

Emissary Literature in the Song Dynasty

【作者】 陈大远

【导师】 沈文凡;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 宋代出使文学是宋代文学的重要组成部分,即使臣出使过程中诗、词、文作品的总称。这些作品是使臣出使全程、全貌的记录与叙述;是异国自然景物、乡风民俗的刻画与描摩;是思亲、思乡情感的流露与寄托;更是对国家前途及民族命运的焦虑与思考。本文共分为五章:第一章是宋代出使文学研究基础概述。首先对宋代出使文学概念的提出做了简要阐述。接下来介绍了宋代出使文学研究现状、宋代与周边国家的内政外交关系、使臣选派、出使行程及有关事宜。这是研究宋代出使文学的前提。文学是以语言文字为工具,形象化地反映客观现实,表现作家心灵世界的艺术。笔者所以把宋代使臣出使期间的文学作品冠以出使文学的概念,主要考虑其文学领域的特殊价值与地位。首先,宋代出使文学具有相同并特殊的创作主体,即每部作品的作者都是履行公职的宋朝要员。其次,宋代出使文学拥有相似且特定的创作客体,即每位作者都拥有大致相同的出使环境及实践体验。同时,宋代出使文学因创作主体深厚的文学功底加上特定历史时空的切身感受,叙事真实、客观,情感内涵厚重,特别是他们传达给读者的那种对两宋皇权日益衰落的悲哀与忧虑之情,具有极强的政治色彩及艺术感染力。总之,相同并特殊的创作主体,相似且特定的创作客体,加上作品内容的真实、诚挚,决定了宋代出使文学特殊的文学价值和历史地位。宋代出使文学研究,目前多限于出使行程录、出使诗、出使词,或某位使臣、某部作品的个体研究,本文试对宋代出使作品进行了总体归纳与梳理。研究宋代出使文学,离不开对宋王朝与周边国家关系的了解与分析,而宋与周边国家外交往来较为频繁的要算辽、金、西夏、高丽等国,尤其是辽与金。在两宋王朝三百多年的历史上,北宋与辽、南宋与金,始终争战不休,战争让双方尤其是宋付出巨大代价之后,又不得不到谈判桌上来解决问题。所以,无论激烈交战后的议和,还是和平对峙时的交往,使臣们都像通往周边国家的一座桥梁,不断的传递着友好、和睦与和平。尤其随着宋朝交聘礼仪的确立,对使臣的选派标准、交聘礼节、国书的书写、包括出使期间的衣着等都有明确规定。这些都为出使文学研究提供了基本脉络与素材。第二章是使臣出使行程录研究。宋代使臣完成出使任务回国,必须向朝廷上呈一份奏文,即出使行程录。出使行程录记载了出使途经地点、沿途路线、地形、里程,以及出使国家的典章制度、乡风民俗和双方就具体问题的交涉过程等。因历来官样文章不受重视,流传后世的很少。但这些行程录涉及政治、经济、民俗等社会生活的方方面面,是我们研究出使国家历史、风俗、文化的重要素材。政治方面,行程录中涉及一些关于宋金战争以及领土争端问题,虽不是很多,但可以一窥宋的内政外交形势。辽、金两国作为游牧民族,社会生产主要依赖于畜牧业,其贸易方式、税收方法、货币流通等关系经济发展的重要形式在制度和管理上严重缺失。高丽与其他周边国家相比社会文明程度稍高一些。透过出使行程录对周边国家的政治制度、经济管理、设施建筑等见闻记录,明显反映出这些周边民族与国家对唐宋一些先进领域的借鉴、移植和效仿。出使国家的饮食习惯与服饰特点、宗教信仰、历法等方面的资料行程录中也有记载。宋代出使行程录,与宋代出使诗、词相比,因属使臣的公职行为,有其鲜明的自身特点,即形式的规定性、内容的系统性、应用价值的广泛性等。第三章是宋代出使诗研究。宋代是诗歌创作的高峰时代,浓厚的创作氛围为出使诗的孕育、成熟提供了重要条件。宋代使臣大都文采出众,异域的见闻与别样的体验无法按捺他们的创作热情,使臣们在用各自的视角描摹异域景物、记录异族风情,叙述异国感受,同时也在诉说出使旅途的艰辛、寄托远离亲人的思念,表达国土破碎的忧虑。出使诗中的异国风光和风土人情是使臣们感触最深、感慨颇多之处。其中有对山川景物的细致描写,有对冰雪风沙的入微刻画,有对人文景观的追思凭吊,也有对民俗风情的真实记录。同时,远离国都与故土,使臣们牵挂的永远是那份难以割舍的亲情与乡情,而这些“情”是在寂寞艰难的旅程中生发的,是在传统佳节时升腾的,是在目睹南宋遗民们盼归中升华的。但同为出使诗,使辽诗与使金诗有一定差异,同在记录异国风情,但创作视角不同;同为思乡思君题材,使金诗承载的内容更丰厚;同是呼吁和平,预期国家统一的基调不尽相同。第四章是宋代出使词研究。宋代出使词与出使诗,都是两宋使臣的一组异国作品。面对迥异的自然环境、艰辛的出使旅程,一种难以名状的情感跃然纸上。通检《全宋词》,使臣的出使词作品数量很少。按现有词作内容,大至可分为咏物词、节序词、咏怀词三个方面。这些词作有很多相似之共性,即以咏物为载体、以思念为主题、以幽怨伤感为主基调。并且,这些作品与同时期的其他词作相比,多了一些无可奈何的忧愤,少了收复国土的信心与豪情壮志。第五章是宋代出使文学的意义。出使文学是宋代文坛上涌现出来的、具有鲜明时代特色的一类文学样式。这类文学样式包括出使行程录、出使诗和少量的出使词。出使文学作为宋代文学的一个重要组成部分,出使诗、词以其深邃的思想内涵,繁荣了宋代文坛,行程录在很大种程度上促进了“行记”文体的繁荣。同时,宋代出使文学的史料价值也不可小视。这些文学作品所记录的内容,大都是作者亲身经历和感受,虽然在文学成就上没有大的突破,但完全可供后人可查、可考。加之辽、金等国的史料缺乏而尤显珍贵,或者说在一定意义上弥补了我国历史上辽、金、高丽等国政治和军事资料之不足,也为研究宋代出使国的文化、风俗及当时的交通、地理状况提供了不可多得的史料。

【Abstract】 The ambassador literature is an important part of Song Dynasty literature, namely,the poetry, ci and literary works written by the ambassadors during their diplomaticmissions. These works are the record and recounting of the whole process andpanorama of the ambassadors’ missions; are the description of the exotic naturalscenery and local customs; are the display and placement of the ambassadors’ longingfor their relatives and hometown; are the concern and consideration of the nationalfuture and fate. This paper consists of five chapters:Chapter one is about the general introduction of the research basis of SongDynasty’s ambassador literature. It mainly introduces the research situation of SongDynasty’s ambassador literature, the internal policies and its diplomatic relationshipwith surrounding states of Song Dynasty, the selection of ambassadors and theroadmap of the missions. These are the prerequisite of the research on Song Dynasty’sambassador literature.As a literary form, the research material of Song Dynasty’s ambassador literatureare merely confined to the record of the missions, the poetry, ci or the specific studyon a diplomat’s mission, which means the lack of an overall induction andarrangement of the Song Dynasty’s literary works with ambassador poetry, ci andarticles included. The research on Song Dynasty’s ambassador literature is inseparablewith the research on Song Dynasty’s diplomatic relationship with its surroundingstates. Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Western Xia Dynasty and Korea were the countriesthat had a frequent diplomatic relationship with Song Dynasty, in particular LiaoDynasty, Jin Dynasty. In the history of Northern Song Dynasty and Southern SongDynasty that lasted for more than300years, Northern Song Dynasty and LiaoDynasty, Southern Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty was always in warring state. Whenboth of them paid grave cost for the wars, their rulers still returned to the negotiation table to resolve issues. So, diplomats were needed to be sent to other countries forliaison and mediation either for peace talks after a fierce combat or for normaldiplomatic relationship during peaceful conflicting period. As the symbol of peace,ambassadors always served as a bridge linking two countries’diplomatic relationship.Especially after the gradual establishment of Song Dynasty’s engagement etiquette,the standards of ambassadors’ selection, the engagement etiquette, the writing ofcredentials as well as the clothes during the mission were clearly fixed. Theseprovided basic thread of thought and material for the research on ambassadorliterature.Chapter two is about the research on the record of ambassadors’ roadmap. Whenthe ambassadors returned to Song Dynasty after they completed a mission, they mustsubmit a report to the court, namely the record of the mission, which included thedetailed places they had stopped, the roadmap, the terrain, the mileage, the laws andinstitutions, local customs and the negotiation of specific issue. The official articleswere not attached much importance traditionally, so there was few left to thefollowing generations. While these mission records involved politics, economy, folkcustoms and other aspects of social life, they were very valuable materials for ourresearch on the history, customs and culture of the countries where the ambassadorspaid diplomatic visit. In terms of politics, the content of the mission recordsmentioned some issues about Song—Jin wars and their territorial disputes. Thoughthe content was just a few, they can still serve for us to look at the internal anddiplomatic policies of Song Dynasty. As nomadic tribes, the social production of LiaoDynasty and Jin Dynasty were heavily reliant on livestock industry. And theireconomic developments were far from balance. The trade, tax collection, currencycirculation and other important forms related to economic development had gracedefects in terms of system and management. Korea was a bit more civilized thansurrounding states. By way of the mission records, the political systems, economicmanagement and architecture of surrounding states reflected their transplantation orimitation of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty. The diet habit, clothes feature, religiousbelief and calendar of the countries where the ambassadors paid visit were also recorded in the mission material. As their duty, recording the mission process wasuniform in form, systematic in content and widely valuable in application compared toambassador poetry and ci.Chapter three is about the research on ambassador poetry of Song Dynasty. Theambassador poetry was composed in the specific historical time when ambassadorswere sent to carry out diplomatic missions. From their own point of view, theambassadors expressed the difficulties of the mission, the longing for relatives andhometown and the concern of the split of the country while describing exotic naturalscenery, cultural landscape and their experience. In the ambassador poetry, exoticscenery and local conditions were the points where ambassadors released mostfeelings. Among the poetries, some were detailed describing natural beauty, somewere vivid reflect on natural conditions, some were memorial of cultural sites andsome were truthful record of local customs. The longing for relatives and hometownwere the very things that ambassadors unwillingly to abandon when they were sentout for diplomatic missions. But as ambassador poetry, it greatly differed in LiaoDynasty and Jin Dynasty. Ambassador poetry of Jin Dynasty carried more contentwith the same theme of longing for hometown. The same exotic beauty was addedinto the poetries, but different poetry had different point of view. They were eager forpeace, but they expressed in different manners.Chapter four is about the research on ambassador ci. Ambassador poetry andambassador ci were exotic pictures made by Song Dynasty’s ambassadors. Facing thecompletely different exotic environment and arduous mission journey, a kind ofunspeakable feeling would come over to the ambassadors. Looking through collectionof ci in Song Dynasty, very few ambassador ci were found. According to content ofpresent Song ci, the content can be roughly divided into three kinds: ci expressingone’s innermost feeling of a thing; ci expressing feeling on a specific festival and folkcustoms; ci expressing one’s feeling and aspiration. These ci had similar features:their themes were about expressing feeling of a thing, the longing for people and thelonging for hometown. Their content were about longing for relatives and hometown.But compared with ci in the same period, these ci had a touch of helpless indignation and sadness and lacked the confidence of retaking the fallen land and grandambitions.Chapter five is about the significance of ambassador literature of Song Dynasty.Ambassador literature was a kind of literary form in Song Dynasty with salientcharacteristics of age. It concluded a large number of ambassador poetry, someambassador ci and the record of diplomatic missions. These literary works not onlyfilled the vacancies of ambassador literature in Song Dynasty, but also had a positiveinfluence on literature’s development of Song Dynasty. Ambassador literature was animportant part of Song Dynasty literature. It greatly accelerated the blossom of ‘travelrecord’ as well as poetry of Song Dynasty with penetrating thoughts. Meanwhile, thevalue of ambassador literature as historical material can not be underestimated. Thecontent of these ambassador literature were personal experience of the ambassadors.Though no great breakthrough was made in literary achievement, but they can behelpful as reference. Adding the lack of historical material of Liao Dynasty and JinDynasty, they were particularly valuable. In other words, to some extent, they filledthe insufficiency of the political and military historical material of Liao Dynasty, JinDynasty and Korea. They can serve as irreplaceable material for the research on theculture and customs as well as transportation and geographic conditions of thesurrounding countries.

【关键词】 宋代使臣出使诗出使词行程录
【Key words】 The Song DynastyEmissariesEmissary PoemsEmissary VersesTravelogues
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期