

Reduction Technologies of Typical Pollutional Gaseous Emissions during Kitchen Waste Composting and Life Cycle Assessment of Management

【作者】 杨帆

【导师】 李国学;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 环境工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本研究针对目前我国生活垃圾源头不分类,管理方式不清晰,造成末端处理处置难度大和资源浪费的问题,从工厂和区域两个尺度对生活垃圾处理技术和管理方式进行优化研究。工厂尺度上,研究厨余垃圾堆肥过程中典型污染气体的减排技术,包括调节堆肥工艺参数、添加膨松剂、化学添加剂等,最大限度的减少堆肥过程中的污染物输出。区域尺度上,以北京市东西城南部为目标区域,进行不同生活垃圾管理情景的全过程生命周期评价,提出生活垃圾最优管理方案。研究结果表明:(1)不同C/N比(15、20、25)、含水率(60%、65%、70%)、通风率(0.2、0.4、0.6L·kg-1DM-min-1)的厨余垃圾和玉米秸秆混合堆肥,通风率与CH4的产生速率之间呈负相关关系,与N20和NH3的产生量呈正相关关系;C/N比与CH4和NH3的排放量呈负相关关系,但并未发现C/N比对N20排放量有显著影响;含水率对CH4, N2O、NH3的排放无显著影响;厨余垃圾与玉米秸秆联合堆肥的最优方案为通风率0.4L·kgDM-1·min-1、C/N比25、含水率60%。(2)厨余垃圾和玉米秸秆混合堆肥,间歇通风处理CH4和NH3累积产生量比连续通风处理分别减排23.5%和21.5%(每吨干物质),但在N20的减排上连续通风比间歇通风有略微的优势,每吨干物质减排6.5%。(3)10%堆肥物料湿重的腐熟堆肥覆盖在堆体表面和与物料混匀,与对照处理相比,二者每吨干物质分别减少36.2%和44.8%的CH4排放;N20的累积排放量分别减少37.7%和73.6%,腐熟堆肥覆盖处理的NH3排放与对照处理并无明显差异,而腐熟堆肥混匀处理的NH3排放比对照处理明显降低22.2%(每吨干物质)。(4)5%初始干重磷石膏和过磷酸钙的添加使CH4累积排放量比对照处理分别降低了85.8%和80.5%,NH3累积排放量分别降低23.5%和18.9%,但N20累计排放量分别增加了3.2%和14.8%(每吨干物质)。(5)厨余垃圾堆肥中添加物料初始湿重15%的玉米秸秆、锯末和菌糠作为膨松剂,与对照处理相比,CH4累积排放量分别减少59.2%、55.0%和66.6%,N20累积排放量分别减少46.7%、73.1%和44.7%,NH3排放分别减少30.9%、40.5%和41.5%(每吨干物质);三者渗滤液减排量均为100%。CH4和NH3的累积排放量与菌糠添加比例呈负相关关系,但添加35%质量比的菌糠会明显增加N20排放;只有添加质量比为15%的菌糠能够同时减少CH4、N2O和NH3排放,减排量分别为60.6%、29.0%和14.8%。(6)不同生活垃圾管理情景生命周期评价结果表明:生活垃圾源头大类粗分模式,可明显降低生活垃圾管理系统中的总环境影响潜势,在此基础上,采用厨余垃圾堆肥典型污染气体减排技术措施,可进一步降低系统的温室效应潜势。

【Abstract】 In most places of China, municipal solid waste (MSW) was processed with unsource-separation system and fuzziness management model at presetent, resulting in difficulty to the end-processing and waste recycling. In view of the situation, this study investigated the optimizing technology and management of MSW based on factory and region scales. On factory scale, the reduction technologies of typical pollution gases during kitchen waste composting were studied, including technological parameters controlling, addition of bulking agents and chemical additives, etc.; On region scale, the sourth region of Dongcheng and Xicheng Districts of Beijing was taken as the object. Five scenarios were builded and estimated using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based on the current situation. The results could provide an optimal MSW management scheme to the decision makers or government. Results of this study showed that:(1) In the co-composting of kitchen waste and cornstalks with different C/N ratio (15,20,25), moisture content (60%,65%,70%) and ventilation rate (0.2,0.4,0.6L·kg-1DM·min-1). Ventilation rate was negatively correlated with CH4emissions, and positively correlated with N2O and NH3emissions; the C/N ratio had a negative correlation with CH4and NH3emissions. However, the significant relation between C/N ratio and N2O emissions was not found. The significant relationshiop between moisture content and gaseous emissions was also not found in this study. Composting with ventilation rate of0.4L·kg-1DM·min-1, C/N ratio of25and moisture content of60%had a minimum greenhouse gas (GHG).(2) In the co-composting system of kitchen waste and cornstalks, treatment of intermittent ventilation (between on and off every30min) decreased CH4and NH3emissions by23.5%and21.5%, compared with continuous ventilation. However, the continuous ventilation had a slight advantage on decreasing N2O emissions (by6.5%, per ton dry matter).(3) Treatments of mature compost (weighed10%of composting materials, wet basis) covered on the surface of composting pile and mixed with composting materials, could decreased CH4emissions by36.2%and44.8%respectively, compared with CK treatment; N2O emissions decreased by37.7%and73.6%respectively. Mixed treatment decreased NH3emissions by22.2%(per ton dry matter), while NH3emissions from covered treatment showed no significant difference with CK treatment.(4) Adding phosphogypsum and superphosphate with5%of initial materials (dry basis) decreased CH4by85.8%and80.5%, NH3by23.5%and28.9%, while N2O increased by3.2%and14.8%(per ton dry matter).(5) Addition of cornstalks, saw dust and spent mushromm substrate as composting bulking agents, which weighed15%of initial composting materials (wet basis), could decrease CH4emissions by59.2%,55.0%and66.6%respectively, compared with CK treatment; N2O emissions decreased by46.7%,73.1%and44.7%; NH3missions decreased by30.9%,40.5%and41.5%(per ton dry matter); All of the three kinds of bulking agents could avoid leachate production during composting completely. The CH4and NH3emissions were negatively correlated with the adding proportions of spent mushromm substrate,35%SMS addition could increase N2O emissions obviouly; while only the treatment with15%of spent mushromm substrate decreased CH4, N2O and NH3simultaneously by60.6%,29.0%and14.8%(per ton dry matter), compared with CK treatment.(6) Life cycle assessment results of different MSW management scenarios indicated that the source-seperation system decreased the comprehensive environmental potential. Furthermore, adopting mtigation technologies of typical gaseous emissions during composting decreased the Global Warming Potential.

  • 【分类号】X825;X799.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】637
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