

Elite Capture in the Process of the Distribution of the Poverty Alleviation Resource in Rural Area

【作者】 邢成举

【导师】 李小云;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 扶贫资源的分配与传递是影响扶贫效果的关键因素,本文从扶贫资源分配与传递中的精英俘获着手,重点讨论了权力、制度和社会结构同乡村社会的扶贫资源分配与传递间的复杂关系。以往关于扶贫资源分配的研究,主要集中在宏观的制度层面,如管理、分配和监督等制度,但是影响扶贫资源在乡村扶贫场域配置的,还有乡村社会内的权力、制度与社会结构等因素。所以本研究是从相对微观的角度,即从乡村社会内的权力结构、制度规定与社会结构出发,展开了精英俘获的研究。精英俘获是精英获取本不属于其自身的公共资源或利益的过程,或者是精英所在的村庄获取与其贫困状况不一致的扶贫资源,这里的精英主要是指担任村干部的村民,同时也指代那些没有担任村干部职务,但是与村干部有着亲密关系的村庄精英人物。从调查情况看,精英俘获的主要表现是:一,较为富裕的村庄获得了大量的扶贫资源,而真正贫困和边缘的村庄却只能获得较少的扶贫资源;二,富裕的村民以及村干部能够从扶贫资源中获得更多的利益或者是额外的利益。从制度的角度看,扶贫资源筹集中的地方政府配套制度,压力型体制下的扶贫工作考核制度,地方政府及其部门对贫困村的结对帮扶制度,扶贫工程建设的招标与议标制度,扶贫资金的项目化运作制度,不切实际的制度与不合理的制度,都导致扶贫管理中会出现很大的制度漏洞,而这些漏洞为精英俘获提供了空间。从权力的角度看,作为社会资本的权力,作为经济实力的权力,作为乡村治理的权力以及村民参与决策的权力等,都导致权力成为乡村社会内影响扶贫资源分配的关键因素。权力地位越高,能量越大,就能够获得越多的扶贫资源。而从结构的角度看,乡村社会的结构变迁,村庄与乡镇政府的关系结构以及村庄内的家门结构等,都为精英俘获的出现进行了“良好”的铺垫,也消除了精英俘获行动的顾虑。精英俘获导致了扶贫工作内卷化的发生,即扶贫资源的越来越多的投入,却并没有换得贫困人口的相同比例的减少,大量扶贫的资源被精英群体所获得,扶贫工作的正义性与公平性遭受考验和挑战。精英俘获还导致乡村社会内的利益结构固化,这主要表现为精英之间的“结盟”以及普通村民之间的松散交往与互动,精英与普通村民出现了明显的交往分化。与利益结构固化相联系,精英俘获也会导致贫困的再生产,这种再生产主要是贫困代际传递意义上的。精英俘获也导致了执政者合法性的流失,这主要是人们对公共资源为精英个体所俘获的不满引发的。精英俘获也会导致社区公平正义观念的扭曲与异化,这主要是因个别贫困户不遵循村庄规范和国家政策,却获得扶贫资源扶持的状况所引发的。在这种情况下,公平和正义的观念越来越远离村庄的伦理,继而出现的是强者和强权的逻辑。精英俘获现象的出现是国家扶贫资源下乡以及国家权力的时代特征,村庄社会内精英所具备的行动能力、社会结构规制性力量的弱化,以及村民对精英俘获行动的容忍与理解,加上村民受村庄内人情、权力和关系等网络制约而缺乏行动能力等方面因素共同塑造的。在这种塑造中,国家权力既是精英俘获的阻碍性力量,同时也是精英俘获的客观基础;村民的容忍与默许,即是精英俘获的安全保障,也是精英俘获的动力与前提;精英自身对利益的追求,对自身经济与社会地位的不满,对地方政府行动与国家政策运行逻辑的熟知等,则是精英俘获最直接的诱因与动力。基于上面的分析,新阶段的中国扶贫工作必须应对的是来自贫困者所处的各种不利的社会结构的挑战,如信息占有的结构,权力结构与社会关系结构。要改变贫困者所处的不利的结构性位置,才能够打破贫困者难以摆脱贫困的“魔咒”。从这一点来看,我们可以将新阶段的贫困定义为结构性贫困。结构性贫困,不仅意味着存在对贫困者不利的区域结构与城乡结构,同时也存在中观和微观层次的不利于穷人的结构。扶贫工作要打破对贫困者不利的结构,同时也应保护对其有利的社会结构。国家政策的落实要经历无数的权力结点,尽管国家权力显得很强大,但是失去这些结点,国家政策的落实与国家意志的实现都是相当困难的。由此,国家政策实施的社会基础与权力基础就成为了我们关注的一个焦点。只有获得了坚实的社会基础与权力基础,国家政策的落实才能够实现较好的结果。精英作为连结国家权力与农民意志的桥梁,其灵活地运用了国家权力的两面性即强大的一面与脆弱的一面。精英利用国家权力强大的一面,建构自己的权威与合法性,而同时也会利用国家权力的脆弱性来俘获利益和资源。国家权力对于地方社会的控制是无法实现面面俱到的,其需要精英对国家权力的认同与转化。国家权力的行使无法脱离地方社会的文化网络、地方性知识体系和社会关系结构,由此国家权力的实践形态其实是国家权力与地方政府、精英和村民等通过密集和复杂的互动而刻画的。

【Abstract】 The allocation and delivery of pro-poor resource are key factors which has a significant effect on the result of pro-poor policy. In the view of elite capture and the allocation and delivery of poverty alleviation resource,this article focused on power, institutions and social structure which had the complex relationships with the allocation and delivery of poverty alleviation resource in rural community.In the past times, the study on the allocation of poverty alleviation resource, always focus on the Macro-institutional, such as the management, distribution and monitoring system. But what decided the poverty alleviation resources’allocation in rural domain are other factors, such as power, institutional and structural factors within the village community. So in this study, we start the article in the microscopic, which means that we launched the study from the system requirements, power structure and social structure. The elite capture is the process that the elite gains the benefits and resource which were not belong to theirs’, or the village gets the poverty alleviation resources which are not consistent with the poverty situation. In this document, the elite mainly refers to the elite cadre of the villagers,and also refers to village elite who do not hold cadre positions, but has close connection with the village cadres.From the perspective of system, the system that the of local government should raise pro-poor resources, pro-poor work examination system under the pressure system, the twinning helping system between the local government and it’s sector and the poverty village, the tender and bid system of pro-poor engineering construction, the operation system of pro-poor funds by the project mode, unrealistic of system and not reasonable of system, are led to big of system vulnerability of pro-poor management, and these vulnerability providing the space for elite capture. From the perspective of power, the power of social capital, the power of the economic strength, the power of village administration and the villagers’participating in decision-making, all of which means that power has become key factors affecting the allocation of pro-poor resources of in rural area. Higher power status, greater influence, you have access to more resources to reduce the poverty. From the view of structure, changes of the structure of society in the country, the relational structure between village and town government and the structure of the "JIA MEN" or clan in the village, which provided "good" foundation for the emergence of elite capture, and eliminated the concerns of elite capture’actions.Elite capture led to involution of the work of poverty reduction, namely, more and more poverty reduction resources had been invested in, while there were not more population out of poverty which should be proportional to the poverty reduction money, and a large number of resources to help the poor is gained by elite groups, and the justice and fairness of poverty alleviation being tested and challenged. Elite capture also solidified the structure of the interests in the rural community, which presented mainly as the "Association" of elite, as well as loose contacts and interaction between ordinary people and the elite in the villages, and the interaction between elite and ordinary people in the villages emerged a clear social differentiation. Along with the solidified structure of the interests in the rural community, elite capture can also cause poor reproduction; and this reproduction is mainly on the significance of intergenerational transmission of poverty. Elite capture led to the government in loss of legitimacy, and this mainly because of the dissatisfaction from public when the resources captured by elite individuals. Elite capture can also lead to distortion and alienation of the concept of fairness and justice in the rural community, and this is mainly due to poor households doing not follow norms and national policy of the village, and at the same time, they got the support from poverty alleviation resources. In this case, the ethical concepts of fairness and justice would go away and further away from the village, then the main logic is strong and power.The phenomenon of elite capture is shaped by national poverty alleviation resources coming into rural community, the time nature of state power, the action ability of elite in village, the weakness of the control of social structure, and the tolerance and sympathy from villagers to elite capture, besides, the network of feeling, power and interaction in the village together. In the stage of shaping, the state power is a restricting factor for elite capture, and also supply encourages of elite capture; the tolerance and sympathy from villagers is the safe guard for elite capture, and also the motive force and premise; elite seeking their own interests, their dissatisfaction with their own economic and social status, and understanding the logic of local government and national policy, are the direct incentives and motivation of elite capture.Based on the analysis above, the poverty alleviation work on the new stage must face the challenge from the social structure which is disadvantage to the poor, such as information structure, power structure and social interaction structure. Only changing the structural position which is disadvantage to the poor, we can break the "curse"——difficult to the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. To see from this case, the poverty in the new stage can be called structural poverty. Structural poverty means that there are negative regional structures and urban-rural structure to the poor, and also micro-structure and Middle-level structure detrimental to the poor. The poverty alleviation work should break the structure detrimental to the poor, and should protect the structure beneficial to the poor.The implementation of national policy needs to undergo countless power nodes, although State power is very strong, but lost these nodes, the implementation of State policies and the realization of the State will would be very difficult. So, the social foundation and power foundation of implementation of State policies are the focus that we paid much attention to. Only getting strong social foundation and power foundation, the implementation of State policies would have good results. The elite as the bridge which connect the state power and villagers’ will can use the dual nature of State power, a strong side and also a weak side. The elite use the help of state power’s to build them own authority and legitimacy, and at the same time capture benefit and resource because of the weakness and vulnerability of state power. The exercise of state power cannot be divorced from local socio-cultural network, local knowledge systems and social interaction structures, and so the practice of state power is portrayed by State and local governments, elites and villagers’intensive and complex interactions.
