

A Study on the Transplanting Models of Chinese University

【作者】 李学丽

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 模式移植是世界大学发展史上的一种普遍存在的现象。一个国家大学模式的形成往往借鉴国际大学模式。许多高等教育制度的后发国家的近代大学就是产生在模式移植的过程中,中国大学也不例外。随着改革开放的不断推进,国际化、全球化趋势的不断加强,知识经济的不断发展,国际间的文化碰撞逐渐增多,我国高等教育越来越面临更多新形势、新机遇和新挑战。模式移植对于中国大学发展也变得更加普遍,更加重要。而且,在模式移植的过程中,中国大学也不可避免地产生了诸多亟待解决的问题。时至今日,一批中国大学已经迎着21世纪新的曙光陆续迈入了百年老校的门槛,但它在创办伊始乃至今日形成和不断生成的缺陷和不足,有多少得到确诊,多少得到医治,至今还是问号。论从史出,知古可以通今。历史的最大用处就是让我们更加清楚地明白过去,由此使我们更加清醒地面对现在与走向未来。研究中国大学的模式移植历程对于诊断和解决高等教育存在的问题,促进中国大学的健康发展具有十分重要的意义。本研究从历史的视角梳理中国大学的百年“模式移植”历程,认识中国大学模式移植历程中发生的变化与规律,总结其发展的经验教训,为中国大学模式的选择与形成寻找证据支撑,并进一步提出相应的对策和建议,以期能对中国高等教育的改革和发展有所裨益。具体来讲,本研究主要由以下四章组成:第一章,建国以前,中国大学在近代化历程中主要学习和借鉴了日本大学模式、德国大学模式和美国大学模式。此阶段,中国大学承载着国家、社会和民族对它们的期望——教育救国,挽救民族危亡的重任。当西方的坚船利炮逐渐地将中华民族置于“风口浪尖”之时,清政府决绝地废弃书院,盲目地模仿西方——兴建学堂。此后,中国大学对于每一种模式的移植,基本上都是盲目的全盘照搬,以至于各种模式的移植处于频繁的转换之中,即使也曾出现过“典范”,但最后还是无果而终。这为我们留下了深刻的经验教训。近代中国大学的模式移植是其“睁眼看世界”的开端,为我国高等教育带来新的气息,开启了中国高等教育制度近代化之门。但是,更为值得我们关注的是其发展历程留下的深刻教训:西方大学理念的真谛——大学自治和学术自由理念成为模式移植中的“遗珠”;书院精神——大学人文主义精神和大学批判精神成为模式移植的附属“牺牲品”。这也是中国大学发展亟需吸取的要素。第二章,建国以后至改革开放以前,在建国之初的特殊背景下,中国大学先是全盘照搬了苏联大学的模式。中国人民大学和哈尔滨工业大学两所试点院校的调整,揭开了中国移植苏联大学模式的序幕;随后,中国大学进入了全国性的院系调整时期;模仿苏联进行高等教育体制改革和教学改革。经过一系列的院系调整和改革,很多大学元气大伤。随着中苏关系的破裂,中国大学进入了自我封闭与独立探索阶段,主要经历了“大跃进”,调整、巩固、提高时期和“文化大革命”三个时期。在此过程中,中国大学改革遭遇了一系列失败,大大延误了改革和发展的进程。这一阶段中国大学模式移植历程的封闭性和保守性使其付出了沉重的代价,从反面说明大学的模式移植是普遍存在的,在我国大学改革和发展时期,自我封闭是行不通的。我们必须学习和借鉴其他国家的先进经验,但是不能全盘照搬,关键在于模式移植要具有适切性。第三章,改革开放后,我国的大学依然走模式移植的路线,继续从国外汲取有益的办学经验。改革开放初期到20世纪末,中国大学主要向美国学习,包括以下两个阶段。第一阶段,在重点大学建设的浪潮下,“复归”美国大学模式。主要表现在:一是提高科学研究在高校的地位,掀起重点大学建设的浪潮;二是调整高等教育结构,提高重点大学的办学质量。第二阶段,在高水平大学建设的战略下,中国大学继续走美国路线。主要表现在:一是围绕高水平大学建设的观念模仿及借鉴,先后进行了院校合并,扩大高校招生,掀起大学城建设等。二是围绕高水平大学建设的现代大学制度模仿及借鉴,进一步扩大了高校办学自主权,实施并完善了校长负责制。最后特别介绍了“世界一流大学”建设的传承及借鉴,指出“世界一流大学”既是我国高校发展自主探索活动的延续,同时也积极借鉴美国大学的先进经验,直接引进了世界一流大学的建设经验,建设世界一流大学排行榜。历史跨入21世纪,中国大学发展也进入新的阶段。在高水平大学建设引领下,中国高等教育发展呈现多元化及多样化趋向。首先,美国的影响依然不可忽视:借鉴美国通识教育理念,实施素质教育;高校社会服务职能的沿袭与借鉴。其次,探讨了正在如火如荼开展的开放大学建设。指出开放大学是以中国原有的广播电视大学为基础,主要借鉴英国开放大学模式,在办学理念、办学结构、教学运行模式以及办学体制结构四个方面实现嬗变与超越的结果。最后,以英国诺丁汉大学和美国纽约大学为案例阐明了中国全面移栽外国大学模式——包括制度、理念、师资等的成功。改革开放后,中国大学的模式移植已从“盲从”变为根据本国发展需要有鉴别地学习外国高等教育中的先进内容,面对外来影响已越来越“自觉”,而不再处于“自在”状态,发生了明显和深刻的变化:政治色彩的逐渐转淡与“以人为本”的持续升温;渐别单一、保守与走向开放多元;内外因逐渐走向和谐统一。但是,一系列变化背后依然残存着一些“顽疾”:育人本质依然薄弱、科学研究存在异化、社会服务渐趋越位、对美国大学模式的过分依恋。第四章,试着从模式移植的历程及经验教训来审视当代中国大学模式的选择,并提出相应的对策和建议。本章结合当前高等教育面临的新形势,新任务,以中国大学的模式移植历程及其经验教训为基础来审视中国大学模式的选择与形成,并提出相应的对策和建议:西方经典大学理念——大学自治和学术自由理念的吸收是中国大学模式形成的核心要素;书院精神——人文精神和批判精神的坚守是中国大学模式形成无法逾越的文化根基;超越自我、开拓创新——国际化与本土化的融合统一,人与社会的协调发展是中国大学模式形成的必要路径。这给予了我国大学模式形成中实存的困惑和潜在的茫然非常清晰的注脚,也希望能为我国高等教育的未来发展燃起一盏明灯。本研究主要采用文献法、历史法、比较法等研究方法。

【Abstract】 Transplanting model is a common phenomenon in the history of world universities. The formation of a national university model often draw international university model. Many modern university in countries whose higher education system is produced in the process of transplanting model. Chinese university are no exception. With the continuous progress of reform and opening up, the continuous strengthening of the internationalization and globalization, the continuous development of the knowledge economy, the gradually increased international cultural collisions, higher education in China is facing increasingly more new situation, new opportunities and new challenges. For the development of Chinese university, transplanting model will become more common and also more important. Moreover, in the course of transplanting model, Chinese university are inevitably generated a lot of problems. Today, a number of Chinese universities has entered the century old school threshold in the dawn of the21st century. But Chinese university has many defects and chronic disease since they are built and later formed, which are diagnosed, which were healed, remains a question mark. Getting wisdom from the history, we can solve today’s problem through it. The great use of history is to make us more clearly understand the past, so we face the present and move into the future more clearly. the research about the course of transplanting model of Chinese university has great significance to diagnose and solve the problems of higher education, promote the healthy development of Chinese university. In this study, combing the course of transplanting models of Chinese university of hundred years from a historical perspective, getting the changes and rules about the transplanting model of Chinese university, Summarizing the experiences and lessons of its development, and providing evidence to support the formation of model of Chinese university and proposing policies and proposals, so that it can be beneficial to the reform and development of higher education in China. Specifically, this research mainly consists of the following four chapters:In the first chapter, before the founding of the nation, Chinese university takes a major learn from Japanese university model, German university model and American university model in the course of modernization. At this stage, Chinese university carried the hope of the state, society and the nation-"education Salvation", the task of saving the nation from peril. When the western gunboats gradually placed China in the "cusp", the Qing government outrightly discarded academy and blindly imitated the West to build school. Since then, China is basically a blind copy for every national university models, so that the various models of transplanting are in frequent conversion, although have appeared "model", but in the end still "fruitless".This left us with profound experiences and lessons. The Transplanting model of Chinese modern university is the beginning of "Opening eyes to Word", brings new breath to higher education in China, opens the door of the modernization of Chinese higher education system. But more worthy of our attention are profound lessons which the course of transplanting model of Chinese university left us:the essence of the university of Western philosophy-the concept of university autonomy and academic freedom is the "dropped Pearl" in the transplanting model; The Academy Spirit-University humanistic spirit and critical spirit of the university became the "subsidiary victim" in the transplanting model. These are also an urgent need to learn elements for Chinese university development.In the second chapter, Between the founding of the nation and the reform and opening up and in the special context of the initial stage of New China, Chinese university first completely copy the Soviet Union University Model. Renmin University of China and Harbin Institute of Technology were experimental schools whose adjustment raised the curtain on the transplanting Soviet university model; and then, Chinese university entered upon a period of nationwide college-adjustment; following the Soviet model to start Higher Education system reform and teaching reform. After a series of adjustments and reforms to the departments, many universities sapped their vitality. With the split of the relation between China and Soviet Union, Chinese university got into self-enclosed and self-exploration phase. And it primarily experienced three stages of "the Great Leap Forward", the period of readjustment、consolidation and raising standard and "cultural revolution". In this process, the reform of Chinese university suffered a series of failures, severely delayed the process of reform and development.In this stage, because the closed and conservative of the course of transplanting model of Chinese university, it paid a heavy price which shows that transplanting model of Chinese university is necessary and appropriateness from opposite side, Self-isolation is not feasible. We must learn from the advanced experience of other countries, but can not completely copy, the key is to have the transplanting model appropriateness.In the third chapter, since reform and opening up, Chinese university still persist in the route of transplanting model, continue to draw useful lessons from advanced countries’ university. Between the beginning of reform and opening up and the end of the twentieth century, Chinese university primarily learned from American, and this period is divided into two stages. The first stage, under the impacts of major universities’construction wave,"reset" to American university model. The main shows are:one is to advance the status of scientific research in universities, set off a wave of the construction of key university; two is to adjust the structure of higher education, improve the teaching quality in the key universities. The second phase, in the strategy of building high-level university, Chinese university continue to persist in American route. The main shows are:one is to carry on the activity of merger of institutions, expand university enrollment, set off the construction of university town around the imitation and learning about the conception of building high-level university; two s to further enlarge the autonomy of the higher education institutions, implement and improve the principal responsibility around the imitation and learning of the system of high-level universities building. Finally, introducing the inheritance and reference about the "construction of the world first-class university", that "world first-class university" is both a continuation of our own universities’exploration activities, and also learning from the advanced experience of American universities actively, introducing the building experience in world first-class universities directly and building a world first-class university rankings. Since the21st century, the development of Chinese university has entered a new stage, under the guidance of a high level university building, the development of higher education in china has shown the pluralism and diversification trend. Firstly, the impact of American still can not be ignored: Referencing American idea of general education, implementing the quality education; the inheritance and reference of university social service functions. Secondly, discussing the building of Open University which is like a raging fire. pointing out that Open University is based on China’s radio and television university and primarily use experience of the UK Open University model, and then getting to the evolution and transcendence in four aspects of educational philosophy, educational structure, teaching model of operation and structure of the school system. Finally, Exploring that the overall Transplanting model of Chinese University which include in system, philosophy, teachers, etc are successful taking the university of Nottingham in Ningbo and New York university in Shanghai as a case.The transplanting model has changed from the "blind obedience" to having identification in accordance with national development needs to learn advanced foreign higher education content since the reform and opening up. It has been more and more "conscious" rather than in a "comfortable" state in the face of foreign influence. The obvious and profound changes have taken place:its politics is more and more weak and "people-oriented" continues to heat up; farewelling single, conservative and toward opening, pluralistic; its internal and external causes gradually harmony. However, a series of changes still remnants some "chronic illness":the essence of education is still weak, and scientific research exists alienation, social services becoming offside and it has a heavy reliance on the American university model.The fourth chapter which tries to examine the formation of the model of Chinese university according to the course and lessons of transplanting model of Chinese university.With the new situation and new tasks that higher education currently facing, examining the choose of the model of Chinese university based on the course of transplanting model of Chinese university and its lessons and providing corresponding countermeasures and suggestions:The Western Classical Ideas of University-the absorbing of the concept of university autonomy and academic freedom is the key element of the formation of the model of Chinese university;"The Academy Spirit"-Adhering to the university humanistic spirit and critical spirit of the university is the cultural roots which the fomiation of the model of Chinese university is insurmountable; beyond the" self "and innovation-the integration of internationalization and localization unified, coordinated development of man and society is the path of the formation of the model of Chinese university. This gives the clearer answer for the existential confusion and potential loss which exists in the formation of the model of Chinese university, also hopes to ignite a beacon for the future development of the higher education in China.This research methods used in this study mainly include literature, history, comparison.
