

Wu Chang-shuo&Qi Bai-shi Influence on Modern Korean Paintings

【作者】 柳时浩

【导师】 卢禹舜;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 美术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 灵昌硕与齐白石都是中国近代绘画大师、艺术巨匠。他们以“南吴北齐”之誉名贯海内外,是千年流长的中国绘画历史上伟大的艺术家。他们不仅在自己艺术上有着伟大的成就,还加深了人们在艺术领域的感受和认识,他们以个人淳厚的情感和丰富的艺术体验,赋予文人画形式以新的生命力和时代性。他们是对艺术孜孜不倦的追求者和领路人,在近百年的奋斗中显示了巨大的创造精神,以及艺术先锋性和开拓性。他们不但继承传统的画法,还将传统书画推进一步,给它输入新的生命血液,影响着后人。他们在艺术生涯中留下的上万幅作品,不仅是在中国国内富有收藏,台湾、香港、韩国、日本、朝鲜、等许多国家和地区也有很多机构和个人收藏。他们的影响力也日益扩大到全亚洲地区,甚至欧洲艺坛。虽然他们己离开我们儿十年了,但是在国内、国际艺术界他们仍然是众所瞩目的艺术家。一代一代的后辈学者,继承着他们的法道和精神,学习着他们的技法和精髓。韩国近代一度进入了黑暗的历史时期,因为韩国在世界强国之间争斗世界霸权的情势下,开始走向衰落的险路。特别是在日本强占韩国以后全面实施的所谓“文化没杀政策”压迫下,美术领域也不例外被影响。自从“孔孟老庄”哲学兴起以来,朝鲜经过唐宋元明清各时期、各朝代吸收优良的传统文化,而奠定的昌盛的朝鲜五百多年历史,从此卷入了帝国历史的水涡。这段危难的时间里,“南吴北齐”吴昌硕与齐白石的艺术在韩国维持传统文化意识当中有很大的作用。特别是他们的水墨文人画给韩国近现代许多书画家很大影响。尤其是“南吴”吴昌硕对闵泳翊与“北齐”齐白石对金永基影响尤为突出。这点是本文集中研究的主要内容,引用大量篇幅具体阐述这个内容。金永基是韩国近现代美术史上核心人物之一。他早年来华拜师齐白石学习中国传统文人画和书法。他在留学期间每次寒暑假同国时,将他的父亲及别人委托索求的齐老作品带着回国,使齐白石作品流入了韩国社会,同时给韩国国内认识和研究齐老艺术的契机。上世纪70年代末,他主张并贯彻将当时使用的“东洋画”名称改为本民族特色更浓厚的“韩国画”名称等做法对韩国美术界有极大贡献。这都是齐白石艺术通过金永基影响到韩国近现代韩国画坛的一些方面。吴昌硕和闵泳翊也是不可分的关系。闵泳翊曾因韩国政治上的原由,在上海长时间流亡生活,在流亡当中与吴昌硕紧密地交往并学习墨竹、墨兰等文人画。尤其是吴昌硕给闵泳翊刻的300多方篆刻作品与创作大量的书画作品,不仅是闵泳翊本人钟爱的收藏,还是韩国藏家和爱好者喜爱的收藏。吴昌硕对近现代韩国美术起到了巨大引领作用。与此同时,吴昌硕与齐白石对其他韩国主要画家的艺术影响力也是巨大的。本文还要论证历史上这两位伟大的艺术巨匠的影响,并展望未来韩国画的发展,既顺应时代潮流,同时希冀在传统中求发展,进入一个新的“韩国画”时代。

【Abstract】 Wu Chang-shuo and Qi Bai-shi are the masters of modern Chinese painter. They are sharing the reputation of" South Wu North Qi", and both are the greatest artist in more than a thousand years of Chinese painting history. They not only had great achievements on their arts, but also had deepened the feelings and knowledge of people in the arts. They gave their works some funky-fresh emotions, and also gave the form of literati painting new vital force and contemporaneity. They are tireless pursuer of art, and their creative spirit, which a century-long struggle shows, had a model and pioneering. They not only inherited the tradition of painting, but also made further efforts on traditional painting and calligraphy, gave them a new life, affecting future generations. Their thousands of works throughout their artistic career, not only have collections in China, but also in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and many other countries and regions. Their influence is expanding into the Asia, and even into Europe. Although they have died more than150years, in the international art world, they still are famous artist. Scholars of after generations are inheriting their spirits, learning their techniques and essences.Modern Korea has once entered a dark period, because of the battle among the strongest countries in the world for world domination, Korea had driven to the decline of dangerous road. Especially, after the Japanese occupation of Korea, under full implementation of the so-called "culture obliteration policy", art, without exception, was also influenced by it. So that, since the "Confucius, Mencius, Laozi and Zhuangzi" philosophy, through the period of Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties,500years of Korean art history which absorbed the fine tradition cultural heritage from each dynasties, had involved in the vortex of imperial history.In this tough time, the art of "South Wu North Qi" Wu Chang-shuo and Qi Bai-shi had a significant role in Korea to maintain traditional cultural awareness. Especially their literati ink painting had great effects to many Modern Korea painters and calligraphers. Especially the impacts of " South Wu " Wu Chang-shuo to Min Yong-yi and " North Qi" Qi Bai-shi to Kim Young-ki are greater. This will be the main content of this paper, and a lot of space will be used to address this content specifically.Kim Young-ki is one of the central figure in the history of Korean modern art. He went to China early time to study Chinese traditional literati painting and calligraphy from Qi Bai-shi. When he returned home in every summer and winter vacation, he brought the works of Qi Bai-shi for his father and other people, so that works of Qi Bai-shi had flown into Korean society, and had given them the opportunities to aware and research on art of Qi Bai-shi. Also, in late1970s, he advocated to use "Korean painting" name that has more strong ethnic characteristics, instead of "Oriental painting" which is used in that period, has made significant contributions to the Korean art world figures.Wu Chang-shuo and Min Yong-yi also had inseparable relationship. Min Yong-yi, because of the Korean political problem, lived in exile in Shanghai for a long time. In this period, Min Yong-yi had close contacts with Wu Chang-shuo, and learned bamboo, orchids and literati ink painting. Especially the works of Wu Chang-shuo that Wu gave to Min, more than300carved pieces and calligraphy, are not only Min’s personal precious collection, but also Korean art collectors and lovers collection. Wu Chang-shuo played a great leading role in Korean Modern Art.Meanwhile, Wu Chang-shuo and Qi Bai-shi also had great artistic influence on many other major Korean painters. In this paper, the influence of these two greatest artists in history will be demonstrated, and also future development of Korean Art will be prospected. It has to conform to the times, seek development in tradition and go into a new’ Korean painting’ era.

【关键词】 吴昌硕齐白石近现代韩国画影响
【Key words】 Wu Chang-shuoQi Bai-shiKorean paintingInfluence