

Industrial Structure Optimization and Economic Development in Chang-Ji-Tu Region

【作者】 孙绪

【导师】 朱显平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 2009年国务院公布了《中国图们江区域合作开发规划纲要――以长吉图为开发开放先导区》,长吉图地区成为实施我国国家战略的先导区。为了使区域内各产业发展与整个国民经济发展相适应,产业结构优化对长吉图地区的发展意义尤为重大。与发达地区相比,长吉图地区产业基础薄,第三产业在国民经济中的比重偏低。因此必须加大第三产业发展力度,积极开拓区域内外市场,积极调整区域产业结构,提倡绿色生产方式,努力提高长吉图地区第三产业效益,使区域经济发展更加迅速、更加均衡、更加绿色。本文在借鉴国内外相关研究的基础上,结合长吉图地区经济情况,对长吉图地区产业结构优化与经济发展问题进行了较为全面的分析和探讨,试图为长吉图地区优化产业结构、区域经济发展提供理论和实证参考,并提出了相关的政策建议。全文分为九章,具体的结构安排下:第一章,阐明了研究背景、主要研究问题、研究方法、研究意义、文章思路、结构安排与主要内容。第二章,对研究所用到的相关理论进行了详尽的综述。包括区域经济发展和产业结构关联的理论、产业结构优化理论以及区域经济增长理论。主要回顾了产业结构优化与经济增长之间的关系,梳理了区域经济发展理论、区域经济增长理论和产业结构优化理论的内涵以及研究成果。通过对理论的再回顾,对区域产业结构优化的研究有了清晰的认识。第三章,论述长吉图产业结构优化与区域经济发展。主要分析产业结构优化的原因、目的与意义,以及产业结构优化与经济发展之间的整体关系,其中包括产业结构合理化、高级化对经济发展的影响。认为主导产业的选择和更替、资源的有效配置、科学技术的进步和需求结构的变动是产业结构优化对经济发展的主要影响;产业结构合理化可以促进产业结构的动态均衡和自身素质的提高,产业结构高级化可以促进长吉图三次产业的进步与发展。第四章,描述了长吉图区域经济现状、产业发展现状、长吉图三次产业发展的瓶颈、产业发展空间布局。其中产业发展现状包括产业的构成、产业的就业结构、主导产业、产业发展阻碍。农业面临着环境污染、生产链条短、品牌形象缺乏问题;工业面临着产业结构雷同、空间布局不均衡、产业关联性不强、国际联系少、缺乏创新等问题;服务业存在发展滞后,总产值小,行业结构不合理等问题。第五章,根据长吉图地区的历史数据,利用偏离-份额方法、钱纳里三次产业结构标准和产业结构高级化指标,分析了长吉图地区产业结构优化与区域经济发展的关系,并对长吉图区域经济发展提出了合理意见。通过偏离-份额分析发现长吉图三次产业结构逐渐逐步优化,但比例不够协调;三次产业结构层次水平不高;第二产业规模化水平低、集聚程度不高。通过对比钱纳里三次产业标准发现长吉图地区三次产业总体结构不合理,但有向合理化趋势发展;其中第一产业产值每年都在递增,比重已经下降到标准值范围,说明第一产业已较为合理;第二产业在长吉图的地位极为明显,产值增加的同时,比重有所下降,已经步入合理化阶段。第三产业发展水平不够,比重偏低,但上升态势明显,也在积极进行合理化发展。通过产业高级化指标分析发现长吉图产业结构升级具有不断加强的趋势,长吉图的产业结构高级化程度高于全国平均水平,经济发展稳健,产业结构持续向高级化调整。第六章,利用经验分析法对国内外地区的产业结构优化进行了对比分析,选取了美国、日本、韩国、德国、我国珠三角地区,对这些国家或地区的产业结构优化道路与特点进行分析与总结。通过对比分析,为长吉图产业结构优化提供了借鉴经验。其中美国主要遵循产业发展规律推动产业结构优化,也采取宏观政策引导,通过激活新技术加速产业结构优化;日本产业结构优化更倾向于政府为主导,市场作用为辅的模式;韩国产业结构优化模式与日本类似,采取政府主导与出口导向相结合的发展模式;德国主要通过科技创新模式,积极开发绿色环保能源,占领制造业高端市场;珠三角地区也属于政府引导与出口导向型经济,辅以产业集聚模式,迅速占领国内国际市场。第七章,通过横向和纵向视角对长吉图地区产业结构优化所面临的问题进行总结,包括三次产业、区域空间和政府所要遇到的详尽问题。其中长吉图经济面临的横向结构性问题有:产业结构调整滞后,三次产业比例不协调;产业内部结构不合理;产业整体规模不大,结构不优。纵向问题有:县域经济差距日益显著;城区制造业“空心化”;乡村经济效率低等。第八章,长吉图区域经济发展的举措与建议,主要包括产业结构优化的目标、思路和建议,政府在区域经济发展中的作用,并分析了长吉图地区新兴产业发展问题,并提出了一些经济发展中可供参考的建议。认为长吉图政府应:加大政府对公共设施建设的投入;优化产业结构,做好产业内部结构调整;坚持统筹规划,协调区域经济发展;发挥政府职能,努力为长吉图地区经济发展提供动力和保障;坚持市场规律,引进优秀人才,促进区域经济产业结构优化;坚持以发展为主题,实现长吉图地区产业跨越式优化。第九章,是结论与展望。提出了经过对长吉图产业结构优化的研究结论和一些启示,并对本文的研究局限性与未来研究的发展方向进行了总结。

【Abstract】 In2009the State Council promulgated the “China Tumen River AreaDevelopment Program for Cooperation-with a long developing Pictured PilotZone”Chang-Ji-Tu region became a pilot area to implement our national strategy. Toadjust the regional development to the national economic development, the industrialstructure optimization in Chang-Ji-Tu major areas has much significance.Compared with developed regions, the industrial base is weak in Chang-Ji-Tuarea, the proportion of tertiary industry in the national economy is low. Therefore, thedevelopment of the tertiary industry must be increased with great efforts to activelyexplore consumer markets within the region, adjust the regional economic structure,promote green production methods, and improve the effectiveness of the tertiaryindustry in Chang-Ji-Tu region, so that the regional economic development will bemore rapid, more balanced, and greener.On the basis of reference of related researches, combined Chang-Ji-Tu regionaleconomic situation, make a more comprehensive analysis and discussion onChang-Ji-Tu industrial structure optimizing and economic development, trying tooptimize the industrial structure of Chang-Ji-Tu region development with regionaleconomy, to provide theoretical and empirical reference, to make policyrecommendations.The following text is divided into nine chapters, specific structural arrangementsas follows:Chapter I illustrates the research background, the main research questions,research methods, significance, articles ideas, structural arrangements and maincontent.Chapter II, a detailed review on the theory used in this article. Theories includeregional economic development, the relationship between the industrial structure andindustrial structure optimization theory, regional economic growth theory. Majorreview of the relationship between the industrial structure optimization and economicgrowth, the area of economic development theory, the theory of regional economicgrowth and industrial structure optimization. Through the theory of the regionalindustrial structure optimization, this studies have a clear logic.Chapter III discusses Changjitu optimization of industrial structure and regional economic development. The main reason on the optimization of industrial structure,purpose and meaning, as well as the optimization of industrial structure and theoverall relationship between economic development, including the rationalization ofthe industrial structure, the impact of high-class economic development. Consideredthe leading industry selection and replacement, efficient allocation of resources,changes in the demand structure of scientific progress and technology is the industrialstructure optimization major impacts; industrial structure rationalization can promotea balanced industrial structure and the dynamics of their equilibrium, industryStructure Upgrading can contribute to the progress and development of Changjituindustries.Chapter IV describes the economic situation in Changjitu region, industrydevelopment status, bottlenecks of Changjitu three industrial development, the spaceof industrial development. including industrial development, employment, industrystructure and leading industries, the bottleneck of industries. Agriculture is facingenvironmental pollution, the production chain is short, the lack of brand image;industry faces similar industrial structure, spatial distribution is not balanced, theindustry association is not strong, fewer international contacts, lack of innovation andother issues; services exist slow development, irrational industrial structure and otherissues.Chapter V, based on historical data of Changjitu region, using deviation-sharemethod, Chenery three industrial structure and industrial structure of high-classstandard indicators, analyzes the relationship between industrial structure optimizationand regional economic development, reasonable opinion on economic development.By deviation-share analysis found Changjitu industrial structure grow well gradually,but the proportion is not coordinate; three industrial proportion is not suitable; lowlevels of the second industrial scale, concentration is not high. Compared withChenery found the overall structure of the three industry is a little unreasonable, but isturning well; wherein the first industrial output value increased every year, theproportion had fallen to the standard value, indicating that the first industry is turningmore reasonable; second industry increased in value, but the proportion has declined,has entered the stage of rationalization. Insufficient level of development of tertiaryindustry, underweight, but has an upward trend of development. Consider the industystandard, Changjitu is higher than the national average, industrial structure adjustment is turning to high-class steadyly.Chapter VI, the use of empirical analysis of the region’s industrial structureoptimization and abroad were compared and analyzed, selected the United States,Japan, Korea, Germany, China’s Pearl River Delta region, analyze the industrialstructure of these countries or regions, to learn from those models. Among U.S.industries model, to follow the law of market to promote industries, but also takemacro policies to guide and accelerate the optimization of industrial structure byactivating new technology; Japan’s industrial structure optimization prefer togovernment-led, supplemented by market; Korean industrial structure optimizationmodel is similar to Japan, to take the government-led development model combiningwith the export-oriented; Germany mainly through technological innovation mode,and actively develop green energy, to occupant the manufacturing market; Pearl RiverDelta region also belong to the government-led and export-oriented economy,supplemented industrial clustering model, and quickly occupied the domestic andinternational markets.Chapter VII, to summarize the problems of the industrial structure faced inChangjitu horizontally and vertically, including detailed questions, mainly of the threeindustries, development space and the government challenge. Wherein the lateralstructural problems facing the economy Changjitu are: delay in the adjustment ofindustrial structure, the proportion of three industries uncoordinated; industrialinternal structure is irrational; the size of the industry structure is not optimal.Longitudinal problem: the growing economic gap between the area is significant;urban manufacturing "hollow"; rural low economic efficiency.Chapter VIII, Changjitu regional economic development measures andrecommendations, including the goal of optimizing, ideas and suggestions, thegovernment’s role in regional economic development, and analyzes the developmentof new industries in Changjitu areas, some economic development proposals.Changjitu government should: increase government investment in public facilitiesconstruction; optimize the industrial structure, enhance internal restructuring industry;schematization and planning, coordination of regional economic development;strengthen the role of the government functions, and strive for the economicdevelopment of the region; comply with market rules, the introduction of talent,promote regional economic optimization of industrial structure; persist in development, to achieve leaping development.Chapter IX, is the conclusion and outlook. Summarizes the conclusions ofChangjitu industrial structure optimization and economic development, someinspiration and research limitations, described future research directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】F127;F121.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1261
  • 攻读期成果