

A Research on the Integration of Feed Industry Chain in China

【作者】 田波

【导师】 王雅鹏;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在国务院发布的《国务院关于促进畜牧业持续健康发展的意见》中明确提出要“大力发展健康养殖,构建现代畜牧业产业体系,提高畜牧业综合生产能力,保障畜产品供给和质量安全,促进农民持续增收,推进社会主义新农村建设”。饲料产业是畜牧业的重要组成部分,它既是连接种植业、畜禽养殖业与畜产品加工业的重要桥梁,也是保障畜禽产品供给,维护畜禽产品安全,构建健康有序的现代畜牧业体系的重要依托。发达国家的经验表明,将饲料加工企业与畜牧养殖企业、食品加工企业整合成为一个完整的产业链条是饲料产业发展的趋势。随着国内饲料企业同质产品竞争的日益加剧,借助产业链整合,实现由单纯的横向扩张转变为向产业链内纵深发展,方是饲料产业进一步发展的必由之路。在推进我国现代农业建设,促进畜牧业良性健康发展的过程中,对我国饲料产业进行研究,探索饲料产业与种植业、畜牧业乃至现代农业协调发展的机制,并结合我国饲料产业发展环境对饲料产业链及链上各环节的运行进行系统分析,研究合适的促进饲料产业链上各环节整合运行的机制,对提高我国饲料产业的竞争力,推动我国饲料产业良性可持续发展具有重要作用。基于此,本文在文献资料查阅和实地调查了解的基础上,以饲料产业链为研究对象,通过对饲料产业链各环节及其相互间的关系进行深入分析,总结饲料产业链的成长规律,对现有饲料产业链上饲料加工企业与各节点之间的合作关系及其影响因素进行探讨,并结合具体案例对饲料产业链整合情况进行分析,进而提出饲料产业链延伸和整合的机制和措施。本研究的主要内容包括以下几个部分:第一章:导言。本章在畜牧业和饲料产业发展的背景下对发展饲料产业链的作用与意义进行了深入分析,并对相关概念进行了界定,通过文献阅读,总结了相关的国内外研究进展,最后概述了本文的研究方法、研究思路、技术路线和可能的创新点。第二章:产业链整合的理论与实践。首先,回顾了产业链整合的相关经济理论;其次,从产业链垂直整合、水平整合以及混合整合三个角度分析了产业链整合的方式;最后,探索国内外产业链整合的实践经验,并从中汲取了有益启示。第三章:饲料产业链演化分析。首先,从我国饲料产业发展取得的成就及存在的问题两方面对我国饲料产业发展的现状进行了分析,并据此探索了我国饲料产业发展的趋势;其次,对饲料产业链的概念、主要组成部分及其角色、历史演变过程、主要的组织模式进行了研究;最后,探索了影响饲料产业链整合因素与促进饲料产业链整合的动因。第四章:饲料产业链纵向整合分析。首先,从发展状况、优越性、劣势与局限性三个方面对我国饲料产业链纵向一体化经营现状进行了分析;其次,研究了饲料企业与原料供应商、养殖业、销售物流等饲料产业链中各环节的协作关系;再次,以猪饲料产业链为例定量分析了饲料产业链纵向整合程度,并研究了影响饲料产业链纵向整合的因素;最后,在以上分析的基础上,探索了饲料产业链纵向整合发展的模式。第五章:饲料产业链横向整合分析。首先,通过宏观统计数据研究了我国饲料市场规模与结构;其次,从饲料企业数量与规模两个方面探索了我国饲料企业整合现状,并以猪配合饲料市场为例,运用实证模型分析了饲料市场整合程度;再次,分析了政府行为与饲料企业发展的关系,并研究了饲料产业链横向整合的不利因素、必要性及其可行性;最后,结合典型案例对我国饲料产业链横向整合进行了分析。第六章:饲料产业链整合的环境与企业策略研究。首先,从国家政策支持、社会环境和法律环境三个角度分析了我国饲料产业链发展的宏观制度背景;其次,基于企业策略的角度研究了饲料企业的创新整合策略以及在生产环节和销售环节的整合策略;最后,基于演化视角,以知识基础和顾客价值为指导探索了进一步优化整合饲料产业链的策略。第七章:结论与建议。基于以上研究结果,提出了主要研究结论;并针对饲料产业链中存在的问题及发展思路,探索性地提出了进一步优化饲料产业链的策略,指出了需要进一步深入研究的问题。通过研究,得到一系列可供参考的结论。本研究的创新之处主要体现在以下三点:第一,本研究将产业链及相关理论应用于对饲料产业进行系统研究,同时注重饲料加工与种养殖业的关联性分析,具有一定的创新性;第二,本研究以饲料加工企业为主体,着重探索饲料产业链的成长规律和影响因素、饲料加工企业与养殖业的整合机制,具有一定的创新性;第三,本研究引入协整分析对饲料产业链整合程度进行分析,尝试从定量分析的角度对饲料产业链进行研究,具有一定的创新性。

【Abstract】 The State Council, according to the issued "the views of State Council on promoting the sustained and healthy development of animal husbanday", clearly proposes that "by ways of developing healthy breeding, building a modern animal husbandry industrial system, improving comprehensive production capacity, ensuring the supply and quality safety of animal products to promote famers’continually increasing income and propel new socialist countryside construction". The feed industry, an important part of animal husbandry, is an important bridge which connects planting industry, livestock farming and processing industry, and is the foundation of animal product supply, product safety maintenance, healthy and orderly modern husbandry industrial system constructing as well. Experience of developed countries shows that it is a trend to integrate feed processing enterprises, livestock enterprises and food processing enterprises into a complete industrial chain. It is also an effective way to solve the above stated problems. With the increasing severe competition among homogeneous products in domestic feed enterprises, the only way to further develop feed industry is to turn the simple horizontal expansion into further development of the industrial chain with the help of industrial chain integration. In the process of promoting our modern agriculture construction and the healthy and positive development of animal husbandry, the author thinks that to make research on domestic feed industry to explore the coordinated development mechanisms between the feed industry and planting industry, animal husbandry as well as modern agriculture, combining with the development environment of domestic fodder industries to systematically analyze the whole feed industry chain and every part in it and to find an appropriate mechanism for promoting integration operation of every part in the industry chain will make great contribution to improve the competitiveness and the sustainable positive development of domestic feed industry.Based on reviewing literature and field surveys, this article regards the feed industrial chain as the research object; then by thoroughly analyzing the feed industrial chain and the relationships between them, summarizing the growth law of the feed industrial chain, discussing the relation and its influencing factors between the existing feed industrial enterprises on the feed industrial chain and the cooperative nodes, this article puts forward the feed industry chain extension and integration mechanisms and measures, combining the specific cases of feed industrial chain integration.This article mainly includes the following components:Chapter I:Introduction. In this chapter, the author first makes thorough analysis on the function and significance of feed industrial chain, in the context of the development of animal husbandry and the feed industry. After defining the related concepts, reading the literature, summing up the relevant research progress at home and abroad, the author sketches out the research methods, research ideas, technology roadmap and possible innovations in the paper.Chapter II:Theories and practice on industrial chain integration. First, the author reviews relevant economic theories about industrial chain integration. Secondly, the author analyzes the way of industrial chain integration from the perspective of industrial chain vertical integration, horizontal integration and hybrid integration. Finally, the author explores the practical experience of domestic and international industrial chain integration, and gains useful inspiration.Chapter III:Analysis of the evolution of feed industrial chain. First, the author analyzes the current situation of domestic feed industry from the perspective of both its achievements and problems, according to which the author explores the developmental trend of domestic feed industry. Secondly, the author studies the concepts of feed industrial chain, its main components and their roles, its historical evolution, its main organizational models. Finally, the author explores the factors and the motivation that influence feed industrial chain integration.Chapter Ⅳ:The vertical integration analysis of the feed industrial chain. First of all, the author analyzes the current situation of vertically integrated operations of domestic feed industry chain from three aspects:its development condition, its advantages, its disadvantages and limitations. Secondly, the author studies the collaborative relationships between the feed companies and raw materials suppliers, farming and marketing, which are parts of feed industrial chain. Then, the author gives the quantitative analysis of the vertical integration degree of the feed industrial chain and its influential factors, taking pig feed industrial chain as an example. Finally, on the basis of the above analysis, the author explores the developmental models of feed industrial chain vertical integration.Chapter Ⅴ:The horizontal integration analysis of the feed industrial chain. First, the author studies the size and structure of domestic feed market by macroeconomic statistics. Secondly, the author explores the current situation of domestic feed industry integration from two aspects:the number and size of feed enterprises; and then analyzes the degree of market integration feed, based on a case study of pig feed market and empirical models. Then, the author analyzes the relation between government behavior and development of feed industry, and studies unfavorable factors, necessity and feasibility in horizontal integration of feed industry chain. Finally, the author studies domestic feed industry chain horizontal integration with typical cases. Chapter Ⅵ:The study of environment and corporate strategy of feed industry chain integration. First, from three aspects, the national policy support, social environment and legal environment, the author analyzes the macro institutional background of domestic feed industry chain development; Secondly, based on the corporate strategy, the author studies the innovative integration strategy of feed business in production as well as in marketing processes. Finally, based on evolutionary perspective, the author explores the further optimized integration strategy of the feed industry chain under the guidance of knowledge and customer value.Chapter Ⅶ:Conclusion and recommendations. Based on the above results, the author puts forward the main conclusion. Then the author tries to put forward strategies in further optimizing feed chain and notes the need for further study of the issue based on the problems and development ideas about the feed industry chain.Based on the research, the author obtains a series of conclusions for reference. The innovation of this study mainly shows in the following three points:first, the author applies the industrial chain and related theories to systematically study feed industry, and focuses on analysis of correlation between feed processing and the farming and planting industry; second, taking the feedstuff processing enterprises as mainstay, this study focuses on exploring the growth rule and influencing factors of feed chain, the integration mechanisms between the feed processing enterprises and aquaculture, with a certain degree of innovation; third, this study introduces the co-integration analysis to quantitively analyze feed industry chain.

  • 【分类号】F326.5
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