

The Study of the Enterprise Managical Process Design

【作者】 凌峰

【导师】 刘建一;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 全球化挑战与危机启动企业新一轮优胜劣汰过程,加强内部管理、提升自身实力是企业适应环境、增强免疫力、谋求发展的现实途径之一。管理流程作为企业日常运营过程中联系各部门管理业务活动的轴线,体现企业内部一系列相互影响动态管理活动运行过程,被视为整顿与梳理组织内部管理的灵丹妙药,然其同时又是一剂猛药。笔者试图由管理功能与载体关系入手,剖析管理制度实施困境原因,明确管理流程对管理功能实现的作用。运用广义设计理念,针对企业管理中实际现状与问题,明确企业管理流程设计要素、思路、理念,探寻流程形成及相关影响因素与设计要素间关系,阐述管理流程设计过程与方法,以期对企业运用流程设计进行内部管理改进和管理知识实践应用提供些许支撑。本文采用规范和实证研究相结合、文献阅读和调查访谈相结合、定性与定量研究相结合的方法。以国内外现有研究成果为基础,沿着“管理流程设计相关理论研究→管理制度实施困境→管理制度与管理流程关系→管理流程对管理功能实现的作用及其特征→管理流程形成分析及推动作用与流程设计要素关系→管理流程设计思路与理念→管理流程设计相关影响因素对流程设计要素的作用→管理流程设计过程与方法→管理流程设计应用实例”这样的脉络展开。对管理制度与流程关系,基于功能实现的管理流程特征,管理流程形成,管理流程设计思路、要素、相关影响因素等进行研究,并提出企业管理流程设计过程与方法。全文共分为8章。第1章为绪论部分,旨在阐述文章选题背景、意义及对相关文献进行综述。第2章围绕管理流程设计对与本文进一步研究相关理论如:广义设计、系统科学、制度经济学、价值链等作简要回顾,并厘清本文出现的一些概念与内涵。第3、4、5、6章是论文主体,其中第3章阐述管理制度实施困境现状及原因,根据管理功能与载体分析管理流程与管理制度关系,梳理管理流程在实现管理功能过程中表现的特征,认为科学设计管理流程对摆脱管理制度实施困境有一定作用;第4章明确管理流程设计要素,探讨管理流程形成推动作用与流程要素关系,提出管理流程设计目标、理念、总体思路及设计原则;第5章通过实证研究认为企业战略、业务属性、人力资源、组织结构等是管理流程设计重要相关影响因素,对这些因素与流程设计要素间关系进行分析与实证是管理流程设计实现过程中应予以关注的要点;第6章简述管理流程设计准备,针对管理制度实施困境,结合管理流程相关影响因素对设计要素作用关系,阐述管理流程设计实现过程与方法。在上述研究基础上,论文在第7章介绍了管理流程设计过程与方法的实例。第8章是论文的研究结论和展望,在总结全文基础上,阐述研究得出的主要结论,指出研究中存在的不足及今后拓展方向。论文创新点体现如下:第一,由系统科学中功能与载体关系入手,阐明作为管理系统运行层面,管理流程赋予管理载体以动态性能,为管理制度实施提供运行方案,从而发挥各项管理功能以达成各种管理目标。从管理制度表述复杂,调节方式不畅,被认知度低及部门本位主义等方面分析了管理制度实施困境原因。阐述管理流程对管理功能实现的作用及系统性、关联性、过程性特征。认为科学合理设计管理流程对摆脱制度实施困境有一定作用。第二,阐述管理流程形成机理,认为管理主体经验、管理对象客观性在管理流程形成和运行过程中具有推动作用。阐明流程构建要素安排是其设计分析与设计过程的重点,分析推动作用与管理流程设计构建要素关系。运用广义设计科学理念,依循人工系统目的、功能、载体间逻辑关系,指出管理流程设计目标在于对管理功能的实现,提出企业管理流程设计总体思路;“适应性、满意性、串行性、集体协作性“的设计原则;“构建系统整体性、体现横向协调性、关注纵向时效性、可监控与考核性”的管理流程设计理念。第三,提出企业战略、业务属性、组织结构、人力资源等是管理流程设计相关影响因素,建立假设模型,用因子分析法进行验证并修正。继而运用结构方程模型,对诸影响因素与管理流程设计要素间关系进行分析验证,遴选结果中结论在管理流程设计过程中予以关注。针对管理制度实施困境,从管理分目标确立、管理功能分析、管理业务解析、管理职能定位、管理权限配置、流程设计表达及流程辅助设计等步骤较详细提出企业管理流程设计过程方法。

【Abstract】 The challenge and crisis of globalization start a new round of enterprise process of the fittest survival. Strengthening and promoting the internal management is one of realistic ways on which enterprises can adapt to the environment, enhance immunity, seek development. As the axis which contacts the business activities of different departments during the enterprise daily operation, Management process embodies a series of interactive dynamic operating management process in enterprise, and is regarded as a kind of ready-made panacea that can rectify and comb the internal management, however it is also a fierce medicine. The author attempts to start from the relationship between management functions and vectors, analyses the predicament of management regulation implementation, clarify the role of management procedures’ achieving management functions. Appling generalized design concept, according to the actual situation and problems in enterprise management, establishes elements, thoughts, philosophies of enterprise management process design, explores the formation of process as well as the relationship between influence factors and design elements, interprets the procedures and methods of management process design, We hope to help enterprises to improve internal management using process design, to provide some support for the practical application of management knowledge.The research methods adopted by this paper are combinations including normative research and empirical research, literature reading and investigation, qualitative research and quantitative research, based on the domestic and foreign research results, the article expands along the vein as:"theory research on management process design→the predicament of management regulation implementation→relationship between management regulation and process→the role of management process achieving management function and its characteristics→management process formation and the relationship between the formation and management process design elements→the goals, ideas and principles of management process design→the intention of management process design related factors affecting the process design elements→the procedure and method of management process design→the cases of enterprise management process design". Studies the relationship between management regulation and process, management characteristics based on realization of management functions, the formation of management process, design ideas, principle, elements, influence factor and so on, puts forward the procedures and methods of management process.The full text is divided into8chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part, to explain the background, significance and the literature review. The second chapter briefly reviews the related theory around management process design on further research, such as:generalized design, system science, institutional economics, value chain and so forth, meanwhile clarifies the concept and connotation of this paper. The3rd,4th,5th,6th is the subjects of the thesis, in which3rd chapter expounds the current situation and reasons of management regulation implementation, According to the management functions and vectors analyses the relationship between management regulation and process,combs out the characteristics of management process achieving management function, considers scientific design of management process plays a certain role to break away from the predicament of management regulation implementation;4th chapter clarifies management process design elements, explore the relationship between promotion of management process formulation and management process elements, proposes design goal, concept, overall thoughts and design principles of management process; From empirical perspective5th chapter elaborates that enterprise strategy, nature of business, human resource, organization structure are the important influencing factors on the management process design; Analysis and empirical study between influencing factors and management process elements are the main concerns of management process design implementation.6th chapter proposes the preparation of management process design, according to the predicament of management regulation implementation as well as the relationship between influencing factors and management process design elements, elaborates realization process and method of management process design. On the basis of the above research, Chapter7th introduces the process and methods of management process design. Chapter8th is the research conclusion and expectation, in summary of the basis, elaborates on the main conclusion, points out the shortages existed in the research and future development direction.The innovations of the dissertation are mainlv:1.From the relationship between functions and carriers on system science, elucidate that management process,as part of operation aspect of management system, brings dynamic performance to management carriers, provides operation schemes for management regulation implementation, in order to run management functions to achieve a variety of management targets. From the complex of representations,mode of adaption,lowly being recognized,selfish departmentalism and other aspects of management regulation to analyze its implement predicament.Interpret how the management process achieves management functions and its systemic, relevance and process characteristics. Explain that scientific and rational design of management process plays a certain role on getting rid of the predicament of management regulation implementation.2.Interpret the formation mechanism of management process, think that subject of management experience and objectivity of management object play a important role in the running of management process, clear that the construction of process elements are the focus of management process design. Analyze the relationship between promoting effects and building elements of process design. Using the philosophy of design science, following the logic relation of management objectives, functions, vectors, put forward that management process design goals are to achieve the functions of the enterprise management system, enterprise management process design thinking and "adaptability, satisfaction, serial, collective collaboration" design principles as well as "construction of system integrity, reflect the horizontal coordination, longitudinal aging, monitoring and assessment of the management process"of design concept.3.Put out that "enterprise strategy, nature of business organization structure, human resources etc"are the related influence factors of management process design. Build a hypothesis model, using factor analysis for validation and correction. Then analyse and verify the relationship between elements of management process design and influencing factors using structural equation model.Pay attention to the selection of important result of conclusion in the process of management process design. According to the management regulation implementation predicament, put out a detailed process and method for management process design, from the management division objectives, management function analysis, management business analysis, management analysis of function orientation, management authority configuration, process design expression and process aided design steps and so forth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期