

Fertilizer Recommendations for Three Major Cereal Crops Based on Regional Fertilizer Formula and Site Specific Adjustment in China

【作者】 吴良泉

【导师】 陈新平; 张福锁; 崔振岭;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国分散经营的小农户生产方式和规模化生产的肥料工业之间的矛盾要求区域配肥在理论和技术上有新的突破。本文在明确了我国玉米、小麦和水稻施肥分区的基础上,通过大样本数据的整理与分析,研究我国玉米、小麦和水稻不同区域的磷肥和钾肥效应及其主要影响因素;基于磷肥恒量监控建立了大区域的磷肥推荐技术指标;基于钾肥肥效反应建立了大区域的钾肥推荐技术指标;并结合区域气候、栽培和土壤条件等特点制定我国玉米、小麦和水稻不同区域的肥料配方与施肥建议。最后,通过田间试验验证“大配方、小调整”区域配肥技术的农学和经济效应。取得的主要结果如下:(1)通过整理与分析2005-2010年在全国开展的7081、4232和9608个玉米、小麦和水稻田间肥效试验数据结果表明,玉米、小麦和水稻施磷增产效果显著,其中小麦施用磷肥的增产效果最佳(与不施磷处理相比,施磷下全国小麦的平均增产量为0.9t ha-1,增产率为18.8%,缺磷区相对产量为85.8%,磷肥的农学效率为8.8kg kg-1),玉米次之(与不施磷处理相比,施磷下全国玉米的平均增产量为1.1t ha-1,增产率为15.7%,缺磷区的相对产量为88.0%,磷肥的农学效率为12.4kg kg-1),水稻较低(与不施磷处理相比,施磷下全国水稻的平均增产量为0.8t ha-1,增产率为12.8%,缺磷区的相对产量为89.9%,磷肥的农学效率为13.1kg kg-1)。在玉米上,表现为东北春玉米区、西北春玉米区和西南玉米区的增产效果要高于华北夏玉米区;在小麦上,表现为华北灌溉冬麦区的增产效果略低于其它区域;在水稻上,表现为东北单季稻区和长江流域单双季稻区的增产效果较好,江南华南单双季稻区和西南高原山地单季稻区的增产效果较差;长江流域中游单双季稻区的早稻施磷效果大于晚稻。作物的施磷效应一方面受到土壤速效磷状况的直接影响,随着土壤速效磷含量的增高,施磷的增产效应呈下降的趋势,另一方面受到不同生产体系和种植制度的影响,特别是温度和水份的影响。(2)通过整理与分析2005-2010年在全国开展的3124、3924和9490个玉米、小麦和水稻田间肥效试验结果表明,与不施钾处理相比,东北春玉米区、西北春玉米区、华北夏玉米区和西南玉米区玉米施钾的平均增产率分别为14.0%,4.3%,14.7%,19.4%;与不施钾处理相比,全国小麦施钾的平均增产量为0.7t ha-1,增产率为12.5%,缺钾区相对产量为90.0%,钾肥农学效率为7.2kgkg-1;与不施钾处理相比,全国水稻施钾的平均增产量为0.8t ha1,增产率为12.5%,缺钾区的相对产量为90.1%,钾肥农学效率为9.1kg kg-1。本研究发现钾肥肥效反应仅部分受到土壤速效钾的影响,站点属性(例如县域,品种,土壤类型和年份等因素)的差异也很大程度上影响了钾肥的增产效应,随着产量水平的升高,施钾的增产效果更佳。(3)通过44个夏玉米田间试验的955组植株磷测试数据和56个夏玉米田间试验的953组植株钾测试数据的分析表明,当前优化施肥下夏玉米生产1吨籽粒需磷(P)和钾(K)量分别为3.20kg和15.0kg。单位籽粒产量需磷量随着产量水平的增加而降低,主要原因是收获指数的增加与籽粒磷浓度的下降;单位籽粒产量需钾量随着产量水平相对稳定,这主要是收获指数增加和秸秆钾浓度增加(由14.0g kg-1增加到18.1g kg-1)相互抵消而籽粒钾浓度基本维持在3.2g kg-1所造成的结果。(4)在建立了大区域磷素肥力分级指标和明确了作物磷素需求量的基础上,基于磷肥恒量监控建立了区域的磷肥推荐技术指标;同时基于钾肥肥效反应建立了区域的钾肥推荐技术指标。结果显示,我国玉米12个施肥亚区的磷肥推荐用量平均为75kgP2O5ha-1(46-123kg P2O5ha-1),钾肥推荐用量平均为54kg K2O ha-1(30-64kg K2O ha-1);7个小麦施肥亚区的磷肥推荐用量平均为77kg P2O5ha-1(55-88kg P2O5ha-1),钾肥推荐用量平均为50kgK2Oha-1(33-59kg K2O ha-1);8个水稻施肥亚区的磷肥推荐用量平均为71kg P2O5ha-1(59-84kg P2O5ha-1),钾肥推荐用量平均为62kg K2O ha-1(45-80kg K2O ha-1)。(5)根据不同生态区域的养分推荐用量及气候、栽培和土壤条件的差异,根据“大配方、小调整”的技术思路确定了我国玉米、小麦和水稻不同生态区域的肥料配方及施肥建议。在12个玉米施肥亚区总共确定了16个区域肥料配方,包括12个基追结合施肥下的配方和4个一次性施肥配方;7个小麦施肥亚区总共确定了9个区域肥料配方,包括7个基追结合施肥方式下的配方和2个一次性施肥配方;8个水稻施肥亚区总共确定了11个区域肥料配方,其中包括7个高浓度配方和4个中浓度配方。(6)通过2011-2013年的178组田间试验证明,“大配方、小调整”区域配肥技术比习惯施肥显著提高了作物产量、氮肥利用效率和经济效益:在玉米上(n=63),该技术比农民习惯处理的产量提高9.0-11.4%、氮肥利用效率提高18-22%、经济效益提高1255-1433Yuan ha-1;在小麦上(n=36),该技术比农民习惯处理的产量提高7.6-11.7%、氮肥利用效率提高29-35%、经济效益提高1476-1688Yuan ha-1;在水稻上(n=79),该技术比农民习惯处理的产量提高8.3-10.5%、氮肥利用效率42-48%、经济效益提高2044-2388Yuan ha-1。

【Abstract】 New advances for theory and techniques of regional fertilizer recommendations will be needed to reconcile contradictions between decentralized management mode of small farmers and large-scale industrial production of fertilizer. Based on the regionalization of fertilization for maize, wheat and rice production in China, the grain yield response to phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and major influence factors across major agro-ecological regions of maize, wheat and rice production in China were analyzed, regional optimal rates of P (based on P building-up and maintenance approach) and that of K (based on yield response to K application) in each sub-region were estimated. Then, according to the approach of "regional fertilizer formula plus site specific adjustment"(RFF&SSA), regional optimal compound fertilizer formulae were determined. Finally, we comprehensive evaluated the agronomic and economical effects of this approach through178on-farm experiments. The main results were concluded as follows:(1) A total of7081,4232and9608on-farm experiments, conducted during2005-2010across major agro-ecological regions of maize, wheat and rice production in China, were analyzed for determining the yield response to P. The results indicated that application of P increased the yield of the three crops significantly, compared to zero P fertilization (P0). Phosphorus application in wheat had the highest potential to increase yield (the average of increased yield (rate), relative yield and agronomic efficiency of applied P (AEP) were0.9t ha-1(18.8%),85.8%,8.8kg kg-1, respectively), followed by maize (the average of increased yield (rate), relative yield and AEP were1.1t ha-1(15.7%),88.0%,12.4kg kg-1, respectively), the lowest was rice (the average of increased yield (rate), relative yield and AEp were0.8t ha-1(12.8%),89.9%,13.1kg kg-1, respectively). Crop yield response to P varied widely in differently agro-ecological regions. Maize yield response to P in the Northeast China, Northwest China and Southwest China were higher than that of North China Plain; Wheat yield response to P in the North China Plain was slightly lower than others; Rice yield response to P in Northeast China and Yangtze River were higher than that of South China and Southwest, Early rice response to P was higher than that of Late rice in Yangtze River. The results showed that, with the increasing soil-P level, crop yield response to P decreased. Grain yield response to P were also affected significantly by crop production system, especially by temperature and moisture.(2) A total of3124,3924and9490on-farm experiments conducted during2005-2010across major agro-ecological regions of maize, wheat and rice production in China, were summarized and analyzed to determine the yield response to K. The results indicated that maize grain yields at recommended K rates increased14.0%,14.7%,19.4%, and4.3%in Northeast China, North China Plain, Southwest China, and Northwest China, respectively, compared to zero K fertilization (K0). Nationally, increased yield (rate) of wheat due to K application averaged0.7t ha-1(12.5%), and the corresponding relative yield and agronomic efficiency of applied K (AEk) were90.0%,7.2kg kg-1, respectively. The increased yield (rate) of rice due to K application averaged0.81ha-1(12.5%), and the corresponding relative yield and AEK were90.1%,9.1kg kg", respectively. The yield response to K was only partly related to soil extractable K (NH4OAc-K), which were affected significantly by site properties (such as counties, varieties, soil types or years). The results showed that, with the increasing grain yield level, crop yield response to K increased.(3) Using the955measurements in44on-farm experiments and the953measurements in56on-farm experiments, the P and K requirement per ton grain yield in the optimal NPK treatment for summer maize in the North China Plain (NCP) was3.20kg and15.0kg, respectively. In the Optimal P treatment, with the increasing yield levels, P requirements decreasing which was attributed to a decline in grain P concentration and an increase in harvest index. The relative consistency of K requirements with increasing grain yield was mainly attributed to an offset in the increase in stover K (from14.0to18.1g kg-1), an increase in harvest index (HI) from0.49to0.54, and the stability of grain K concentrations (about3.2g kg-1).(4) Optimal rates of P (based on P building-up and maintenance approach) and K (based on yield response to K application) were estimated in each sub-region for maize, wheat and rice. Across all the12maize sub-regions, the optimal rate of P averaged75kg P2O5ha-1(ranged from46to123kg P2O5ha-1) and the optimal rates of K averaged54kg K2O ha-1(ranged from30-64kg K2O ha-1); Across all the7wheat sub-regions, the optimal rates of P averaged77kg P2O5ha-1(ranged from55to88kg P2O5ha-1) and the optimal rates of K averaged50kg K2O ha-1(ranged from33-59kg K2O ha-1); Across all the8rice sub-regions, the optimal rates of P averaged71kg P2O5ha-1(ranged from59to84kg P2O5ha-1) and the optimal rates of K averaged62kg K2O ha-1(ranged from45to80kg K2O ha-1).(5) Given variation in optimal nutrient rates, climate, crop production and soil types among different agro-ecological regions, a total of16region-specific fertilizer formulae were designed for the12sub-regions of maize production in China, including12formulae using a basal plus top-dressing fertilization approach and4formulae using only basal fertilization application; a total of9regional special fertilizer formulae were designed for the7wheat sub-regions in China, including7formulae using a basal plus top-dressing fertilization approach and2formulae using only basal fertilization application; a total of11regional special fertilizer formulae were designed for the8rice sub-regions, including7compound fertilizer formulae with high nutrient concentration and4with medium concentration.(6) A total of178on-farm experimental sites conducted during2011-2013across major agro-ecological regions of maize, wheat and rice production in China were evaluated the approach of RFF&SSA. Compared to the farm practice, the yield of maize (n=63), wheat (n=36) and rice (n=79) using the RFF&SSA can be increased9.0-11.4%,7.6-11.7%and8.3-10.5%, respectively; the PFPN can be increased by18-22%,29-35%and42-48%, respectively; the income per hectare can be increased by1255-1433Yuan,1476-1688Yuan and2044-2388Yuan, respectively;
