

Research on the Effectiveness of Agricultural Law Enforcement by Competent Administration Authorities in Guangxi

【作者】 江垣德

【导师】 李小云;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农村发展与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 农业行政执法工作是否有效,直接关系到农村的稳定和农业经济的健康发展。近年来,农业行政执法开始引起大家关注,但已有研究很少对农业行政执法有效性作出明确的判断。基于既有研究方面的缺位,本研究从分析农业行政执法有关概念入手,在把握农业行政执法活动和农业行政执法运行机制与农业行政执法体系的关系基础上,对广西农业行政执法体系的历史与现状以及影响农业行政执法有效性的相关因素进行了深入剖析,进而又采用SWOT分析方法研究了提高广西农业行政执法有效性的具体战略,研究结果认为:第一,农业行政执法有效性是综合衡量农业行政执法活动是否完成、农业行政执法活动与法律规范期望结果方向是否相同、农业行政执法效果与法律规范期望结果方向是否相同、农业行政执法效果是否达到法律规范期望结果以及农业行政执法成本大小的指标,是可以通过某种数量形式反映出来的。农业行政执法有效性=活动农业行政执法有效性+效果农业行政执法有效性-农业行政执法成本系数。第二,农业行政执法活动受农业行政执法运行机制所制约,而农业行政执法的运行机制又取决于农业行政执法体系,配置不科学、制度不合理、分工不明确、运转不协调、不能充分发挥整体功能的农业行政执法体系会制约农业行政执法运行机制进而影响农业行政执法的有效性;当前广西农业行政执法体系存在的问题突出表现在农业行政执法基本原则执行不到位、农业行政执法主体和执法机构分散、农业行政执法人员素质不高、滥用农业行政执法职权、农业行政执法行为不规范、农业行政执法程序不正当、农业行政执法监督不到位等多个方面;调查结果显示,目前广西农业行政执法仅处于基本有效阶段。第三,广西农业行政执法体系的优势在于农业行政综合执法机构基本建立健全、执法经费已要求列入财政预算和农业行政综合执法机构执法职能明确;劣势在于农业行政执法人员素质参差不齐、农业行政执法主体分散和执法监督不到位;机遇来源于依法治国方略深入实施、当地政府高度重视和网络信息技术的发展;挑战则来自公众农业法制观念薄弱和执法依据不完善。第四,基于SWOT的分析,深化农业行政综合执法管理体制改革、提高农业行政执法人员综合素质、规范农业行政执法行为、完善农业行政执法监督体系和加强农业普法力度是提高广西农业行政执法有效性应当首先实施的战略,可以通过合并农业行政管理机关、明确其执法职权、科学设置内设机构、整合配置执法职能等手段,深化农业行政综合执法管理体制改革,实现真正意义上的农业行政综合执法;通过严格录用标准、实行持证上岗、注意加强培训、动态划分等级等办法,提升农业行政执法人员的综合素质;通过防止农业行政执法职权滥用和确保农业行政执法的内容合法、程序正当并符合具体的法定形式来规范农业行政执法行为,维护农业行政执法的社会形象和执法权威;通过强化农业行政机关内部监督,充分发挥行政监察机关、国家权力机关、司法机关以及社会舆论和人民群众对农业行政执法的监察监督作用,建立起一套从内到外、从上到下全方位的农业行政执法监督体系,促进依法行政、公正执法;通过抓住重点对象、采取多种形式、建立长效机制等办法,保证农业普法教育持续有效进行。

【Abstract】 The effectiveness of agricultural law enforcement by competent administration authorities (hereinafter referred to as agricultural law enforcement) is directly related to the stability of rural areas and the healthy development of agricultural economy. Though agricultural law enforcement has attracted more and more public attention in recent years, few studies could present a very clear evaluation of its effectiveness. To help improve this situation, the author has conducted this research by integrating his rich field experience with theoretical study. Starting from explaining concepts related to agricultural law enforcement, the author, based on understanding of the relation between actual agricultural law enforcement activity/agricultural law enforcement operational mechanism and agricultural law enforcement system, makes a detailed analysis of the history and status quo of the system for agricultural law enforcement in Guangxi as well as the factors that impact the effectiveness of agricultural law enforcement. The author further uses SWOT analysis to study the specific strategies to improve the effectiveness of such agricultural law enforcement in Guangxi, which can be summarized as follow:1. The effectiveness of agricultural law enforcement is a comprehensive index to evaluate the following aspects:whether the agricultural law enforcement is completed, whether the agricultural law enforcement complies with results as expected by law and legal norms in terms of direction, whether effect of the agricultural law enforcement complies with result as expected by law and legal norms in terms of direction, whether effect of the agricultural law enforcement has achieved result as expected by law and legal norms as well as cost of the agricultural law enforcement, which could be reflected through a certain mathematical equation. Namely, the effectiveness of agricultural law enforcement=the effectiveness of its enforcement activities+the effectiveness of its enforcement results-the enforcement cost.2. The agricultural law enforcement activities are constrained by its operation mechanism, which is further subject to the agricultural law enforcement system. The enforcement system’s deficiencies, such as unscientific set-up, unreasonable institution, unclear division of labor, uncoordinated operation and failure to exert the overall function, have impaired the operation mechanism of agricultural law enforcement and thus causing the underperformance of the effectiveness of agricultural law enforcement. Some of the most serious problems of the agricultural law enforcement in Guangxi lie in the insufficient implementation of enforcement fundamental principles, the dispersion of enforcement executers and agencies, the unqualified enforcement personnel, the abuse of enforcement power, the unstandard enforcement activities, the improper enforcement procedure and the inadequate supervision, etc. 3. On one hand, the strengths of the agricultural law enforcement system in Guangxi can be found in its relatively sound and improved comprehensive law enforcement agencies, a clear definition of agricultural law enforcement function and the inclusion of enforcement funds into financial budget. On the other hand, the weaknesses are exposed through the diversified enforcement executors, the inconsistent quality of agricultural law enforcement personnel and weakness of supervision on agricultural law enforcement. However, while facing the challenge of public indifference towards agricultural law enforcement and incomplete agricultural law enforcement foundation, the agricultural law enforcement system in Guangxi could still embrace opportunities created by the in-depth execution of strategy of ruling the country by law, the high value given by the local government and the development of Internet-based information technologies.4. SWOT-based analysis shows that the priority strategies to improve the effectiveness of agricultural law enforcement in Guangxi is to deepen the reform of comprehensive agricultural law enforcement, enhance the overall quality of agricultural law enforcement personnel, standardize the agricultural law enforcement activities, strengthen the supervision on agricultural law enforcement and further popularize the education on agricultural law enforcement. More specifically, the comprehensive agricultural law enforcement in a real sense can be achieved through the merger of agricultural administrative agencies, clarification of their law enforcement authorities, the scientific set-up of internal institutions, the integration of enforcement functions. The agricultural law enforcement personnel’s qualification can be improved by raising the recruitment standard, requiring the working certificates, enhancing the professional training and implementing a dynamic grading system. To standardize the enforcement activities, and safeguarded the social image and authority of agricultural law enforcement, we could prevent the abuse of enforcement power and ensure the legality of the contents of and properness and legal compliance of the procedures for agricultural law enforcement. A overarching supervision mechanism featuring an inside-out and top-to-bottom coverage should be established by enhancing the internal supervision within administrative organs, giving full play to the role played by administrative and supervisory organs, state power organ, judicial offices, the public opinion and the mass of people, so as to promote legal administration and fair agricultural law enforcement. At the same time, the sustainable education of agricultural law enforcement would be realized through emphasis of work focus, adoption of diverse forms and establishment of long-term mechanism.
