

The Influence of Overseas Demands on Jingdezhen Ceramic in Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 牟晓林

【导师】 吕品田;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 美术设计, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以瓷器作为艺术与文化交流的物质载体与媒介为着眼点,选取瓷器大规模外销的明、清两代为纵向维度的时间段,以明清时期一枝独秀的景德镇瓷器为研究对象,考察不同国家和地区因生活习惯、宗教信仰、文化特色等原因所形成的对于景德镇瓷器的不同需求,进而分析这些需求对于景德镇陶瓷艺术的形塑作用和陶工文化自觉的强化作用。明清时期是以茶叶、丝绸和瓷器为大宗的中国商品大规模外销时期。与茶叶和丝绸相比,瓷器独特的物质组成所形成的质性特征使其更易保存和流传,因而对明清瓷器的外销及其海外市场的全面考察更具可行性。景德镇瓷器的外销在明、清两代不同时期的海外市场重心有所不同,明前期和中期以西亚、非洲的阿拉伯国家以及东南亚和东亚的朝鲜、日本等国为主;随着新航路的开辟,明代后期至清代海外市场重心转向欧洲和后来的美洲。不同国家和地区对于景德镇瓷器的需求差异明显,销往不同国家的景德镇瓷器在整体形制和艺术面貌上存在显著的差别;而海外市场重心在不同时期的转向也对景德镇外销瓷乃至整体的瓷业生产产生不同影响。因而本文在划分四个主要海外市场并在横向维度上探讨其需求差异的同时,也蕴含着纵向维度的不同时期市场重心的转变,瓷器既是实用器皿,也具有艺术性。海外需求则是对景德镇瓷器及其所承载的艺术与文化的认识与接受结果的反馈,不同国家和地区民众对景德镇陶瓷器形的不同需求反映出日常生活的实用差异,对品类和纹饰的需求则关联着当时的审美好尚及更深层的价值观判断和文化接受与认同。因而本文从品类、器形和纹饰三个方面分析销往不同国家和地区景德镇瓷器的特征,明确指出海外市场需求对新品类的创烧、新器形和新纹饰的出现所起到的直接或重要的推动作用,即景德镇陶工在遵循传统制瓷技艺和艺术形式的基础上,努力仿制和摹绘海外瓷商带来的模型和画稿,并将这些外来的艺术语汇和文化观念加以扬弃和重新编码,内化成景德镇瓷器的艺术要素和表现形式,最终形成明清景德镇陶瓷艺术的多样性特征。明清时期海外市场对景德镇瓷器的需求,刺激当时政府所采取的外交政策、内部的经济政策和徭役制度,以及分工的细化、工艺的进步等因素,形成对明清景德镇瓷器生产和外销的内外合力,推动以瓷器为媒介的艺术与文化的交流与融合。明清时期庞大的海外市场所形成的多样化需求,为景德镇陶工所了解和接受,并持续物化为景德镇瓷器的形态化、视觉化和艺术化体现,不断推进景德镇制瓷技艺的推陈出新和艺术形式的丰富与发展。与此同时,大规模的海外市场需求和景德镇瓷器的持续外销,形成对景德镇陶工所拥有的技艺优势和文化价值的充分肯定,适值明清“实学”的兴起所引发的对手工艺行业的价值肯定,内外合力呼唤景德镇陶工文化自觉的内醒、陶瓷艺术地位的提高和稳定性的强化。

【Abstract】 This dissertation take Ming and Qing Dynasties’Jingdezhen ceramics as the object of study, regard it as a material media of communication in art and culture. Accordingly, inspect different market demands formed by life style, religions, culture in different districts. And then analyze the impact of different demands on Jingdezhen ceramic art and the culture self-consciousness of potters.The main market of Jingdezhen ceramics differed from early Ming to Qing Dynasty. From countries in Asia and Africa to Europe and America successively. Various demands formed different features of Jingdezhen ceramics exported to different countries, and the change of main markets influenced Jingdezhen ceramic industry in different periods. Therefore, the dissertation will discuss the diversity demands of the four main markets divided by spatial dimension, and include the change of main markets by time dimension.Overseas market demands are feedbacks of export porcelain from people in different cultures. The demands in shapes of porcelain reflect the difference in daily utensil, the demands in types and decorations of porcelain related to the athletics and even values judgment, cultural acceptance and identification. The dissertation will analyze the features of export porcelains to different districts by type, shape and decoration three aspects, and spell out the direct and important promoting effect of the three aspects. Thence, Jingdezhen potters combine traditional and external art expressions, transit the external factors of overseas market demands into inner factors of potters innovation and self-consciousness, and therefore form the diversity of Jingdezhen ceramic art.When the diverse demands propelled the development of Jingdezhen ceramic industry, the large scale of overseas markets demands and continuous exporting were also an affirmation to the skill of potters and cultural value of porcelain. Meantime, the pragmatic learning thought rose in Ming and Qing Dynasty also affirmed the value of handicraft art which has a low statue in past. The affirmation came from external and internal evoked the cultural self-consciousness of Jingdezhen potters, improved and strengthened the statue of ceramic art eventually.
