

Research on Assessing the Intensity of Urban Industrial Land Use Based on Parcels of Land

【作者】 周杨

【导师】 张军连;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济迅猛发展,人口膨胀和城市化进程加速使人地矛盾加剧,城市用地低效利用、闲置导致土地浪费等现象也不断涌现。在耕地锐减的同时,城市发展对用地的需求不能再通过城市土地的空间扩张得到满足,而更科学和有效的途径就是实现土地的集约利用。近十几年,城市土地集约利用的研究中对于宗地尺度的集约利用评价研究并不多见。实施宗地尺度的产业用地的集约利用评价研究不仅可以为城市主导产业规划提供基础数据,为宏观用地布局及其调整提供思路,也为城市产业用地优化配置和管理提供科学依据为。本文以同心圆理论和多中心理论等区位理论为理论支撑,从城市土地的利用强度和空间布局入手,采用定性和定量的方法,构建了用于评价宗地布局的区位模型,并且系统地提出了宗地尺度的产业用地集约利用评价指标体系、标准以及评价模型,并对合肥市宗地进行了评价。主要研究结论如下:(1)构建了宗地尺度的产业用地集约利用评价的区位模型。本研究以同心圆理论和多中心理论等理论为支撑,通过网格法划定了城市圈层,采用定性和定量结合的方法,构建出了城市区位线等值线,兼顾了单核和多核的城市发展模式。(2)构建了宗地尺度的产业用地集约利用评价模型。以宗地综合数据为基础,以宗地为评价单元,通过灰色关联度方法,结合区位模型,构建了宗地尺度的产业用地集约利用评价指标体系;依据国家和地方集约利用评价相关标准,结合特尔斐法,构建了宗地尺度的产业用地集约利用评价标准体系;采用隶属度函数进行归一化处理,并利用相对权重的方法,构建了宗地尺度的产业用地集约利用评价模型。(3)对合肥市中心城区内的宗地进行了集约利用评价。研究表明,合肥市集约的宗地数量比例为62.46%,集约水平较低;集约的商服业用地、重工业用地和轻工业用地数量比例分别为66.64%,41.39%,36.02%:宗地的布局大体呈现“集聚,过聚,低片且分散”的布局,即集约和过度集约的宗地都聚集在商服业圈内,而低度不集约的宗地分布较零散;四个行政区内的集约的宗地数量比例比较接近,庐阳区和包河区,分别为67.66%和67.36%,相差不大,蜀山区略低,为62.08%,瑶海区最低,为53.77%;从城市中心到外围,集约的商服用地数量比例呈现先下降后上升的变化趋势,重工业用地则不断上升,而轻工业用地一直处于比较低的利用状态,只有35%稍多。综上所述,建议适当降低市区内商服业用地的建筑密度,提高市区外围的商业用地容积率和建筑密度;继续推进“退二进三”政策,优化城市产业用地布局,工业用地的利用强度;加强土地监管,防止圈地,闲置,随意改变土地用途等现象。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up, China has witnessed fast social and economic development and made significant achievements. The growth of population and the continuous process of urbanization cause increasing conflicts between the supply and demand of land. The phenomena of inefficient use and waste of land in the course of our urban industrial land use keep arising, and such extensive use of land further worsens the conflicts. Given the fact that cultivated land is decreasing sharply, the need of land for the city’s development can no longer rely on the city’s the spatial expansion, and a more scientific and effective approach is to use the land intensively. Over the past ten years, the intensive use of urban land has been a hot issue and has made fruitful research achievements.The paper, taking the concepts of intensive use of land and industrial land from the spatial layout and based on the location theory with the concentric zone theory and the multi-center theory, systematically puts forward the indicator system, standards and evaluation models for the intensive use of industrial land at the level of parcels and evaluates the situation of intensive use of business land, light industrial land and heavy industrial land in Hefei city. It adopts qualitative and quantitative methods and adheres to the principals of science, convenience and high efficiency. It has carried out the empirical research and gives some politics. The conclusion is as follows:(1) construct the location model of assessing the intensity of urban industrial land use. Based on the circle theory, concentric zone theory, multi-center theory and etc., supported by the industrial land use data of Hefei’s central urban area, the research delimits spatial circles, namely business and service circle and industry circles, taking into account of the mono-nucleus and multi-nucleus urban development modes. It adopts the qualitative and quantitative methods and assigns value to each circle edge, uses the spatial differential values, sets a certain accuracy, quantifies the urban locations and thus forms the location lines that covers the entire research area. Such methods can combine human control with scientific selection to provide a scientific base for the spatial adjustment of different types of land.(2) construct the models of assessing the intensity of urban industrial land use. Based on the data of industrial land, in the light of the evaluation object that takes the unit of parcel, through the method of grey relational degree, combining the location models, the research constructs the intensive use evaluation indicator system for the business and service land, light industrial land and heavy industrial land, which includes standard values, maximums and minimums with some threshold values. Finally, it determines the subordinating degree function for each indicator and constructs evaluation models for intensive use of industrial land in terms of parcels through the method of relative weight. (3) conduct empirical research on the basis of the research area, the condition of the intensive use of land is generally at a lower level with the percentage of62.46%among all the parcels evaluated; among the three types land use, the percentage of the intensive use of land ranks in a descending order, namely, business land66.64%, heavy industry41.39%and light industry36.02%; The spatial layout of intensive land is generally "intensiveness, over-intensiveness and low non-intensive parcels scatter widely in patches", namely, intensive parcels and over-intensive parcels assembled in the business and service circle while low non-intensive parcels scatter in different pitches and some are relatively fragmented; the levels of the intensive use of industrial land are approximately the same in the four districts. Luyang district and Baohe district differ little with the percentages of67.66%and67.36%, and Shushan district is slightly lower with the percentage of62.08, and Yaohai district is the lowest with the percentage of53.77%; the conditions of intensive use of industrial land vary in different location circles, and the percentage of business land decreases and then increases from the inner circle to the outer circle and the percentage of heavy industrial land maintains the trend of increasing, while the percentage of light industrial land lingers at a low utilization level with a percent of lightly over35%.In conclusion, it is advised that the density of business and service buildings in the urban area should be adequately lowered and the plot ratio and density of building should be increased in the suburbs; the policy of "retreating the heavy industry and forwarding the service industry" should be continued, the layout of industrial land be optimized and the utilization intensity of light and heavy industries be enhanced; the supervision over land use should be further strengthened and land enclosures and unused land, arbitrary change of land use be avoided.
