

Research on American Cultural Output Strategy in the Era of Globalization

【作者】 赵轩

【导师】 刘清才;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 文化输出是当代国际文化关系领域引人注目的现象之一。美国是文化输出的典型国家。本文考察的是全球化时代美国的文化输出战略。本文关于美国文化输出战略的研究从驱动因素、基本目标、实施路径、效应评析和美国文化输出对中美关系的影响及应对之策等五个方面展开,综合构架起关于全球化时代国际文化关系领域美国文化输出战略研究的分析框架。第一章通过考察美国文化输出的历史本源、理论本源和国际国内环境分析美国文化输出战略的驱动因素。第二章考察美国文化的产生、发展和演变的独特背景,分析构成美国文化的基本要素及其对美国对外政策的影响,以此为基础,阐述冷战后作为美国文化输出主要目标的民主输出和大众文化输出。第三章依据全球化趋势、世界格局和输出主体的特点,在公共外交、媒体话语权、对外文化贸易三个方面分析和阐述美国文化输出战略的实施路径。第四章从国家、国际和全球的层次或领域出发,考察美国文化输出战略对美国自身发展、国际关系格局和全球化过程的影响。第五章在分析未来影响美国文化输出主导因素和美国文化输出与中美关系发展趋势的基础上,从正确认识美国文化输出的两面性、着力进行民族文化的传承与创新和全力推进中华文化走向世界三个方面阐述应对美国文化输出的基本策略。

【Abstract】 As an important feature of contemporary social life, globalization has beenprofoundly changing the face of world. Globalization is not a purely economicphenomenon, it widely penetrates in the fields of politics, economy and culture. In theprocess of globalization, cultural globalization goes with economic globalization.Cultural globalization provides an opportunity for the integration and development ofculture, brings a challenge to the heritage and spread of local culture, but also createsthe conditions for the expansion and penetration of strong culture. The United States isa typical nation of culture output. In the process of globalization,"Americanization" isbecoming more prominent, the United States uses its attraction, appeal and assimilationof culture to implement its global strategy has also become increasingly obvious,resulting in that cultural output becomes an important characteristic of U.S. foreignrelations and global strategy. Thus, culture output has become one of a remarkablephenomenon in the field of contemporary international cultural relations. This paperuses Marxist’s the basic views, values and methodology on globalization, to study theproblems of today’s American cultural output. It can be divided into six parts, the firstpart is the introduction, followed by the output from the driving factors, basic goals,path selection, effects assessment of American culture strategy, then analyzes Chinahow to cope with this strategy.. Through a comprehensive discussion of the fiveaspects, the paper constructs the analytical framework of American culture output research in the field of international cultural relations in the era of globalization.In the introductory part, the thesis takes globalization-economic globalization-cultural globalization-Americanization of globalization as fundamental analyticalclues to reveal the background of topic, to explain the theoretical and practicalsignificance of research on American foreign relations and global strategy from thecultural perspective. Then from two areas-foreign and domestic to review andintroduce the relevant research results, these researches provide valuable theoreticalresources and academic support. Importantly, this section starts with the concept ofculture in international relations, compares cultural output and cultural exchange,analyzes the basic qualities of cultural output, and finally defines the research sphere ofcultural output. In addition, this part includes the introduction of methods, contents andinnovations of the paper.Chapter1: The driving factor of American cultural output strategy. After the ColdWar, America’s cultural output is the combined result of a series of factors. Americanreligious consciousness and history of immigration development, forms the basicbackground of cultural change and American special national cultural traditions.Religious mission, racial superiority, the colonial expansion consciousness inAmerican history and modern characteristics of American culture form the historicorigin to drive American cultural output. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the endof Cold War, a series of new theoretical ideas emerged in the American theorists, inwhich some important American contemporary international cultural relations theorysuch as the end of history, the clash of civilizations, democratic peace and soft powerconstitute the theoretical origin of American cultural output. At the same time, the endof Cold War provides a new starting point for the United States to implement a globalstrategy of dominating the world. Globalization, changing world situation, support ofhard power constitute international and domestic environment for American cultural output.Chapter2: The basic objectives of American cultural output strategy. Theproduction, development and evolution of American culture has an unique background,some basic elements of American culture including Puritanism, individualism,liberalism, pragmatism have an important impact on American foreign policy.American cultural output strategy is a part of American value-oriented diplomacy. Thebasic goal of U.S. cultural output can be briefly summarized as political culture outputand popular culture output. The output of the political culture mainly refers to U.S.democracy export strategy. American-style democracy has its own shape andcharacteristics, exporting democracy also has specific meanings and qualities. Theentire U.S. foreign policy are built on the basis of theory of unipolar hegemony andhegemonic order, the output of democracy is placed in the central position and expandsglobally. American has the most developed popular culture in the world, highlydeveloped popular culture becomes a major component of American culture and majorcultural patterns of American society. American popular culture output is an effectivesupplement to the output of the political culture, is more effective mean to influenceother country’s public ideology, is a low-price, high-efficient software resources in theU.S. Diplomacy.Chapter3: The implementation path of American cultural output strategy. Afterthe Cold War, with the development of the international situation, the United Statesbegan to seek to expand globally through massive cultural output. Among them, thepublic diplomacy, media discourse, foreign cultural trade is the basic paths.Government-led public diplomacy, output culture through information campaigns andcultural projects. After the Cold War, the target country, content and objectives of U.S.Governments’ public diplomacy have a new extension. Dominated by the enterprise,media discourse got strong support from the U.S. government. Formation of U.S.multinational media and its international monopoly position won the right to speak for American media. In the production and spread of cultural products, Americanmultinational media explored proven methods on the content, technology andstrategies, pushed American culture to the world successfully through mature businessoperations. After years of development, American culture industry formed thecharacteristics of scale, technology, monopoly, internationalization and marketization,creating its powerful international competitiveness, and thus determining the basicpattern of American foreign cultural trade. The formulation and implementation of theAmerican cultural industrial policy support the development of cultural industries inthe United States. Global operations of multinational media companies in the UnitedStates achieve a global expansion of American mass culture through foreign culturaltrade.Chapter4: The effects evaluation of American cultural output strategy.American culture output influences multiple levels and fields of national, internationaland global. This chapter discusses three aspects such as the impact of cultural output toAmerica’s own development, to the pattern of international relations and to the processof globalization. From the perspective of impact on the United States’ wondevelopment, cultural output have a significant impact on the building of U.S. nationalimage and construction of soft power and hard power. This effect is positive overall,but also has a negative side. From the perspective of impact on international relationspattern, cultural output has a significant impact on the international political situation,international cultural relations and relations between big powers. Cultural outputstrengthened the super status of the U.S. in today’s one superpower and several greatpowers situation, formed multicultural coexistence under U.S. hegemony culturedominance, while the output of American culture also involves the vital interests of themajor powers, inevitably affecting relations between the U.S. and the European Union,the United States and Russia, the U.S. and China, thus affecting the whole pattern ofinternational relations. From the perspective of impact on the process of globalization,American cultural output constitutes the driving force of globalization, regulating thenature and direction of globalization process, deepening the contradictions in the process of globalization.Chapter5: The influence of American culture output on China-US relations andChina’s coping strategy. This chapter analyzes the dominant factor affecting theAmerican cultural output, the development trend of China-US relations, put forwardChina’s coping strategies. Characteristics of American imperialism, dominant positionof cultural output and the U.S. government’s foreign cultural policy are the leadingfactors to affect American cultural output in the future. Characteristics of Americancultural imperialism make the cultural output became inevitable, government’s foreigncultural policy determines and influences the specific objectives and strategy selection.American cultural foreign policy toward China adjust with the change of time, but thegeneral idea remained stable, is to change China’s ideology and social system.Post-Cold War U.S. foreign cultural policy toward China spread out in a wider range,gradually showing a trend of all-round development, the cultural output launched invarious areas, mainly showed in commercialization of cultural products export,expansion of educational and cultural exchanges and so on. Ideology and values aremore subtle factors in the post-Cold War American cultural output toward China. Fromthe angle of American cultural output and the development trend of Sino-US relations,changing the nature of the Chinese regime, exporting American democratic politicalsystem to China have always been U.S. strategic objectives. China’s coping strategiesare: understand the two sides of American cultural output correctly; concentrate on theheritage and innovation of national culture; promote Chinese culture to the world. Acorrect understanding of the two sides of American cultural output is the basic attitudeproblem to deal with American cultural output, concentrate on national culture heritageand innovation is the groundwork to deal with the output, to promote Chinese cultureto the world is the fundamental policy to deal with the American cultural export.Finally, the paper concludes, American cultural output strategy based on theproduction and development of American cultural historical background, somecontemporary international relations theory as its theoretical foundation, while theUnited States’ domestic and abroad environment also provides fertile soil for the development of this strategy. Typical elements of American culture have an importantimpact on its foreign policy, and the cultural output strategy is part of theirvalue-oriented diplomacy. Value-oriented diplomacy’s dominant and recessive factors-output of democracy and output of mass culture have become a core objective of U.S.cultural output strategy. American implements their cultural output strategy throughpaths such as public diplomacy, multinational media competing for the right to speakand foreign cultural industry which can also gain economic benefits. The influence ofAmerican cultural output strategy is enormous. Not only have a positive impact on itssoft and hard power, but also have an impact for enhancing America’s internationalimage and enhance the U.S. position in the international community and the UnitedStates relations with other major powers. As an important feature of the era ofglobalization, it also has an effect on the process of globalization. To China, the U.S.cultural output widely expanded in the commercial, cultural, and educational areas. Tolearn the essential attribute and the basic characteristics of American culture output, ishelpful to protect their cultural traditions and values, is helpful to maintain the nationalvalues and lifestyles, is helpful to protect uniqueness and autonomy of their ownideology. World should strive to resolve inter-State conflict caused by the culture, tobuild a harmonious and common development of international cultural relations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期