治参与观,使其政治参与行为进入正式化和程序化的轨道;(3)政治满意度和政治信任感以及政治情感对浙商的政治行为有显著影响。其中政治满意度对浙商的政治参与行为有显著的回归关系,政治满意度和政治情感对政治功效感有显著回归关系;(4)通过神经网络影响因素模型的分析可知,政治态度、政治满意度、政治认知、政治信任感、政治情感和背景因素对政治参与行为和功效感的影响程度依次变高。最后,根据前面的研究结果,本文从社会、政府以及浙商本身三个角度探讨浙商有效政治参与的对策与建议。

【Abstract】 Political psychology reflects the community members’ minds spontaneously formed in the process of political socialization for the social and political relationship, and all aspects of the political life involving political behavior, political system and political phenomena and so on, indicating people’s cognition, emotion, attitude, mood, interest, desire and belief of some specific aspect in the political life, which constitutes the basic characteristics of people’s political personalities1. The research on political psychology has gradually evolved from the concern about the subject and the object into specific components of general process and the laws of psychological behavior2. Political psychology and political behavior constitute an integral system, and the research on political psychology form psychological perspective is attracting more and more attention.Zhejiang economy is recognized as "grassroots economy" while Zhejiang merchants have an increasingly close relationship with politics, however, very few research on Zhejiang merchants’ relationship with politics. Moreover, the previous studies on the political activities and political psychology in Zhejiang merchants’ context still lack in systematic theory, empirical studies, detailed theoretical analysis of the key elements to constitute political psychology.Firstly, this article discusses the relationship between merchants and politics in the example of Shanxi merchants and Huizhou merchants, exploring case studies and literature search method, and puts forward some suggestions on the participation of Zhejiang merchants by concluding that politics is a double-edged sword, that is to say, the combination of government officials and merchants can not only give merchants economic privileges for businessmen, but also destroy the market fundamentalist, which ultimately deprives merchants of independence and competitiveness, thus leading to the end; Secondly, taking the two typical groups of Zhejiang merchants as an example, this article has analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the political participation of Ningbo merchants group during Ming and Qing dynasties as well as the political ties of Wenzhou merchants group with Chinese government after liberation, putting forward the importance of politics imposed on merchants, and discusses the appropriate modes of relationships between government and merchants; Again the empirical research method has been used to study the political psychology and political behavior of Zhejiang merchants, and it can be found through the questionnaires and statistics that:(1) The mainstream of Zhejiang merchants’political psychology is positive with high political awareness, complicated political trust, high political satisfaction, strong political emotion, positive political attitude, but greatly affected by profession, gender, educational background, age and so on;(2) Zhejiang merchants participate in political affairs frequently, but their consciousness of political participation is not strong; they have high sense of political efficacy, but their political understanding and political ability is low. The correct guidance of the government and society is needed to help Zhejiang merchants set up the correct concept of political participation, more formalized and programmed political behavior;(3) The political satisfaction, political trust and political emotion have a remarkable impact on the political behavior of Zhejiang merchants. The political satisfaction has a significant regression relationship with the political of Zhejiang merchants, while the political satisfaction and political emotion have a significant regression relationship with political efficacy;(4) Through the analysis of the neural network model, the political attitude, the influences of the political cognition, political satisfaction, political emotion, political trust and background factors on the political behavior and effect get higher successively. Finally, according to previous research results, this article offers some suggestions for the effective political participation of Zhejiang merchants from the perspectivcs of the society, government and Zhejiang merchants respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期