

Study on Effects of Industrial Wastes Composting and Dynamic Changes of Carbon Matter

【作者】 张陇利

【导师】 李季;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 生态学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 针对日益严峻的产业废弃物处理处置问题,本研究通过选取几种代表性的产业废弃物,包括以蔬菜副产物为代表的园林园艺废弃物、以抗生素菌渣为代表的制药业废弃物和以工业污水污泥为代表的工业废弃物进行了堆肥处理的可行性研究,并通过不同的碳源添加、pH调理和外源菌剂接种,研究了不同原料及工艺控制条件对产业废弃物堆肥效果的影响,重点研究了不同碳素物质在堆肥过程中的动态变化及对堆肥效果的影响,从而为产业废弃物堆肥化处理技术研究奠定基础,为下一步的实际应用提供理论依据。主要的研究结论如下:1、蔬菜副产物废弃物单独堆肥由于高含水率、低C/N等原因,其堆体温度未达到50℃以上,无法满足无害化要求,含水率、有机质含量和C/N变化不大,GI值也未达到腐熟要求,说明单独蔬菜副产物不具有堆肥处理可行性。通过添加草坪草、玉米秸秆和锯末三种碳源和接种1%、3%和5%的秸秆腐熟剂,采用强制通风伴随翻堆方式,进行15天的堆肥发酵,均可满足卫生无害化标准,而且产品均已腐熟。其中添加鲜重30%玉米秸秆并接种3%秸秆腐熟剂的堆肥处理温度最高,无害化程度最好,腐熟程度更高。2、在泰乐菌和硫氰酸红霉素菌渣及其混合物中添加鲜重30%锯末进行堆肥发酵,在堆肥第4天温度均达到了50℃以上,且高温期均达到了无害化卫生标准要求,含水率降低到了40%以下,通过有机质分解率、C/N、氮磷钾总养分含量和GI指标分析,认为其已腐熟。而土霉素菌渣汇总添加鲜重30%的锯末进行堆肥,由于较高的土霉素残留抑菌效果明显,堆温上升十分缓慢,未能达到无害化要求。保持30%锯末添加量不变,将士霉素菌渣用量降低到45%-60%,堆肥处理可达到无害化要求,但尚未达到充分腐熟。将土霉素菌渣用量降低到30%以内,既能达到卫生无害化标准,又能满足腐熟要求。抗生素残留抑制堆肥微生物活性,同时堆肥微生物对抗生素残留亦有一定的降解,30天堆肥处理后的降解率在28.81%-49.72%范围内。3、以化工污泥和锯末为主要原料,通过添加柠檬酸(C6H8O7).过磷酸钙[Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O]及其两者的混合物,可将污泥pH值从8.55调节到7-8的适宜生物发酵范围内,经过30天的生物处理,物料含水率下降了17.08%-27.43%,与热干化相比生物干化可降低51%-60%的能耗,干化后产物的焚烧系统净能量明显提高。通过添加pH调理剂和接种菌剂均能增强生物干化效果。4、在模拟堆肥反应器中,以鸡粪和四种不同的碳源物料进行30天的堆肥发酵,碳素物质的质量损失可达到初始碳的28.04%-52.51%,其中以C0z形式的碳素损失占总碳素损失的30.21%-46.82%,CH4形式的碳素损失仅占0.11%-0.20%。堆肥过程中各碳源组份降解率为SOLW>HEM>CEL>SOLN>LIN,由于堆肥原料的碳源组份含量不同,而且各组份的降解率亦有差异,导致堆肥过程的变化趋势和堆肥产品质量差异。相关性分析发现有机碳总量与堆体质量损失量ML、C/N和GI有极高的相关性,在各碳源组份中易降解的HEM和SOLW均与TOC成正相关,与质量损失量ML和C/N和GI负相关,难降解的LIN和SOLN组份与堆肥腐熟度指标没有显著相关性。

【Abstract】 Facing the increasingly serious problems of industrial wastes treatment and disposal, this paper selected several representative industrial wastes, including the vegetables by-products in cropping industrial, the antibiotics residues in pharmacy industry and the sludge sewage in chemical industrial, and performed a feasibility study. The effects of different carbon sources, pH conditioners and microbial inoculums on composting was studied. The machanisms of Van soest fraction composting effects was discussed.The study layed a foundation for next research and provided theoretical basis for application of industrial wastes composting.The results indicated:l.The research showed composting only using Vegetable by-products could not meet the hygienic standards for non-hazardous disposal and not reached mature through the index analysis of temperature, water content, TOC, C/N and GI. The Vegetable by-products composting were conducted successfully, through mixing with cut grass, maize straw and sawdust, or inoculated with1%,3%and5%cellulose-decomposing inoculants, and provided with forced ventilation and turning. Especially the effects of mixed30%(dry mass) maize straw and inoculated with3%(dry mass) cellulose-decomposing inoculants on composting was better than others.2.The composting effects were researched by using residues of Tylosin, erythromycin thiocyanate waste residue and the mixtures of both, adding30%sawdust. In the process of composting, the temperature reached above50℃at the4th day, and the moisture at day30reduced to below40%. The indexes of the organic matter decomposition rate, C/N, total NPK nutrients and GI indicated the compost reached the maturity. But the compost, mixing the70%oxytetracycline(OTC) waste residue and30%sawdust, could not meet the hygienic standards for non-hazardous disposal, because the higher oxytetracycline residue inhibited the bacterial activity. Basd on the30%sawdust, the composts meeted the hygienic standards for non-hazardous disposal when reduced OTC waste residue to45%-60%and increased the corresponding proportion of chicken manure, but did not reached mature. When OTC waste residue reduced to below30%, the compost maturity meet requirement. The degaradation rate of OTC waste residue at day30was ranged from28.81%and49.72%.3. The value of pH with sludge sewage and sawdust composting reduced from8.55to between7and8by using different conditioner, including C6H8O7, Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O and mixtures of both. Moisture of wet material decreased by17.08%-27.43%after30days biodrying of which saved the51-60%energy consumption than heat drying, and the system net energy improved obviously by biodrying. Both the pH conditioner and inoculants could accelerat the process of biodrying.4. After30days, the carbon mass loss accounted for28.04%-52.51%of the initial TOC, in which the CO2-C reduced30.21%-46.82%and the CH4-C reduced0.11%-0.20%. During composting the degradation rate of different Van Soest fraction was SOLW>HEM>CEL>SOLN>LIN. The content of carbon biochemical fractions in initial materials and the evolution of biochemical fractions during composting were all different, so the changing trend of the processes and the maturity of composts were also different. The correlation analysissuggesteda high link between TOC and composting pile mass loss(ML), C/N, and GI. The easy biodegradation fraction, including HEM and SOLW, were positive relation to TOC and the ML, C/N and GI were negative relation to TOC. There is no significant correlation beteween the hard biodegradation fraction including LIN and SOLN, and index of composting maturity.

【关键词】 产业废弃物堆肥处理碳组份
【Key words】 industrial wastescompostingcarbon matter fraction