

On the Sustainable Development Policy of Meat Sheep Industry in China’s Grassland

【作者】 李金亚

【导师】 李秉龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速增长和人们生活水平的提高特别是膳食结构的升级,近年来草原羊肉及其产品供不应求,价格一路上涨。草原肉羊产业在带动牧民增收、维持少数民族牧区社会和谐、政治稳定上发挥着不可替代的作用,但由于我国草原肉羊产业发展面临着资源和环境约束加大、产业化组织程度低、产业效益难提升、生产方式落后等问题,因此草原肉羊产业可持续发展面临着诸多挑战。可持续发展是系统发展观,是建立在经济、生态和社会多目标协调整合基础上的发展,与推动草原肉羊产业可持续发展的目标追求契合。本课题在可持续发展理论指导下,借鉴制度经济学、产业生态学、政策评估学、外部性理论、诱导性技术进步理论以及公共物品等理论,立足我国草原肉羊产业发展现实,抓住影响我国草原肉羊产业可持续发展的主要因素,分析它们与产业可持续发展的关系。研究发现,我国的草原肉羊产业政策是在发挥市场配置资源起决定性作用的基础上,对肉羊产业发展中市场机制难以充分发挥作用或无法解决的带有一定社会性的问题施加影响,通过完善产权配置、优化产业组织、推动技术进步、保护生态环境、提供公共服务等政策措施,推动肉羊产业可持续发展。本课题采取规范研究和实证研究相结合的方法,分别从政策背景、政策目标、政策内容和政策绩效四个方面,对基于权责利明确的草原产权制度、基于产业化经营的肉羊产业组织发展政策、基于技术进步的肉羊生产补贴政策、基于草畜平衡的草原生态补奖政策和基于市场失灵的肉羊产业公共服务政策进行了深入的分析和评价。本研究主要得出以下结论:第一,草原肉羊产业可持续发展是多目标的系统整合,需要政策加以协调;第二,草原使用权确权到户明晰了草原权责,增加了肉羊供给,提高了牧民收入,有效化解了“公地悲剧”,促进了草地流转,草原承包到户与小规模利用草原没有必然联系;第三,产业经营效益在经济上自我维持和发展构成草原肉羊产业可持续发展的经济约束,农业产业化政策优化了分散的产业结构、提高了产业效益,龙头企业是草原肉羊产业化经营的组织引领,合作社是拓展、深化产业化的关键;第四,以技术进步为内容的草原肉羊集约化养殖提高了生产效率,生产补贴有助于在减少牧区肉羊饲养量的情况下既保护生态环境又提高养羊收益;第五,草原生态保护补助奖励机制初步遏制了草原生态加速恶化趋势,缓解了超载过牧,弥补了牧户因禁牧、草畜平衡所造成的部分损失,要走向可持续发展还需要进一步完善;第六,草原肉羊产业重大疫病防控和技术推广公共服务政策初见成效,是产业可持续发展的重要保障。本研究的特色与可能的创新有:第一,超越产权构建制度解释框架,得出了全新的草原退化治理机制;第二,分析论证了肉羊生产补贴政策要以技术进步为基础;第三,利用一手问卷调查数据证实了不同规模牧户在草畜平衡上的差异性,首次提出将草畜平衡奖励转为对中小牧户的收入支持政策。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s economy and the improvement of people’s living level, especially the upgrading of dietary structure, the sheepmeat supply has been fallen short of demand in recent years, and the prices have inevitably been rising. Meat sheep industry in grassland plays an irreplaceable role in increasing herders’ income, maintaining the social harmony and political stability in pastoral area of minority nationalities. However, the sustainable development of such a prosperous industry is confronted with the following challenges:severer constraints of resources and environment, low-level of industrial organization, little room for efficiency improving, and the laggard production mode.As a systematic view of development, sustainable development coordinates objects of economy, ecology and society; therefore it accords with the goal of developing meat sheep in China’s grassland region. On the basis of the theory of Sustainable development, Institutional economics, Industrial ecology, Policy evaluation study and Externality, this study investigated the reality, indicated the major factors influencing the sustainable development of meat sheep in China and their working mechanism. The policy on the sustainable development of meat sheep industry in China’s grassland region is established on the mainly-market oriented-resource-allocation basis. The working mechanism can be concluded in five aspects: to make the property right configuration better; to optimize the industrial organization; to promote technological progress; to protect the ecological environment; to provide public services. Due to its characteristics, such a policy can effectively impact on the universal problem where market alone cannot well function. By combining the normative analysis and the positive analysis, this study evaluated the institution and policy of about property grassland, industrial organization, production subsidies, ecological compensation and the public service for meat sheep industry from aspects of policies’back ground, objectives, content and effect.The main findings are:(1) The sustainable development for meat sheep industry is a systematic integration of multiple objects, which requires the coordination of different polices.(2) The Grassland Household Contract System, which clarified established ownership, increases the meat sheep supply, enhances herders’revenue and alleviates "tragedy of the commons". There is no obvious connection between the household contract system and using grassland by small farms.(3) Industrial management efficiency has been self-sustaining economically and developing, which consists for economic restrictions for the sustainability; agricultural industrialization policies optimize the structure of the scattered industry and improve benefits of the industry; the leading enterprises are leading the industrialization, and the cooperatives are the key to deepen industrialization.(4) Intensive feeding based on technological progress improves the production efficiency; production subsidies succeed in both protecting environment and increasing herders’earnings under reduction of meat sheep raised.(5) Grassland ecological protection subsidies reward mechanism controls the accelerating deterioration of grassland ecology preliminarily. It alleviates the overgrazing hardship, and partly compensates herdsman’s loss caused by grazing prohibition and "Balance of Forage and Livestock".(6) Policy on the major disease prevention and control and agricultural technology extension have achieved initial success, which ensures the sustainable development.The innovations of the study includes:(1) It accomplished a new framework of interpretation for mechanism of grassland degradation beyond the property right system.(2) It analyzed and demonstrated that meat sheep production subsidies should be built on the basis of the technological progress;(3) Empirical data from questionnaire survey confirmed differences on balance between forage and animal between various size framings. It proposed to turn the objects of reward of balance between forage and animal to small and medium size herders.
