

Research on the Effect of Psychological Distance on Online Purchase Decision

【作者】 王丽荣

【导师】 赵冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在线消费者进行网络购物决策是一个复杂的过程,会受多种因素影响,哪些因素会影响以及如何影响购买决策值得深入研究。比如,在线消费者浏览网站上的产品信息、在线评论等信息时,获得的不同类型的信息感知(抽象、整体、概要还是具体、局部、细节的)对其决策影响是否相同?网络商家的地理位置远近或者商品的物流配送时间长短是否也会对决策产生影响?自己网购与为他人网购提供建议相比,消费者所做的决策是否相同?并且,消费者在面临购买决策时,上述多个因素也很有可能同时对其产生影响。比如,面对商品不同特征的信息,当在近的将来和远的将来,为自己做决策和为他人做决策提供建议是否相同?这些因素如何共同影响在线消费者的购买决策,目前理论界研究相对较少,因此加强心理距离和解释水平对消费者购买决策的影响研究已成为当前电子商务发展的迫切要求。本文运用解释水平理论,从心理距离视角对这些问题进行了阐释。国内外传统市场研究结果初步表明,当心理距离较远时,消费者倾向使用高解释水平来表征目标对象或事件;当心理距离较近时,消费者倾向使用低解释水平来表征目标对象或事件。本文在以往研究基础上,在电子商务环境下,引入一致性/匹配性理论和次可加性原理,来解释在线消费者心理距离和解释水平对网购决策产生影响的内部机制和边界条件。本文依据增加距离维度的递进式设计思路,使用多重实验设计方法,选择不同类别的网络商品,通过一系列网购情景模拟实验,探究心理距离维度及其维度交互与解释水平的一致/匹配性对在线消费者购买决策的影响。本文实验研究发现:(1)单维度心理距离和商品的解释水平对消费者网购决策存在交互影响,且部分结果证明二者满足一致/匹配性。时间距离、社会距离维度的远、近分别和在线消费者对网络商品感知的解释水平高、低相一致时,消费者做出购买决策的可能性更大。但空间距离只有为近,消费者对高解释水平更敏感时才会更有可能购买。(2)两维度心理距离和商品的解释水平对消费者网购决策存在交互影响,且结果表明二者在一定程度上满足一致匹配性。时间距离和社会距离同时都为近时,消费者对低解释水平更关注,购买的可能性较大;当一个距离为远或者两个距离维度都为远时,消费者对高解释水平更敏感,更有可能购买。但时间距离和空间距离、社会距离和空间距离只有当同时为近,且与商品的低解释水平感知相一致或者以上两维度距离同同时为远且与商品的高解释水平感知相一致,消费者做出购买决策的可能性更大。(3)三维度心理距离和商品的解释水平对消费者网购决策存在交互影响,且结果也证明二者在某种程度上满足一致匹配性。当且仅当时间距离、空间距离、社会距离三个距离同时为近且与消费者的低解释水平感知相一致或只有当三个距离维度同时为远且与消费者的高解释水平相匹配时,消费者最可能产生购买决策。本文研究表明:理论上,既拓展了解释水平理论的研究,也扩展了电子商务情境下对心理距离和网络商品解释水平的研究;实践上,有利于理解在线消费者的消费行为以及指导网络零售企业营销管理,

【Abstract】 How to make the decision of shopping online, which is affected by many factors, is a very complicated process for the online consumers. What factors and how to affect the decision need the further research. Do the factors have the same influence on the decision making, such as visiting the website to get product information, commenting online and acquiring different types of information (abstract, integral, summary or specific, partly and detailed)? Does the location of network business or logistics delivery time have an impact on online consumer decision-making? When consumers do shopping online by themselves or give suggestions for others, are the decisions made by online consumers the same? Surely, the factors above are likely to affect the decision making when the consumers are faced with the purchase decision. For instance, are there any differences between self-made decision and decision made for others when the consumer facing different information in the nearer and further future? Currently, there is less research on how to affect the decision making of online consumers. Therefore, it is very urgent to do the research on how the psychological distance and construal level affect the decision making for the development of electronic commerce.This thesis interpreted the issues with the theory of construal level from the perspective of psychological distance. The result from the study of traditional market home and abroad shows that consumers tend to represent the target and cases with high and abstract construal level when the psychological distance is further; on the contrary, the consumers prefer lower ones. This thesis introduced fit or congruence/matching theory and subadditivity theory to interpret internal mechanism and terminal condition to the decision making of shopping online affected by the consumers’ psychological distance and construal level based on the former research in the e-business environment. Based on the distance dimensionality to increase progressive design, this thesis used multiple experimental design methods to choose different goods to explore the dimension of psychological distance and mutual dimension matched by construal level affecting the decision making of online consumers.The research findings are as follows:(1) there is interactive influence on the decision making of online consumers between single dimension psychological distance and interpretation level of goods, which showed the consistency. The consumers are likely to make the decision when the temporal distance, social distance dimension matches(fits) the construal level to the products online. However, the consumers tend to do the online shopping when they are sensitive to the higher construal level.(2) There is interactive influence on the decision making between two dimensions psychological distance and construal level, which shows there is some fits/matching to some extent. The consumers are likely to buy when they pay much attention to the low construal level since the temporal distance and social distance are close simultaneously. When the temporal distance, spatial distance and social distance are close simultaneously, and match/fit/congruent the low construal level, or the two dimensions are far from each other, and match the high construal level, the consumers make the decision easily.(3) There is interactive influence on the decision making between three dimensions psychological distance and construal level, which shows there is some matching to some extent. When the temporal distance, spatial distance, and social distance are close simultaneously and match the low construal level, or the three distances are far from each other and match the high construal level, the consumer are likely to make the decision to buy. This thesis expands the research on construal level, and extends the research on psychological distance and high, low construal levels of online products theoretically. Practically, it is beneficial to understand the consuming of online consumers and guide the marketing management of online retails enterprise, which is meaningful to the relative researches and the management of online retail enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F713.36;F713.55
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1875
  • 攻读期成果