

Research on Sereval Issuses of Generator/Motor Starting with SFC during Forced Commutation

【作者】 陶大军

【导师】 戈宝军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 电机与电器, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 发电电动机静止变频器起动过程的研究是一个涉及电力电子控制理论与电机动态分析理论的综合问题。由于静止变频器起动系统容量大、结构复杂,同时要考虑到与发电电动机及电网的配合影响,而起动过程的强迫换流阶段又是成功起动的重要环节,关于此阶段相关问题的研究对提升起动系统稳定性和设备的国产化具有理论意义和工程实用价值。本文详细分析了国内外关于发电电动机起动、静止变频器控制、运行等相关问题研究的文献,论述了发电电动机起动相关问题的国内外发展状况,分析了发电电动机静止变频器起动强迫换流过程研究中存在的问题,指出了已有文献研究中的不足,确定了论文的主要研究内容。在分析发电电动机静止变频器起动系统结构特点的基础上,阐述了起动系统各部分组成构件的功能,并对起动过程中静止转子位置的检测方法和起动过程磁动势的转动特性进行了分析,进而对发电电动机静止变频器起动强迫换流阶段电磁转矩的产生机理进行了详细说明。通过对发电电动机静止变频器起动常规停机位置转子初始位置确定方法的研究及导通控制方案的分析,提出了针对发电电动机特定停机位置初始导通方案的起动控制问题,并通过起动初始时刻定子绕组感应电压的分析,指出了具体的特定停机位置点。经过对特定停机位置不同导通控制方案对应电磁转矩的有限元计算,提出了针对特定停机位置点的导通控制方案,实验验证了特定停机位置点的存在及导通控制方案的正确性,完善了发电电动机静止变频器起动控制理论。分析了发电电动机静止变频器起动强迫换流过程的换相特点,建立了强迫换流阶段电枢电流换相过程的精确计算模型,分别计算了基于简化模型和精确模型的电流谐波特性,指出了简化模型存在的不足。在此基础上,推导出了基于精确计算模型的定子磁动势和电磁转矩的表达式,分析了强迫换流过程中定子磁动势和电磁转矩的谐波特性,并通过某发电电动机静止变频器起动强迫换流过程的有限元计算,验证了精确模型和谐波特性分析的正确性,解决了静止变频器系统滤波装置设计中谐波准确计算的问题。针对发电电动机静止变频器起动系统特点,提出了基于定转子磁场匹配抑制电机内谐波的方法,并通过对强迫换流阶段不同位置定转子磁动势匹配系数的计算,找出了电机内磁场畸变与定转子磁场匹配系数的变化规律,为发电电动机静止变频器起动系统容量的选择提供了新的思路。总结分析了发电电动机静止变频器起动系统的故障类型,通过对静止变频器逆变桥臂断路故障时磁动势的研究,提出了逆变桥一桥臂断路容错运行的可行性,建立了发电电动机静止变频器起动时步有限元模型,在实验验证时步有限元模型的基础上,对静止变频器逆变桥一支路桥臂断路起动过程进行了有限元计算,得到了不同时刻故障后转速、转矩的变化规律,验证了逆变桥一支路桥臂断路容错能力。根据故障时刻转子位置提出了改进容错导通控制方案,有限元计算结果验证了改进方案的有效性,并根据故障前后定子绕组感应电势的特点,提出了逆变桥断路故障诊断方法,为静止变频器可控硅状态监测提供了新的检测途径。论文研究内容为我国大容量静止变频器起动系统的研制开发提供了理论参考,对发电电动机安全、稳定、高效运行具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 The research on the starting process of generator/motor with static frequencyconverter (SFC) is a synthesis problem, which involves power electronic controland electro machine dynamic analysis theory. As the high capacity and complexcomposition of SFC starting system, and on account of the coordinate influenceof generator/motor and power grid, meanwhile the forced commutaion is aimportant link of successful starting process, the investigation of the relatedproblems during the forced commutation starting process are with theoreticalsignificance and practical value in engineering to improve the stability andlocalization of starting system equipment.In this dissertation, some documents about the starting process ofgenerator/motor, control and operation of SFC at home and abroad were analyzed,the development state of the related issues about the generator/motor startingwere also discussed, the problems existing in the forced commutation startingprocess were analyzed and the shortcomings of the published paper research werepoint out, then the main study content of this destination were confirmed.On the basis of the analysis of the structure characteristics of generator/motorSFC starting system, the functions of starting system components wereexpounded and the detection method of static rotor position and rotatedcharacteristic of magnetic motive force during starting process were analyzed,and then the production mechanism of electromagnetic torque forgenerator/motor during forced commutation starting process with SFC wereexplained in detail.Based on the investigation and analysis of the initial rotor position determiningmethod and converter control program for the normal stopping location for generator/motor starting with SFC, the starting control problem of initialconverter program for the special stopping position of generator/motor wasproposed. And through the analysis of stator winding induction voltages of initialstarting moment, the specific special stop position was pointed out. After that, theelectromagnetic torque with different converter control program for the specificstopping location was calculated with finite element method, and then theconverter control program for the specific location was proposed, the existence ofthe specific position and the correctness of the converter control program wereverified with experiment. Finally, the starting control theory of generator/motorstarting with SFC was improved.The current commutation characteristic during the forced commutation ofgenerator/motor starting with SFC was analyzed, and the accurate calculationmodel in the armature current commutation process for the forced commutationstage was established, furthermore, the current harmonic characteristics werecalculated based on the simplified model and accurate model respectively, and theshortcoming of the simplified model was pointed out. In this foundation, theexpressions of stator magnetic motive force and electromagnetic force werededuced based on the current accurate calculation model, and the harmonic ofstator magnetic motive force and electromagnetic torque in the process of forcedcommutation was analyzed. In addition, the forced commutation starting processwith SFC of a generator/motor prototype was calculated with FEM, the results ofwhich verified the validity of the current accurate calculation model and theanalysis of harmonic characteristics. So the accurate calculations of harmonic forfilter design of static frequency converter system were solved. According to thecharacteristic of SFC starting system for generator/motor, the approach wasproposed to suppress the harmonics in generator/motor based on the match ofstator and rotor magnetic motive force, and then the variation of generator/motormagnetic field distortion and match coefficient of stator and rotor MMF wasfound through the calculation of matching coefficient when the rotor located ondifferent position during forced commutation, which provides a new idea for thechoice of SFC starting system for generator/motor.Fault models of SFC starting system for generator/motor were summarized andanalyzed, and the fault-tolerant operation feasibility was proposed by means of the investigation of the magnetic motive force with an open bridge of SFCinverter bridge. And then the time-step FEM model of generator/motor startingwith SFC was established and verified with experimental tested results, after that,the starting process of generator/motor starting with an open bridge of SFCinverter bridge was calculated with time-step FEM, and the variation of speedand electromagnetic torque according to the open bridge fault at different timeswere obtained, the fault-tolerant with an open arm of SFC inverter bridge wasverified. Meanwhile, the improved fault-tolerant converter control program wasproposed on the basis of the rotor position at different times, and the validity ofthe improved control program was verified with the FEM calculation results.Besides, the diagnostic method of SFC with an open arm fault of inverter bridgewas proposed in accordance with the characteristic analysis of stator windinginduced voltages after inverter bridge fault, and a new detection mean wasprovided for the thyristor condition monitoring of SFC.Investigation contents of this thesis are able to provide some theory referencesfor the research and development of China’s large capacity SFC starting system,and there is important practical significance to the generator/motor safety, stable,efficient operation.
